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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Who the hell is Hel-Loh bluth? Which series are they from?

Vote: Will

As the investigation says they are anti-bluth.

.. I know I'm still not in this game, but seeing this unanswered pains me and so I will answer. Annyong/"Hel-Loh" is in like.. every season of AD. He's the adopted Korean son of Lucille and George Sr.

I answered that all of two posts above this post, by the way.

Not sure why I'm not just posting this in the game thread, guess I don't want to clutter it up.

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It wouldn't be a game so much as it would be an over-arching vote of 64/65 roles in recent games to determine the UberRole. But I can't be arsed to do it because I'm reinstalling VB to try to program a kickball sim because I'm jealous of TCD's game over in the Cube.

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It wouldn't be a game so much as it would be an over-arching vote of 64/65 roles in recent games to determine the UberRole. But I can't be arsed to do it because I'm reinstalling VB to try to program a kickball sim because I'm jealous of TCD's game over in the Cube.

You're more than welcome to have first dibs on a team for next season when we expand. :D

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It wouldn't be a game so much as it would be an over-arching vote of 64/65 roles in recent games to determine the UberRole. But I can't be arsed to do it because I'm reinstalling VB to try to program a kickball sim because I'm jealous of TCD's game over in the Cube.

You're more than welcome to have first dibs on a team for next season when we expand. :D

woo expansion draft!

boo forgetting how to do databases in VB. double boo not remembering if you ever learned them in the first place, as this seems to be the spot where I give up the game programming ghost every single time.

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It wouldn't be a game so much as it would be an over-arching vote of 64/65 roles in recent games to determine the UberRole. But I can't be arsed to do it because I'm reinstalling VB to try to program a kickball sim because I'm jealous of TCD's game over in the Cube.

You're more than welcome to have first dibs on a team for next season when we expand. :D

woo expansion draft!

boo forgetting how to do databases in VB. double boo not remembering if you ever learned them in the first place, as this seems to be the spot where I give up the game programming ghost every single time.

After 22 minutes? Good form :shifty:

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Ruki, I :wub: you.

To be fair, I'd give it another crack, but I lost all my roles. I think Dukes was going to win anyway, and thats never a good thing.

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Ruki, I :wub: you.

To be fair, I'd give it another crack, but I lost all my roles. I think Dukes was going to win anyway, and thats never a good thing.

We were only about 2/3 days in, weren't we? I remember my recruiter got lynched on the second day or something and I'd resigned myself to SKing my way to victory.

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Yeah, but Dukes and his mafia hadn't even been outed, and as a 4 man group, they were just sitting back laughing, because Kaney and his group were all but outed, and then you would have needed an excellent game to win.

TBH, I'd love to try and run Scrubs again, knowing what I do now, purely because I see so many better opportunities for roles. But we'll see. :)

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I swear, Scrubs is to mafia like Watchmen was to movies. No-one'll ever make a good mafia out of it, but people will claim to be working on it and eventually, someone will just go with the idea and put real work into it whilst the person who originally said they'd do it sits back for awhile before, right as the game is about to be released, they demand some big part in the game/the chance to help so they can take credit for the game since they came up with the idea in the first place. Of course, unlike with Watchmen, that shit won't fly around here, but still.

Oh, and then the game finally gets released, it's a huge success, and people rejoice like nobody's business. That's just how it's gonna be.

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