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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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He was an investigator, a protector, and like three other things. >_>

I know, but did he actually use any of those skills, or did he just have them? If he'd investigated a couple of people at least 7 or 8 townies would have won that game.

That's what cost him the game. We already knew who all the threats were(except Jam), and he chose to investigate over protecting in the end.

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I investigated like 7 people, including half the mafia and the cult leader.

I meant at the end of the game since I didn't see you do much once I subbed in. If you had investigated any of the scum who were busy outing each other you would have cruised to victory. Sousa named the mafia members, and I named the whole cult for you and yet we all won . . . well except for Sousa.

Edited by naiwf
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I knew Jam, Forky and naiwf were threats, but Forky survived a lynch that I thought would stop his kill, and I didn't figure out YoungB until it was too late, and I wasted an investigation on a dead player when I should have protected nabeel. If I protect nabeel the night he died, or bulletproofed Winter after that we would have won.

Also I had to investigate LittleDaniel because if I were the cult leader, I'd convert the threat counter for sure. Once I knew he was town I knew what we were dealing with. I didn't mention this in the thread because why would I?

Edited by pizzamonkey
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I don't remember all of the details but once Sousa was dead you should have just killed me or Forky immediately.

The ironic thing about that last bit was that I stole Sousa's ability and tried to recruit LD but I failed. If it had worked, you guys would have lost even sooner and it would have been a mafia sweep instead of a tie with the remaining cult players.

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I fucking loved Watchmen, but the original script for it back when the rights to the film was originally acquired was shit compared to the script written for the recent film. When I said "No-one'll ever make a good film for it", I meant that by the general attitude everyone had towards a potential Watchmen film until we started seeing the first shots from the film, not that a good film has yet to be made still :P

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The judge gets mentioned in the write up as arresting Forky, nabeel is still town. I agree on YoungB.

In order we lynch Forky, Jam, naiwf, YoungB.

This was when there were 5 townies left. If Forky doesn't survive the town wins.

Edited by pizzamonkey
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I don't remember all of the details but once Sousa was dead you should have just killed me or Forky immediately.

The ironic thing about that last bit was that I stole Sousa's ability and tried to recruit LD but I failed. If it had worked, you guys would have lost even sooner and it would have been a mafia sweep instead of a tie with the remaining cult players.

They tried to kill Enforcer, he had his jester thing. The only way they would've won then is if they would've lynched Jam there to take away the extra kill. The two kills is what fucked them.

They'd of needed to lynch Jam, you, then YoungB, then Enforcer twice. Plus a good 2-3 protections.

EDIT: Actually not even that many protections. They coulda probably done it with one protection.

Edited by Mr. Evil Guy
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I did lynch Forky. He survived.

I totally forgot about that. I had to throw him under the bus to get that lynch knowing that he would survive. By that point Jam knew we were mafia and we were getting two kills a night and that thinned out the herd pretty quickly. Once we got it to 4 total scum vs 4 townies it was cake.

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Anger...rising. How wasn't Watchmen a good movie?

I'm just going to link to the stuff I didn't like about Watchmen since I don't want to reiterate it in another post.

Which isn't to say it was a bad movie, because I didn't think it was, but "good" is really the highest praise I could possibly think to give it since it certainly wasn't great.

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Heroes is also cursed. Now all we need is for someone to register Lost Mafia and the Mafia Cube will implode, as foretold by prophecy.

Fuck the Mafia Cube, someone should run a Cube Mafia

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Heroes is also cursed. Now all we need is for someone to register Lost Mafia and the Mafia Cube will implode, as foretold by prophecy.

Fuck the Mafia Cube, someone should run a Cube Mafia

Spheres would clearly be scum. Cuboid should be the miller.

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