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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Also lol, Neil.

Did I miss (or forget) something again?

Yeah, I don't understand either.

Neil started sign-ups with no announcement for what appears to be a fairly ridiculous Stable Mafia. It's in the Seventh Side. Go there so I don't have to link it.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
After a finish DBZ (My first finished game) I plan on doing a completely fictional mafia and treat it kind of as a wrestling excerise with bigger updates and such. Should be fun, but I want it to be like pretty decent.

Really? You told me you wanted it to be a writing exercise, not a wrestling one. :shifty:

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Is that really what you do for fun Ruki? Diss other peoples Mafias? Instead, why don't you get a life and do something productive with it? Like stop bashing me. <_<

Actually that refers a lot to MPH as well. ^^^

Anyways, this doesn't seem to have a "list" or anything I can refer to in a sense of signing up... rather it was more of a pointless visit to see losers like them dissing me. So I'm confused as to why I'm told to wait on anyone at this point.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

And don't call Ruki and myself losers just because we're trying to point out that maybe it's not the best idea for you to run a Mafia when you don't have that great a grasp on the game yet - something that both of us have been around long enough to see other examples of firsthand? We're trying to save you from embarrassing yourself with a crappy game. :)

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And don't call Ruki and myself losers just because we're trying to point out that maybe it's not the best idea for you to run a Mafia when you don't have that great a grasp on the game yet - something that both of us have been around long enough to see other examples of firsthand? We're trying to save you from embarrassing yourself with a crappy game. :)

On what standards can you call it crappy? And no... "lol Neil" isn't helping me in any way. Try again.

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Don't you have anything better to do than piss people off by jumping ahead of people who've put a lot of work into creating their mafia games? If everyone opens their mafia games when they want, all the games suffer because activity levels drop and people get confused because they're playing in multiple games with the same group of people. If you don't want to read this thread and keep up with what's planned, just have some common sense and don't open sign-ups when there are 7 games already running.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head
And don't call Ruki and myself losers just because we're trying to point out that maybe it's not the best idea for you to run a Mafia when you don't have that great a grasp on the game yet - something that both of us have been around long enough to see other examples of firsthand? We're trying to save you from embarrassing yourself with a crappy game. :)

On what standards can you call it crappy? And no... "lol Neil" isn't helping me in any way. Try again.

You've only been around Mafia games for the first week, you haven't shown any real skill in any of the games you've been in, you've never successfully done anything on this board other than be an in-joke, and games by players with slightly more qualifications than you (Jam, Cole, strongarm85, Hugar, Katsuya to name five) were horrendous.

Also your sign-up thread indicates that each stable will be its own alignment, which Pokemon Mafia proved conclusively doesn't work at all, hence my quip.

Edited by Mr. Potato Head
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So, update:

justblaze09 - TNA Mafia

TEOL - Psychonauts Mafia

FD - Super Role Mafia

Josh - 12 Angry Men Mafia

Pleatherface - Heroes Mafia

Sousa Reserved Spot (November)

FD - CHIKARA Mafia 2 (November)

MPH Free Pass for when he's ready

There's the most recent list, Neil, several pages back in this thread. At least 5 of those haven't run. At least 5 are already running. And to be clear, 5 is basically the unofficially agreed upon maximum number of games to be running at once.

Now, am I saying every last one of those games has to finish before you run? No. I'm just saying it would be good to announce a game in here first to a) gauge and even build interest, and b) check to see if those who have already announced games would mind if you went ahead with yours. That's all I'm trying to say man. Just a matter of respect we try to keep up among all of us.

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And don't call Ruki and myself losers just because we're trying to point out that maybe it's not the best idea for you to run a Mafia when you don't have that great a grasp on the game yet - something that both of us have been around long enough to see other examples of firsthand? We're trying to save you from embarrassing yourself with a crappy game. :)

On what standards can you call it crappy? And no... "lol Neil" isn't helping me in any way. Try again.

On the standards of remove those godawful userbars from your sig. One is enough.

Also, since Haiku Mafia failed before it even started due to lack of signups, Futurama: The Mafia Of Tomorrow will be starting sometime after the current round of games finishes.

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