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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Why complain that Neil 'jumped the queue'? There is no queue.

Fuck off, TEOL. There's a gentleman's agreement around here. Just because you have such a phenomenal ego that you feel that you get to skip the queue at will, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

There is no queue?



Then why did I take a number?


Because you're one of those "good people" types, FD :P

In that case, I'm starting sign-ups later tonight. :)

It's almost as if my discussion with RW never happened. <_<

Then maybe it's time for a revote. That was back when Zan was in charge. Now no one's in charge. That's not exactly an incentive to stick to those rules.

Once again, anyone who isn't being a douche about it is at least trying to stick to the rules that were once in place. You could...you know...try it some time.

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Why complain that Neil 'jumped the queue'? There is no queue.

Fuck off, TEOL. There's a gentleman's agreement around here. Just because you have such a phenomenal ego that you feel that you get to skip the queue at will, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

BUT IT DOESN'T. There is no queue! There is no list! A 'gentleman's agreement' is not a list! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

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Just to weigh in on the mafia limit debate; I know that on the surface, logic seems to dictate that the more games there are, the less activity there is, but it's nowhere near as bad as people seem to make out. Super Smash Bros Mafia and Jobber Mafia III were running at the same time, and they're two of the more active games I've seen. Much more likely to make an impact on a game's success is who has a good role, whether the type of people who can usually spark interest in a game are satisfied, and night action results/roleclaims. I know that whether I'm in two games or five games, I'll take an active interest in games that excite me and shun those that don't.

It's not as if we don't bitch people out whenever they open sign-ups for a game if there's a few games going, anyway. And games run by people like Neil always fail with the "elite" guys here. At times it seems that if you're not a decent-good player, your opinion on other stuff doesn't matter.

And I'll sign up for SBTB Mafia here. Since I can see those sign-ups going quickly and I'm not in the right timezone to sit here and wait for the thread to go up.

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