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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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We had a list for all of five minutes, then we realised it didn't work, and started going "Hey guys, I'm running this tomorrow, any objections? No? K. Signups in Seventh Side, go :@"

I feel this system works.

The list worked when Zan was doing it and we all took it seriously, but we should be able to trust people to roughly know what's going on at any one time without resorting to Nazi modding. Neil throws doubt on this though.

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See, this is why I hate you all.

I'm not saying the game won't suck or anything - it will, assuredly - but using 'because we say so' as the rule and being smug about it is pathetic.

Edited by The Evil Overlord
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Why complain that Neil 'jumped the queue'? There is no queue.

Because we have to have a queue or a limit if people are going to decide to run a game when there are seven already running. If people have no fucking common sense then there has to be something to make it obvious what can and can't be done.

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That's what this is proof of. People before were complaining because we were trusting people who run games to have a general idea of what games are upcoming and how many games you can sensibly run at time. We weren't saying 'you haven't consulted the almighty LIST,' we were saying that there are several people who have already said that they want to run games when others finish.

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Basically, it comes down to this (for me): if one person doesn't have to wait, why are we making others (like FD or C-MIL) wait?

Perhaps this all just comes down to confusion, but I'd like to know where things stand, one way or another. I've got nothing against Neil at all, and was merely trying to be helpful, even if I failed. I hope the game goes well.

Back on point, whatever keeps mafia as a general concept thriving on EWB is what I'm all for.

EDIT: On an unrelated note, why does EWB seem to be unavailable for at least a half hour at a time, seemingly every day? That's gettin' old.

Edited by Josh-oo-wuh
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If you don't want to play in Neil's game, don't sign up. Simple as that. If it means he doesn't get enough sign-ups, the game dies in utero and problem solved. If not, then it runs and people not supporting it can happily ignore while those that want to play can play.

Yes, but there's a limited pool of players who take part in this game and even if it's only 10-15 people that sign up for a game it means that other games will get less activity and be more confusing. Some people (not me) who've put a lot of work into their games want to make sure that their games get done properly and don't die because the attention of players is divided between 8 simultaneous games. Even when there are 5 going at once it means that all of the games suffer because you can get confused between what happened in one game and another. The balance is that we need to have a few games going on so that people who miss out on one or two, or die early, can still have some mafia goodness.

There's no point even making this an issue of Law because there isn't a full-time mod here. There are a lot of of people who run games and want to abide by the 'roughly 5 at a time' rule so that all the games have a good chance of staying active and being done justice. If a lot of people are voluntarily choosing to follow this pattern and have to wait to run their game then it's frustrating that someone opens sign-ups without bothering to read that others have decided to wait.

We all, players and game mods, agreed that roughly 5 games at a time was the best for everyone. It's not a dictatorship by a minority of people waiting to run a game, it's a rule of thumb for what's best for the Cube.

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Instead of creating some arbitrary number of games the Game Cube can sustain at one time, why not let people decide that for themselves? I'm in four currently. That's about my limit, but who's to say somebody else can't take on more?

I still say if the people "humoring" Neil wouldn't do so, the problem solves itself. Sure, the neighborly thing to do would've been to post in here and gauge interest for his idea, but whatever.

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