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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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I've never seen a forfeit. I've seen a mafia member choose not to use his kill because it was impossible for there to be any conclusion but a town victory, but that's not the case in Pokemon, so it should be played out.

Video Game Characters Mafia. Jam was given an option, to be fair, of fighting through anyway and losing the next day, or simply forfeiting the game, which is what he chose. Now, granted, it was an option he was given, but nevertheless, I have never and still do not see any problem with the last scum player forfeiting if there's no conceivable way for them to win the game, which is where I felt I was at. It's just a difference in opinion.

Here's a simple solution for everyone -> lynch all metagamers.

A good notion, but once again, forfeiting isn't metagaming. So, yeah, I respectfully disagree with anyone who argues that it is. I've always allowed it in my own mafia games, it's just never had to be used before is all.

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I've never seen a forfeit. I've seen a mafia member choose not to use his kill because it was impossible for there to be any conclusion but a town victory, but that's not the case in Pokemon, so it should be played out.

Video Game Characters Mafia. Jam was given an option, to be fair, of fighting through anyway and losing the next day, or simply forfeiting the game, which is what he chose. Now, granted, it was an option he was given, but nevertheless, I have never and still do not see any problem with the last scum player forfeiting if there's no conceivable way for them to win the game, which is where I felt I was at. It's just a difference in opinion.

Here's a simple solution for everyone -> lynch all metagamers.

A good notion, but once again, forfeiting isn't metagaming. So, yeah, I respectfully disagree with anyone who argues that it is. I've always allowed it in my own mafia games, it's just never had to be used before is all.

I didn't say you metagamed. I'm talking about the people who don't bother to actually read what's going on and instead try to figure out what role might be in a game, whether that role might be town and that's 99% of their strategy in just about every game they play. Or the people who always think everyone who has something to say is scum unless they have 10 different ways to prove that they're town. You know, those guys.

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Without getting too much into it, Norro. I didn't let you forfeit because you did not have the whole picture. I believe in mafia that it's not over until your legs stop kicking. What might seem like a doggone conclusion to you may play out completely different. That's why you couldn't forfeit, because at the end of the day, I'm the gamerunner and I decide when someone has no chance of winning. :)

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Coming up after Video Game Villains, I'm returning to my rasslin' roots. The Second Greatest WCW Mafia in the History of Our Sport: HOOTY-HOO will bring the decline of WCW back to the Mafia Cube with a mortifying story set in the summer of 1999. Those of you with weak constitutions should probably stay away.

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