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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Basically the town killed all the scum, and the Serial Killer, but included in the game was the retarded Gatekeeper role, where if the Gatekeeper is alive at endgame, everyone else dies and only he wins.

Which is a fine way to reward either side for doing everything they are supposed to do to win the game.

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And as I said in the game thread, the role WAS incredibly overpowered, but I was confident that I could win it as a standard SK, which was what I had thought I was for the full game until, well, until I unexpectedly won.

Considering the number of scum in the game though burny, making me an SK who wins when the game reaches endgame was a really dangerous move. By night two I could have won the game and killed nearly twenty people in the endgame update by doing so.

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And as I said in the game thread, the role WAS incredibly overpowered, but I was confident that I could win it as a standard SK, which was what I had thought I was for the full game until, well, until I unexpectedly won.

Considering the number of scum in the game though burny, making me an SK who wins when the game reaches endgame was a really dangerous move. By night two I could have won the game and killed nearly twenty people in the endgame update by doing so.

That would have been AWESOME.

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Basically the town killed all the scum, and the Serial Killer, but included in the game was the retarded Gatekeeper role, where if the Gatekeeper is alive at endgame, everyone else dies and only he wins.

Which is a fine way to reward either side for doing everything they are supposed to do to win the game.


I've already admitted responsibility for making an overpowered role. People need to admit that they made a bungle in falling for MEG (of all people) saying "I'm indi, but I'm on your side!" (which should never, ever be allowed to pass unchecked) and then not lynching a non-town player they'd had served to them on a platter. That game was winnable for the town, but they lynched players in the wrong order.

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