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No, I give people I don't care for shit roles. Usually anyways.



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No, I give people I don't care for shit roles. Usually anyways.

The prosecution would like to present MPH as Exhibit A.

The Prosecution enters Ace as Exhibit B. In my last two Ruki ran Mafias I've had a) Mason with No Ability and b) ...well, you'll see. Only good thing is at least I KNOW who my charrie is.

Edited by ---Ace Andrews---
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Ruki gives me whatever character I want because Ruki and I are tight like spandex.

Except the one time he made me wheat germ.

We weren't tight then.

And Ace, you two faced bastard! You told me you liked your character and that *character* was cool! :crying:

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Remember kids: selecting your roles by any method other than randomly leading to unnecessary WIFOMing, ruins your games and makes you worse than Satan.

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I pick most roles randomly, but sometimes someone either gets a role they request/express interest in (Be getting Just Joe in Jobber Mafia III) or a role that I think they'd be fun in (Pleatherface as The Tick was set up basically because I thought I could count on Pleather for some quality gimmick posting... and then he got killed on the first night). But yeah, random mostly all the way.

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Oh man, that was just classic. Norro needs to be Mafia more often, just so he can help the town :D

Ace, you realize that by offing the SK, I protect my mob buddies from getting hit by him as well. It isn't helping the town, it's working out the best interests for my boys. They might kill GoGo tonight, or they might kill someone else and let the town waste a lynch getting rid of GoGo now that they KNOW he's the SK.

Think about it, how much did it really help you guys in the end? GoGo may or may not kill someone during the night turn, probably will kill a townie, and my guys might just kill someone else and let you guys take care of GoGo for them. Fun stuff :D

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It raises an interesting point though - is it good scum play to night-kill a serial killer if they identify him? It probably depends on what point of the game you're at and whether you can feasibly get them lynched. I reckon if you can't easily manoeuvre a lynch then it's probably best just to ignore the SK for a while, unless your scum guys are prominent in the thread and possibly night-kill targets. The later in the game you get the higher the chances are that the SK will take out scum players and the more necessary it becomes to take him out. Having multiple night-kills going on always makes things more confusing and that probably harms the town more than the scum. If there are multiple scum groups in the game then I'd definitely say the SK should be left alive.

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Scummies should never leave SKs alive - or, indeed, anyone with a kill that might be used on them. The Mafia always have a numbers disadvantage and they need to make every man count. It's way too risky leaving open the chance that they might lose a player through sheer chance.

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I noticed two things in my last two (serious) mafias.

In Smash and MARIO, Norro was not town. (as pointed out earlier)

In Smash and MARIO, LCS was killed night one.

Yes but you also leave out that Norro was not town in both Anime mafias, nor was he town in any other games you've ran that I may or may not be forgetting >_>

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I noticed two things in my last two (serious) mafias.

In Smash and MARIO, Norro was not town. (as pointed out earlier)

In Smash and MARIO, LCS was killed night one.

Yes but you also leave out that Norro was not town in both Anime mafias, nor was he town in any other games you've ran that I may or may not be forgetting >_>

I ran: Anime Mafia (you were so close :(), Food Mafia, Smash Mafia, Random Rules, and now MARIO.

I think you missed Food and RR.

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I noticed two things in my last two (serious) mafias.

In Smash and MARIO, Norro was not town. (as pointed out earlier)

In Smash and MARIO, LCS was killed night one.

Yes but you also leave out that Norro was not town in both Anime mafias, nor was he town in any other games you've ran that I may or may not be forgetting >_>

I ran: Anime Mafia (you were so close :(), Food Mafia, Smash Mafia, Random Rules, and now MARIO.

I think you missed Food and RR.

I KNOW!!! It still bugs me from time to time, I had everything just the way I wanted it to go after nearly losing face thanks to the Elrics being mafia, and Robster wound up not buying my story in the end. Freakin' Ichigo and his nine lives... if he just died when I wanted him to, I'd have had it all taken care of by then >_<

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STILL. Between him not dying properly and the Elric brothers being mafia, I was pretty much screwed over by the system, maaaan >_>

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I KNOW!!! It still bugs me from time to time, I had everything just the way I wanted it to go after nearly losing face thanks to the Elrics being mafia, and Robster wound up not buying my story in the end. Freakin' Ichigo and his nine lives... if he just died when I wanted him to, I'd have had it all taken care of by then >_<

Robster was well dead by the end of the game. He was the first one I offed after you tried to kill me cause nobody would believe me when I was saying the fucker was mafia. I was of course right.

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