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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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lol, Norro for making a similar miniscule mistake twice in a fakeclaim :)

Eh, happens when I'm distracted unfortunately. At least now I'll learn from these things. Whole reason why I made that mistake in Stand-Up was a mix between me being distracted by having to watch my nephew and the fact that my role PM itself didn't have "Stand-Up" in it, it had "Anti-Stand Up". I just assumed "Stand Up" was the way it was supposed to be and I ran with that, even though outed town roles told me otherwise and I didn't catch that when I made my edit.

As for NFL Mafia, I made that mistake while half-asleep and just ran with it anyway. From now on, I make my claims when I can actually focus on what I'm doing >_>

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I never realized the importance of how you format/write a fakeclaim until I had to do it in Criminal Minds, for oldskool.

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So I'll say it again, how did you NOT see that Pizzamonkey was the obvious scum. And why the hell didn't you take some sort of protection when lynching TRW, let him hammer himself or something, I know you guys didn't believe his claim, but take precautions, damn it.

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So I'll say it again, how did you NOT see that Pizzamonkey was the obvious scum. And why the hell didn't you take some sort of protection when lynching TRW, let him hammer himself or something, I know you guys didn't believe his claim, but take precautions, damn it.


Fucking this.

I fucking told you all. I said I was willing to be lynched, as long as I could hammer myself. When someone claiming bomb does that, they're:

1 - Probably telling the truth about being a bomb.

or 2 - Exposing themselves as likely scum if they don't stick to their word.

So yeah, that was where the game was lost.

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I suppose they assumed you wouldn't hammer yourself, TRW, but failing to check's just another symptom of the lack of patience in EWB towns.

It's always the problem with town groups vs. scum groups. When you're scum as long as a couple of players do well you can win. When you're town, a couple of people playing badly mean you can't win.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

I don't like to toot my own horn, but I believe McDonald's Mafia might be the game that proves it's possible to run a big game (even a clusterfucky one) without any meta-gaming occurring whatsoever.

Roles that make no sense whatsoever for the theme (thus removing the need for fakeclaims), some game mechanics-altering abilities going to scum, I'm adopting it all.

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