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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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OK, here's a little topic of discussion.

You've signed up for a game.

You receive your PM, and you're Mafia Don! :woot:

Before you see the names of your colleagues, who are you hoping to see? Assume you have 4 goons.

For me:

Cloudy - I remember my Mason pairing with him in CHIKARA 3, and being able to communicate outside the thread with him was really a plus. Great person to bounce ideas off, and has developed into a really good player too.

pizzamonkey - I don't think I've ever been scum partners with pizza, which is a shame, as whole new levels of deviousness could be reached.

C-MIL - It was between him & JHS, but C-MIL is the master of subtle, under-the-radar play.

MPH - Another I don't think I've been scum with, but who has a great understanding of the mechanics & subtleties of the game.

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GoGo, because even when he's suspicious as all fuck people don't lynch him and he just slips under the radar. It's an amazing ability. C-MIL's another one for pretty much the same reason. RW too, for he's always good at leading the town astray (I still remember when he managed to get elected mayor as scum in one of Essa's games, was brilliant).

Uh, pizza too. He's a pretty good player and good to bounce things off of, probably wouldn't have won Criminal Minds without him.

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Thug and I play pretty well together as scum. We won some wrestling-based game where I was Randy Orton IIRC.

I'd also have to have -A- and Sousa because they suspect me in every game anyway, no matter what.

Last person could be anybody as I like to throw people under the bus. :P

I don't think I've ever won as mafia don though.

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Let's see.....

Pris, because she's good at staying under the radar and not bringing any attention to herself. Although when we start lynching inactives, that can become a hinderance.

GoGo/RW, for basically what Cloudy said. He's unlynchable! There is no chance that he would ever be a random lynch target, and the only way he would be voted for is if he was investigated.

Norro, he can defend the fuck out of himself. He would hopefully bore people with his giant walls of text and make people not want to lynch him.

LD, he may not think it, but he is a pretty good player. Plus, he is another under the radar type of player.

I am pretty sure that a team with the minds of Gogo (or RW)/Norro, and the under the radar ability of Pris/LD, this mafia team would win. But would a team like this ever be put together? Unlikely. Look at Smash Bros for what happens when you put three awesome people together.

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GoGo by far, he's easily one of the best scum players I've ever seen. When investigated I hate to say it but GoGo really isn't that great at defending himself, but so long as he stays out of range from any investigators, the guy's nearly untouchable.

Sousa is scary when he's scum, I absolutely dread games I'm in where I don't know what side Sousa is on. The guy's a force to be reckoned with on either side of the coin, but when he's scum he can lead crusades against townies and worm his way out of suspicion very easily, and even can make you feel like a jackass for trying to lynch him in the first place.

RW is another guy exactly like Sousa, except to be honest I think I fear RW a little more. The guy is a master manipulator in mafia games and has duped even some of the most experience players into buying his bullshit. Like Sousa, he's also excellent when town, so really he's a dangerous threat to anyone when he's in a game, it's just when scum the guy stands out as being a hell of an asset to any team he's on.

In the event of a five-person team, I'd say either C-MIL or pizzamonkey. With C-MIL, he DOES have GoGo-like abilities of avoiding suspicion unless investigated, and even when called out the guy can worm his way through a decent amount of hoops before having to call it a day. Meanwhile, with PM, I can honestly say that if teamed with Sousa or RW, he could run a town ragged by its end. The guy does amazingly well if he has someone to bounce things off of, but from what I've seen the best people I've seen him work with or against have almost always been Sousa or RW.

A team put together like that would make the most well put together towns in EWB shit their pants. They'd all work really, really well together.

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If you advertise well enough, but there's no guarantee it'll stay active the whole way through.

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Cloudy is the best scum partner I've ever had. I will echo what RW said about him being a fan-dabi-dozi person to bounce ideas off of.

RW is a player I can't remember ever strongly suspecting ever, other than in Mage Wars where he was town. He's very difficult to peg, and he's very cunning.

Ruki is probably the player I talk to the most outside of EWB, and communication is key to winning as mafia for the most part. Plus, he always seems to stick around until endgame, and his town game is very similar to his scum game which makes him hard to peg.

Gogo because of his sneakiness. He is made of teflon.

I don't want to put people who aren't around anymore in here, so I'm not going to go with Sousa, -A-, or naiwf even though naiwf would probably be the second best partner I've ever had, and I always wanted the opportunity to team with Sousa or -A-.

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I'd pick Norro, Sousa, Potato & RW.

GoGo/LD right behind, but LD just because I've won like 3-4 with him and he always pulls through :shifty:

EDIT: MMMMM and I forgot Pesci. I love teaming with Pesci. And Judge. These names keep poppin to my head, TEOL too but the time(s?) we were mafia it was retarded. We kept finding loopholes and making ideas for problems that didn't exist.

Edited by Mr Evil Guy
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Norro, just cause even when he has no hope of coming out alive, he continues on... and on... and on... and on. See Super MARIO (or maybe Mushroom Kingdom) and Pokemon and Anime Mafia's for reference. All cases where I've faced him down as scum and he just doesn't fucking give in.

Sousa, because when we teamed, we were awesome (See Mushroom Kingdom). Always had fun playing with him.

Mysterio 2000X (anybody remember him?) or LD. Under the radar, and can really play when they're active.

RW, cause he kicks ass.

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Yeah, RW, Pizza, MPH and -A-. I could imagine, out of thread, there'd be a fuck load of communication which could make the game twice as fun. I'd have RW because Devils Rejects speaks for itself. Pizza was quality for Spiderman, kept everyone talking. MPH so that I don't have to kill him, and he's decieving. Oh, and -A-. -A- was damn good at mafia, I miss him.

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Yeah, RW, Pizza, MPH and -A-. I could imagine, out of thread, there'd be a fuck load of communication which could make the game twice as fun. I'd have RW because Devils Rejects speaks for itself. Pizza was quality for Spiderman, kept everyone talking. MPH so that I don't have to kill him, and he's decieving. Oh, and -A-. -A- was damn good at mafia, I miss him.

What actually happened to -A-? I remember him disappearing a good while back.

OK, here's a little topic of discussion.

You've signed up for a game.

You receive your PM, and you're Mafia Don! :woot:

Before you see the names of your colleagues, who are you hoping to see? Assume you have 4 goons.

For me:

Cloudy - I remember my Mason pairing with him in CHIKARA 3, and being able to communicate outside the thread with him was really a plus. fan-dabi-dozi person to bounce ideas off, and has developed into a really good player too.

pizzamonkey - I don't think I've ever been scum partners with pizza, which is a shame, as whole new levels of deviousness could be reached.

C-MIL - It was between him & JHS, but C-MIL is the master of subtle, under-the-radar play.

MPH - Another I don't think I've been scum with, but who has a fan-dabi-dozi understanding of the mechanics & subtleties of the game.

Sousa would be probably my first choice. He's an exceptional player - especially as scum. The case for Sousa increases tenfold if we know that Stokerino is town, as I'm sure me and Souse would enjoy winding him up again like we did in West Wing Mafia. :D

-A-. One of the fan-dabi-dozi Mafia 'thinkers', if that doesn't sound too pretentious? Understood the mechanics better than most and, unless he was unlucky, would always do well as any alignment.

My final choices would be tough, but it'd probably come down to MPH and pizzamonkey due to - amongst other things - their innate ability to talk themselves out of impossible situations.

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and Pizza Monkey.

If there were a 5th spot I'd definitely give it to MEG, but regardless I have deep respect for each of them as players and have seen all 4 seamlessly tear towns apart, and can testify personally that they work well together, and with my own sparse skills I know that any of those 4 can be relied on in a tight spot, and can easily sway unsure townies.

Not to take away anything from other players, but that would be my perfect mafia.

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