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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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But yeah, more seriously, naiwf is right. Face it, even back when thirty player games were regular, those games would have tons of lurkers. What's happened is that players and moderators have become more savvy to it and started to get annoyed by it.

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So after Mario Kart Mafia I've decided I want to continue back into my Webcom series. I'll wrap up Webcom IV's parts III and IV to take care of that, and I think I'll give the series its final send-off with Webcom V. Still thinking that one over, mainly because I could use V as a catalyst to continue the series in a new direction with a new world, based on the future left from the events of III. We'll see, but while working on MKM I've also been constructing a few teaser roles for the future Webcoms and I'm getting fairly excited about the idea.

Mob games take forever to advance through the list sometimes, so obviously Webcom V is in the far-off distance, but let me assure you, if I can gather the people, I'd be shooting for a large game out of it. Hopefully the name value of the series can garner it :)

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Aside from Ruki's mafia where Sousa sniper'd a mob member on Day One with his autolynch, there was Nick Adams' use of (albeit the corrupt version of) the ability in Video Game Consoles Mafia early on that helped buy him some time in the game, take out the town lie detector RW (who then used his ability to basically decimate SEGA), and gave pizza good ground to stand on afterwards to carry through to victory at the end of the game. Had Nick not used the ability to save his ass, SEGA probably would have been a more dominating force, RW might not have had such a huge impact on the game with his ability, and Nintendo wouldn't have had such a stronghold on the game from early on.

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The era of the large game is dead, huh?

We'll see about that.

My next game will be BSG Mafia. And this time, I will get the 50 sign ups even if I have to start killing people.

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Molly was awesome as a don in AVGC especially since it was one of her first games. davidmarrio was good too. She may be a lurker but she's not a bad player. If she can just post more she'll be fine.

Oh and on the subject of autolynches let's not forget my catch of Split in WWF Invasion Mafia on like the first fucking day.

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