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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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The best scum player on EWB is MPH bar none. His performance in DC Mafia was nothing short of magnificent bastard status.

He played well but not that well. When I re-read it a while ago I found it strange that people thought it was exceptional or something.

And FFS, GoGo's awesomeness? He just protected me and was immune from night-kills, I did all the work. >_<

I don't actually remember the game. I just decided like everyone else does to assume GoGo is awesome

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*is left out of discussion* :crying:

You people are terrible for leaving out oldskool, the guy nearly was able to take a sure town victory in Webcom III and turn it into a instant-win during that last night turn. Then, despite not being able to, he STILL won with the town.

Granted, MPH not only was able to kill off a prominent town character and not be put under suspicion for it, but he was able to claim vigilante for an entire game and kill at his leisure without anyone questioning him until the very end, and even then, he probably still would have kept going strong for another turn or two if GoGo hadn't targeted him that night.

GoGo edged them out as game MVP simply because of his jaw-dropping luck and luck only. The guy was like a machine for the town that refused to falter in his luck. Still, when it comes to actual skill, oldskool and MPH were the best players in that game. It was amazing watching them work their magic.

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Actually, even if GoGo HAD targetted me, I still could have gotten away with it - HE ROLLED A TWO, I ROLLED A ONE OUT OF TWENTY. <_<

I was on the verge of tears from laughing when I saw you roll a one. That was, like, one of the worst roles I've ever seen, and you made it at the worst possible time, too. I thought GoGo had shit luck that particular night compared to the nights past, but oh no, apparently he didn't :lol:

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Guest Mr. Pumpkin Head

Man, Canadian Historical Figures Mafia would be awesome.

You are William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canada-Aligned Long-Term Prime Minister. Each night, you may PM me with the name of one dead player. You will then hold a seance and be able to discern that player's night ability.

You are Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Canada-Aligned King of Trudeaumania. Each night, you may PM me with a link to one post. You will then use your lip-reading skills (after all, you know you really said "fuddle duddle") to discern whether or not that post contained truth.

And the secondary Mafia would consist of Louis Riel, Riel-Aligned Metis Leader, Louis Riel, Riel-Aligned MP For Red River[/colour], and Louis Riel, Riel-Aligned Guy In Exile In The US. If one dies, they all die.

Nobody knows what I'm talking about. :shifty:

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Guest Mr. Pumpkin Head

King was PM for something like 15 years, including all of WW2. He also liked to hold seances to contact his mother, Franklin Roosevelt, and former PM Wilfred Laurier.

Trudeau was PM for almost all of the 1970s and once did a pirouette behind the Queen's back.

Riel was listed as "Greatest Hero", "Greatest Villain", and "Provincial Mascot" in the Manitoba section of the book "How to be a Canadian".


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GoGo edged them out as game MVP simply because of his jaw-dropping luck and luck only. The guy was like a machine for the town that refused to falter in his luck.

I lost to a fucking Ctrl+Alt+Del character in WCM I, dammit. I deserved that absurdly good luck.

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Man, Canadian Historical Figures Mafia would be awesome.

You are William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canada-Aligned Long-Term Prime Minister. Each night, you may PM me with the name of one dead player. You will then hold a seance and be able to discern that player's night ability.

You are Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Canada-Aligned King of Trudeaumania. Each night, you may PM me with a link to one post. You will then use your lip-reading skills (after all, you know you really said "fuddle duddle") to discern whether or not that post contained truth.

And the secondary Mafia would consist of Louis Riel, Riel-Aligned Metis Leader, Louis Riel, Riel-Aligned MP For Red River[/colour], and Louis Riel, Riel-Aligned Guy In Exile In The US. If one dies, they all die.

Nobody knows what I'm talking about. :shifty:

<_< I did.

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I liked watching Stephen Fry yesterday talking to a guy from Minnesota who said "you have to be pretty crazy to live this far north" and thinking "lol, Canada".

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I like how I don't play enough games while, out of the 5 presently running, I'm currently alive in 3 and dead in DCD <_<

I only play in role games that have roles I'm familiar with. Makes me feel big.

Also, lol great idea oldskool, somebody open up notepad for me as work begins on Mike Tyson's Punchout Mafia :D

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4, the number of aces in a legal deck. But your avatar only has three! I call scum.

Ace Andrews ALWAYS carries the fourth ace up his sleeve, oldskool. ALWAYS.

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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