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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Yeah, no Ruki. I was frustrated, but that is par for the course of being on the losing side of a game. I'd never quit because of something like that. I feel that abandoning a game is a bullshit move that is a slap in the face to the person running it, the people playing it, and people who potentially would have taken your spot had you not done so. So I want you to know it wasn't personal; I think you gun a great game.

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I asked for a replacement in annoying videogame characters as well. It was a shitty situation moreso for you because of all the attention focused on myself and my masonry claims. So I felt bad about asking but you understand now it was a hard thing for me to consider and I felt like my focus needed to be elsewhere. I thank everyone who offered line words. It is much appreciated.

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.. wow, that whole debacle with Ruki's mafia is seriously pathetic. I cannot believe that many people got so pissy over the game that they quit.

Well played to Teej for actually tricking me into wasting another day on him though and I have to agree, that was one of Sara's better moments in mafia. Though I feel bad about that day I still maintain that it seemed like a logical avenue to go down based on the presence of what looked like three mobs in a game that size, and the fact that I'd thought Molly was Envy. The mindgames worked pretty well, at the very least they stalled for precious time.

As for me, I roleposted as Cox all game at Ruki's request and enjoyment, and my own mutual enjoyment of being a prick for fun. The fact that people took it seriously concerns me greatly. I didn't protect myself every night, but I wanted to establish a stigma around myself that made the mob think I would so they'd be more likely to target someone else that I might protect. Protecting LD the night I thought he would have died, I immediately protected myself after figuring the mob would expect me to be vulnerable. I was also gifted a one-off ability part way through the game that let me watch someone's actions at night.

I just can't believe how many people got so pointlessly bitter and resentful in that game that they up and quit. I cannot stress how pathetic that really comes across, because it was just a damned game and if you really can't handle the stress that came in Ruki's game then I have no idea why you're even bothering to try and play around here at all. Mafia is fun, it's a game, but based on the nature of the game it's going to be stressful and at times it's going to be really stressful. You deal with it and move on, it's not like anyone in the game has such a personal vendetta against you that they're using it as a means for actual outright attacks.

Also, I'm very sorry to hear what happened Sean, I can't imagine what you're going through right now, but I'll definitely keep you and your family in my prayers. All the best man ({)

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Oh and Ruki, I'm going to echo the sentiments of the fact that you were running a great game and did just fine. Your game didn't fail because of you, it failed because some of your players practically turned into bitter children towards the end there.

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