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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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No, this ends now. Apparently 24 hours wasn't good enough for this kid to figure out why the hell he was suspended in the first place, so it's obvious he's not going to stop it right now.

So you know how this gets stopped right now?

strongarm gets another warning and a week's suspension for essentially flaming everyone he argued with, myself and JHS included, in the first post of his return here. After the week's up, perhaps he'll learn to be a little more understanding to the rules and the rulings of the board's moderators, and won't come back from a suspension saying "YA'LL ARE DOUCHES" over the whole thing (Y)

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Oh yeah and nevermind the fact that he continued to push a subject he was told not to push and was warned and suspended over pushing in the first place. Clearly, strongarm's brain is his strongest muscle.

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Norro seems to be coming on a bit too strong here, I say we wait to see if he actually suspends strongarm, then we'll know if his daylynch went through. Right now he's playing a bit scummy but if his ability works then I'll believe him.

strongarm REALLY seems to be goading him into using it, I hope he isn't an unlynchable don though because otherwise if you look at the numbers we're fucked.

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Oh yeah and nevermind the fact that he continued to push a subject he was told not to push and was warned and suspended over pushing in the first place. Clearly, strongarm's brain is his strongest muscle.

Come on now Norro, his username isn't strongbrain now is it?

Now that he's been suspended with Flaming Mike Tyson Fist power, he should learn his lesson.

We'll probably see him again in 3 weeks, cause he does love taking extra time off.

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I had to do it, it was clear he was scum and as soon as RW comes in with the result you'll all see why I pulled the trigger there.

It was either him or SDM, and let's face it, after that last day phase? If Sean is scum, this game is rigged.

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Oh yeah and nevermind the fact that he continued to push a subject he was told not to push and was warned and suspended over pushing in the first place. Clearly, strongarm's brain is his strongest muscle.

Come on now Norro, his username isn't strongbrain now is it?

Now that he's been suspended with Flaming Mike Tyson Fist power, he should learn his lesson.

We'll probably see him again in 3 weeks, cause he does love taking extra time off.

I should find a GIF of Captain Falcon doing the FALCON PAWNCH and poorly crop Tyson's head on top of him, and just use that from now on when I warn people. Seems like the most effective means, you know?

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I don't trust Norro. At all. He's bluffing, by daylynching strongarm he's trying to say to us "look at me I'm a good guy".


Lynch: Norro

Too late, day period's over. You coming to strongarm's defense though in the face of a day lynch is hilarious. I think we just found strongarm's partner, LADS.

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Oh yeah and nevermind the fact that he continued to push a subject he was told not to push and was warned and suspended over pushing in the first place. Clearly, strongarm's brain is his strongest muscle.

Come on now Norro, his username isn't strongbrain now is it?

Now that he's been suspended with Flaming Mike Tyson Fist power, he should learn his lesson.

We'll probably see him again in 3 weeks, cause he does love taking extra time off.

I should find a GIF of Captain Falcon doing the FALCON PAWNCH and poorly crop Tyson's head on top of him, and just use that from now on when I warn people. Seems like the most effective means, you know?

I heartily support this.

I don't trust Norro. At all. He's bluffing, by daylynching strongarm he's trying to say to us "look at me I'm a good guy".


Lynch: Norro

Too late, day period's over. You coming to strongarm's defense though in the face of a day lynch is hilarious. I think we just found strongarm's partner, LADS.

Without any warning the day period's over?

What a shitty game. I quit.

Try beating the Mafia without an investigator.

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Oh yeah and nevermind the fact that he continued to push a subject he was told not to push and was warned and suspended over pushing in the first place. Clearly, strongarm's brain is his strongest muscle.

Come on now Norro, his username isn't strongbrain now is it?

Now that he's been suspended with Flaming Mike Tyson Fist power, he should learn his lesson.

We'll probably see him again in 3 weeks, cause he does love taking extra time off.

I should find a GIF of Captain Falcon doing the FALCON PAWNCH and poorly crop Tyson's head on top of him, and just use that from now on when I warn people. Seems like the most effective means, you know?

I heartily support this.

I don't trust Norro. At all. He's bluffing, by daylynching strongarm he's trying to say to us "look at me I'm a good guy".


Lynch: Norro

Too late, day period's over. You coming to strongarm's defense though in the face of a day lynch is hilarious. I think we just found strongarm's partner, LADS.

Without any warning the day period's over?

What a shitty game. I quit.

Try beating the Mafia without an investigator.


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I didn't even see this game on the wait list....I didn't see a sign up thread either.

We have to follow rules around here people! We've got a reputation of bureaucracy to uphold. Now everyone's who's participating, file a report with C-Mil, who will then compile it into a complaint report and pass it onto Norro. Norro will make some revisions, pass it back down to C-Mil, who will interview everyone involved again, reassemble the report and pass it back to Norro. Norro will then have a conference with the other Global Mods and they can vote on whether or not they will file the complaint with RW. If the Global Mods choose to file it, they'll send it back down to the Dominion to make sure it passes through there. Then it's onto RW, who can of course use his veto power and disregard the complaint entirely, or choose to accept the filed complaint and place it in his backlog of complaints. We'll probably have a resolution in 2 to 3 years if all goes well.

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Good thing he didn't go through the proper channels, nobody can talk about mafia games because they're too busy turning the discussion of mafia games into a mafia game.

Fuckin' retarded.

I know you like to play Devil's Advocate and all, but the guy was a mouthbreather. You're honestly going to take up his mantle after watching how that worked out for him?

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