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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Why the hell was I NK'd? I was essentially handing the mafia the game :(

I still had fun, and LOL at Ruki for trying to get me killed and ended up killing himself instead :D

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

There's been my International Mafia and Quasi's Europe Mafia, both of which all the roles were countries. Neither of which were ever completed.

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Man, endgame in Pokemon is awful. What is it with thug's games and metagaming? It seems like I see way more metagaming and shit in his games than any other games.

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I'd give Pokemon Mafia a thousand facepalms right now, but sadly there are image limits on EWB.

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Forfeiting is not metagaming.

I cannot disagree with you on that more, thug, and the only reason I've not tried to be modkilled is because I respect you and the rules of mafia. However, forfeiting? Sofar as I've known, that's almost always been an option, and is definitely not metagaming.

Anyway, that confirms it so whatever. Lynch me, folks. Just hope Mewtwo doesn't rape you in the coming night, whoever the hell he actually is.

Forfeiting may not be metagaming but forfeiting in the manner you're going about it is lame as fuck. You're basically rolling over. Fuck that. Play and play hard until the end. Rolling over is lame. The only thing that could possibly be lamer than the don "forfeiting" is if you got yourself modkilled like MEG keeps wanting you to do (which I know you've got more sense than to do).

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