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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Guest strongarm85
Welcome to the Diary Cube's sub forum! Huzzah!

This is for all the non-diary discussion that you guys could want.

Want people's opinion on a new diary? Ask here.

Want to run a poll for people's diary preferences? Run it here.

Want to personally advertise an upcoming diary to the masses? Advertise it here!

This is for everything in the Cube that isn't a diary! It frees up more room on the other page for diaries and diary of the month without bogging us all down.

The rules for this are similar to board rules so no spamming, flaming or postwhoring but enjoy yourselves!


In other words, it is perfectly within the forum rules for the seventh side section of the cube to make a thread about a mafia diary even if said game has not been added the waiting list yet since thread would still be used for what the seventh side section was intended to be used for.

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You must have been the slow one in class.

The glue eating class.

In remedial school.

A public remedial school.

A public remedial school in America.

In the south.

The deep south.

...you aren't Cloudy's neighbour are you?

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Guest strongarm85

If that where the case than Mafias wouldn't be located under a diary section now would they?

...you aren't Cloudy's neighbour are you?

We did actually attend the same community college at one point, more than likely in the same department. I can't say for certain though if I had any classes with him though.

I know this because Cloudy would leave himself on automatic login occasionally I would have to log him out.

Edited by strongarm85
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Dude you're not going to win this arguement. If you'd like to run your game without putting it in the waiting list and following the proper procedure, try caws.ws.

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Welcome to the Diary Cube's sub forum! Huzzah!

This is for all the non-diary discussion that you guys could want.

Want people's opinion on a new diary? Ask here.

Want to run a poll for people's diary preferences? Run it here.

Want to personally advertise an upcoming diary to the masses? Advertise it here!

This is for everything in the Cube that isn't a diary! It frees up more room on the other page for diaries and diary of the month without bogging us all down.

The rules for this are similar to board rules so no spamming, flaming or postwhoring but enjoy yourselves!


In other words, it is perfectly within the forum rules for the seventh side section of the cube to make a thread about a mafia diary even if said game has not been added the waiting list yet since thread would still be used for what the seventh side section was intended to be used for.

Don't push this. Seriously. You made a bloody sign-up thread for a mafia game you weren't intending to start for weeks, despite the fact that in reality you may not be able to start it for months because YOU HAVE TO WAIT YOUR BLOODY TURN IN LINE.

If you're planning to start the game, and if you want to create a HYPE THREAD for it, that's one thing. Sign your game up for the list and tell RW you don't have a set number of players yet, that's allowable, you just need to know what range you're expecting to sign up. Nonetheless, once it's your turn, people WILL sign up if it's not over 30 players, because only a small number of mafia games are allowed to run at once in the first place, and yours would be one of them. People will sign for it.

Now, no offense, but I don't see Video Game Mafia 2 really warranting a hype thread months in advance of it happening. Maybe a few weeks, when you've signed your game up and it's, say, second in line in it's category. The problem here is you've not even signed your game yet, so making a hype thread is entirely pointless because for all you know it could be well around half a friggin' year before your game gets to run.

Now seriously, there's no need to push the issue. In fact, you were asked by one moderator already to stop, and now you're being asked by another. I understand you want to gauge how many people you need to make roles for, but there are other, better ways of running things. You might not like the system we have in place for games right now, and that's fine, but even if you don't like it... you still have to follow it.

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We don't have forum games anymore.

Now that you've found the MAFIA DISCUSSION thread - the correct place to post the EOI you wanted - how on earth have you managed not to do so already? This is where you are supposed to do EOI's for games.

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...you aren't Cloudy's neighbour are you?

We did actually attend the same community college at one point, more than likely in the same department. I can't say for certain though if I had any classes with him though.

I know this because Cloudy would leave himself on automatic login occasionally I would have to log him out.

Jeez, Cloudy. That's some damn sloppy work, Cloudy, some damn sloppy work.

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Guest strongarm85
Welcome to the Diary Cube's sub forum! Huzzah!

This is for all the non-diary discussion that you guys could want.

Want people's opinion on a new diary? Ask here.

Want to run a poll for people's diary preferences? Run it here.

Want to personally advertise an upcoming diary to the masses? Advertise it here!

This is for everything in the Cube that isn't a diary! It frees up more room on the other page for diaries and diary of the month without bogging us all down.

The rules for this are similar to board rules so no spamming, flaming or postwhoring but enjoy yourselves!


In other words, it is perfectly within the forum rules for the seventh side section of the cube to make a thread about a mafia diary even if said game has not been added the waiting list yet since thread would still be used for what the seventh side section was intended to be used for.

Don't push this. Seriously. You made a bloody sign-up thread for a mafia game you weren't intending to start for weeks, despite the fact that in reality you may not be able to start it for months because YOU HAVE TO WAIT YOUR BLOODY TURN IN LINE.

If you're planning to start the game, and if you want to create a HYPE THREAD for it, that's one thing. Sign your game up for the list and tell RW you don't have a set number of players yet, that's allowable, you just need to know what range you're expecting to sign up. Nonetheless, once it's your turn, people WILL sign up if it's not over 30 players, because only a small number of mafia games are allowed to run at once in the first place, and yours would be one of them. People will sign for it.

Now, no offense, but I don't see Video Game Mafia 2 really warranting a hype thread months in advance of it happening. Maybe a few weeks, when you've signed your game up and it's, say, second in line in it's category. The problem here is you've not even signed your game yet, so making a hype thread is entirely pointless because for all you know it could be well around half a friggin' year before your game gets to run.

Now seriously, there's no need to push the issue. In fact, you were asked by one moderator already to stop, and now you're being asked by another. I understand you want to gauge how many people you need to make roles for, but there are other, better ways of running things. You might not like the system we have in place for games right now, and that's fine, but even if you don't like it... you still have to follow it.

Well first of all, I've already contacted an admin. I'll wait until the admin makes his decision and go with that. But I'm not going to start a fight with anyone.

Second, read this.

Want people's opinion on a new diary? Ask here.

Want to run a poll for people's diary preferences? Run it here.

Want to personally advertise an upcoming diary to the masses? Advertise it here!

Aside from raising hype and advertising, I am also going at this with the goal of getting people's opinion and figuring out their preferences. In essence, my thread was performing all of the functions that a thread in the seventh side section is supposed to be doing. So I was not at any point in violation of the rules.

Third, I would be more concerned for yourself than me at this point. Flaming is against the rules, even for a mod, and flame baiting will usually get you in about as much trouble.

I'm not being confrontational, I am simply disagreeing. But at the same time I'm being treated like the red headed step child for doing things a little differently.

The amount of bureaucracy around the mafia rules seems to be pretty apparent though if your going to go this much trouble over a-non-sign up thread.

Dude you're not going to win this arguement. If you'd like to run your game without putting it in the waiting list and following the proper procedure, try caws.ws.

You see, that is the misconception.

I actually am going to put it in the waiting list and follow the proper procedure, but before it gets to that point and I have to put up with the waiting I want to see what kind of interest I can get for it first without everyone's negative and unrelated input.

Edited by strongarm85
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You ignored my post. As SDM said rregarding C&C (and as applies everywhere imo), things around here are generally "The spirit of the rules" rather than the "letter of the laws". Whilst you aren't against the letter of the rules to do what you did, this is the place where you post these kinds of things.

So firstly: Why didn't you do so? And Secondly: Why do you continue to not?

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Guest strongarm85
You ignored my post. As SDM said rregarding C&C (and as applies everywhere imo), things around here are generally "The spirit of the rules" rather than the "letter of the laws". Whilst you aren't against the letter of the rules to do what you did, this is the place where you post these kinds of things.

So firstly: Why didn't you do so? And Secondly: Why do you continue to not?

Well firstly, you can't really do any of these things in a discussion thread.

Want people's opinion on a new diary? Ask here.

Want to run a poll for people's diary preferences? Run it here.

Want to personally advertise an upcoming diary to the masses? Advertise it here!

Getting opinions, finding out people's preferences, and advertising is highly limited because 15 posts later its not in the page back in the discussion thread. 30 posts later its 2 pages back, and so on. So if you have a discussion thread with any real traffic anything you ask about a possible upcoming game will be buried very quickly without constantly trying to bring it back up. Which of course you really shouldn't do that because then you'd be spamming the discussion thread.

Secondly. If my actions are within the letter of the law than I am within my rights to continue. Furthermore, my goals are nearly unobtainable within the confines of a discussion thread. It is not a man's place to get angry. But he shouldn't give up just because there is a contingent that is against him. My goal for the time being is simply present my side and bring about discussion in a place where one is allowed to do so in a non-confrontational manner. People will either take my side or they wont, but I will have done something about it.

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Norro where's that facepalm emoticon?

strongarm, if you're content to put your game on the waiting list and do things the way they're done in the Mafia Cube, why are you continuing to kick up a stink about it? Would the most prudent course of action not be to just do what needs to be done and leave it be?

Furthermore, is this not the "Mafia Discussion Thread"? And you're suggesting discussing a Mafia game, right? So why not here?

And don't bitch at me "waah waah it'll disappear to page two in an hour waah waah" no it fucking well won't if people think it's worth discussing.

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Well first of all, I've already contacted an admin. I'll wait until the admin makes his decision and go with that. But I'm not going to start a fight with anyone.

... I just made my decision. I'm a Global Mod, an admin is not required to make this decision, and truth be told, they have other matters they'd be better suited to focusing on. This is just as much my domain as it is theirs, so guess what? You'll have to go with my decision here, and you're going to have to deal with it.


Aside from raising hype and advertising, I am also going at this with the goal of getting people's opinion and figuring out their preferences. In essence, my thread was performing all of the functions that a thread in the seventh side section is supposed to be doing. So I was not at any point in violation of the rules.

And I'm telling you now that no matter how much you argue this point with me it doesn't matter. You've now been told by two different Global Mods to drop this and you've refused to. Finally, and here's the icing on the cake for me...

Third, I would be more concerned for yourself than me at this point. Flaming is against the rules, even for a mod, and flame baiting will usually get you in about as much trouble.

Excuse me, what? Did you seriously just try and threaten to report me for flaming/flame baiting, as if my trying to explain to you WHY you can't do what you're doing is either of the two?! Okay, no, you know what? Now you're just out of your fucking gourde.

You may disagree with me on this, but the fact is, the ruling has already been made. You're being treated poorly because you HAVE to follow the system, regardless of what your interpretation of the rules are. You doing things "a little differently" goes against how this forum is run here and so, I'm sorry, but you can't do that.

Want to know why? Because it causes clutter. You're putting up a hype thread to gauge interest for a game that likely won't even start for another half-year, and while you might find a point in it, the rest of us are going to look at it and see wasted space.

Now, even if you disagree with that, once again, TWO mods now have told you that the thread can't be made and that you need to drop this shit now. You've gone against not only Srar's ruling on this, but mine, and furthermore tried to undermine the authority of two moderators by refusing to acknowledge their ruling until an admin came in to comment on the issue. You've tried to mini-mod, you've been a general ass about a very, very simple issue, and you've been playing the victim ever since you were called for doing something you're not supposed to do. You're trying to go by YOUR interpretation of the rules, which doesn't fly here because I'm sorry, what you interpret to be the rules isn't what the fucking rules are.

So with all of that said? I'm done. I've already listed everything you've done wrong in this situation, and you'll find it conveniently in your warning log. Enjoy 24 hours off, and when you come back, maybe you'll know better than to push an issue that two mods have already told you to stop pushing.

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  • Admin

I fully support JHS & Norro in this, as I've told you in PM.

I will also take the opportunity to point out:

Want people's opinion on a new diary? Ask here.

Want to run a poll for people's diary preferences? Run it here.

Want to personally advertise an upcoming diary to the masses? Advertise it here!

Mafia games are not diaries.

That's why we have a separate forum for them. Since this has caused confusion, I shall change the blurb just for you.

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