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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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CHIKARA Mafia was fun for me, for the selfish reason of coming every bit as a close as a serial killer can to winning the game, only to lose it due to pure statistical chance, and convincing people I was the vigilante along the way.

As several people said, JM III was class all the way.

WWF Invasion is a great recent example too.

Pfeiffer was great for a lot of reasons, especially the sheer lunacy of it all, even if I got my ass handed to me.

As far as games I've run, both the original You Pick Mafia and Mafia: The Drinking Game were a lot of fun to run and watch, even if they were a lot of work for me.

Oh, and one game that seems a lot of people forget about is Judgement Day Mafia, run by CWB. That game was ridiculously good. My role as Moses was one of the best I've ever had too.

We need to get CWB back up in here.

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Oh, and as I'm rereading the Jobber Mafia Trilogy, I remember yet another reason why #2 is my favorite of the three.

I'm fairly sure its a cowboy mafia.

I don't know why I find this line so irrationally funny, but I do. Out of context it's still good. And completely removed from any context of a mafia game whatsoever... (Y)

It almost makes me want to run a game with a cowboy mafia.

Edited by The Souser Urchin
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Smash Bros or either two of the first Jobber mafias. The winners played incredibly in both IMO(#2 had me, DMN and GoGo, #1 had me and FD. Someone else, too?), that was where I was on my A game.

It's actually hard cause theres been sooo many good ones that I've liked. Uh the Metal Gear mafia that was like a turn was every hour, Alphabet mafia where I went from start to finish as known mafia don and that Zan mafia where we fucked w/ people(I think that's the one where Beeker was all :@ BIH over)

I'd have to settle with Smash Bros though, after that all my mafia needs are fulfilled. <_<

Edited by Mr. Evil Guy
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#1 had me and FD. Someone else, too?

I believe Huss was Damon Striker. And yeah, you guys got lucky a few times, and you were likely laughing your asses off at the town's incompetence during the last two days, but you all played really well, staying just under the radar.

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I missed the whole thing. :(

Run it again anyway. Hasn't another game come out since?

Indeed, MGS4 has come out since Metal Gear Mafia.

Digging through the ol' "Topics created by oldskool" archives, I now remember running a 'game' of Clue that I did not remember running.

I do remember running "Deal or No Deal", which was a disaster since we're using fake money there's no reason to not be a ridiculous gambler. Plus that Larry the Mole Man character won a million dollars which made him permanently in the top spot...

Maybe I'll run another game of Clue or something, when I figure out what the hell I was doing the first time around.

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I enjoyed WWF: Invasion. I also have enjoyed my part in the WCM series i've played in. Norro's ability to run a game aside, I enjoyed them. I think TradMafs are enjoyable for the most part - the midgame is really miserable sometimes though.

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