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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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I definitely think that LCS is worthy of being in there. Probably C-MIL as well.

EDIT: And MEG as well, probably. I'd take out pizzamonkey purely because he's got to prove he can play awesomely with higher expectations and without Jesus abilities :shifty: I'm sure he will, he just hasn't done it yet.

I have an even more elitist idea. A three person game between the father of EWB Mafia, the reigning Player of the Year and the most successful player in EWB Mafia history. One lynch to decide it all. Would probably have to be done over a weekend, or at least one night when all three of you can be online for a bit.

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Although remember that Matt's doing his Championship Series-type thing at some point soon. Though it hasn't been registered or anything, I'm not sure whether he's still planning it.

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I probably don't have enough experience to judge everyone, but these are people who I enjoy playing against or think are particularly skillful. In alphabetical order,

1. -A-

2. essa

3. GoGo

4. Josh

5. MPH

6. oldskool

7. Pesci

8. ruki (he's more of a fun opponent than a devious one :shifty:)

9. RW

10. Sousa

11. TEOL (going on reputation mostly since I don't ever remember being in a game with him for long enough to get a feel for his style)

12. Zan

That's all I've got.

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Saving a spot for myself so I can go toe-to-toe with these bastards, my list would roughly be...

1. Josh

2. RW

3. Pesci

4. oldskool

5. MEG


7. C-MIL

8. LCS

9. naywoof

10. -A-

11. Zan

12. MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *brainblasts dinosaurs*

Hurts to exclude Ross, Jam, and pizzamonkey though.

Edited by Sous Betta Than Kanyon?
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This would probably be my list (just changed a couple from naiwf's):

1. -A-

2. C-MIL or MEG

3. GoGo

4. Josh

5. LCS

6. MPH

7. oldskool

8. Pesci

9. RW

10. Sousa

11. TEOL

12. Zan

Then there are guys like pizzamonkey, Hajj, Essa, naiwf, thug, Split and FD. I'm missing a few from that group, but I've listed enough :shifty:

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In the order they come to mind and not including myself, naturally:

1. Sousa

2. Josh

3. Zan


5. MPH

6. oldskool

7. -A-

8. RW

9. pizzamonkey!!!

10. naiwf

11. Matt

12. Split/TRW (best newbie vs. most underated, you decide~!)

I don't think they're the 12 best players but I think they'd all contribute a shitload and it'd be awesome to read. LCS would be on there if EWB wasn't raping his internet at the moment.

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You still play mafia?

Like, I'd say MEG is better than a few guys there but he'd just be crucified in the modern day WHY AREN'T YOU POSTING YOU MUST POST YOUR OPINION ON EVERYTHING type of play.

Heeeeeey . . . .

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Like, I'd say MEG is better than a few guys there but he'd just be crucified in the modern day WHY AREN'T YOU POSTING YOU MUST POST YOUR OPINION ON EVERYTHING type of play.

Yes, this new style of Mafia play in which people are encouraged to play Mafia is troubling indeed.

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Although remember that Matt's doing his Championship Series-type thing at some point soon. Though it hasn't been registered or anything, I'm not sure whether he's still planning it.

It's ready to run as soon as Metallica Mafia is done (hint to the medium games: get moving :shifty:) . I'm not sure whether it's going to be run separate to the list or in the Traditional Slot (both ideas were put forward but neither were confirmed), but yeah, it should be up and running before too long.

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Like, I'd say MEG is better than a few guys there but he'd just be crucified in the modern day WHY AREN'T YOU POSTING YOU MUST POST YOUR OPINION ON EVERYTHING type of play.

Yes, this new style of Mafia play in which people are encouraged to play Mafia is troubling indeed.

What makes you think that? It's awesome :-/

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This makes me want to go back and look at past TradMafias. Everyone should say how awesome they are at TradMafia and why.

TradMafia 1: Mafia pushes town to lynch Kmac, I completely turn it around and lynch Thug who is mafia with long post telling people how stupid they are for voting Kmac. We lynch thug, I tell town to look at the big name players before nightkilled, call out SSTB, LCS and Dragon F'n Force. SSTB and LCS = mafia. And they win the next turn. I then harass town for being stupid.

TradMafia 2: I am one of the legit investigators, get Prototype as mafia and then led a bandwagon against another mafia member before being nightkilled like two days before the town win. Town played good! But because playing too town like I get nightkilled all the time, this is where I develop strategy to go a bit quiet and analyze shit for the end.

TradMafia 3: Ruki says TEOL would make me mafia just cause he loves me. This is indeed true. I somehow pushed my way out of it and wrote like 1000 words over the course on the game on why I defintiely can not be mafia. I won that game. That's whats up.(second for best tradmafia of the year)

TradMafia 4: I win as don, game was controversial. I don't wanna talk about it. <_<

TradMafia 5: Won as town, the king and queen shit. One of this or four was tied for second as best trad mafia for the year

WMIIA?: Won as mafia. I killlllllled it. Best tradmafia of the year.

I like TradMafias cause I've never been lynched in one, except maybe 12 Angry Men as town, in which I encouraged it because I was an angry man. In fact, before people thought claim first I was only lynched once in my first 10-15 games(I remember bragging about this <_<) I remember this stat. And that was my first game(world cup mafia, people lynched me because I was new before I got on :/)

Because of this I was always at end games(because mafia thought LOL this guy then!) and I remember losing like two games in a row for townies. One of them was with GoGo and it was 3 town, 2 mafia and the vote was 2-2 and I was supposed to break it. I broke it the wrong way and lost the game then did the same thing the next game. <_< Then I remember winning the game like that once and I was all "AWESOME :D"

Mafia flashbacks wooooo. Pesci post yours. Yours are probably better for tradmafias. <_<

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Trad Mafia III (the Kingmaker one) - the entire team managed to blend in, the town was woeful, Plubby nailed thug but apart from that it was a stroll. Though I did well to convince Jam not lynch me on the final day because he seemed pretty set on it

Twelve Angry Men - we just went round in circles for a while and I assumed that Sousa was town because he started the lynch on C-MIL but then inspiration hit me as I came in with the game winning hammer vote

The Wire Mafia - I'm really not sure I did much here. I was bulletproof and nobody had any reason to suspect I was scum; I think that's why I won :shifty:

WMIIA - just managed to blend into the background and laughed at how bad the town were.

Mage Wars Mafia - only really tried to lynch scum that I can remember - I suspected Sousa for a while but put it aside at the end

Calvinball (it was listed as a trad game) - lol

If you include Zodiac Mafia then hahahahahaha. I only win trad games when I'm scum or bulletproof because usually I get night-killed - though Mage Wars was an exception it seems. Was the Queen or King in the Assassins in the Palace game and got killed in that because whoever the scum guy was is probably queer. Was robbed of victory in Trad Maf II when Mysterio came out and had no right to be as awesome as he was. Don't even remember Trad Maf IV.

EDIT: Somebody should do a 12 man open set-up game and be totally selective. I don't remember many trad games actually encouraging a better standard of play like they're supposed to it seems.

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I need to play more mafia games. The ones I do wind up playing I either do pretty well in or I get killed early on in... but I've not really established myself as a player nearly to the same extent as I have a game runner >_>

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Trad Mafia III (the Kingmaker one) - the entire team managed to blend in, the town was woeful, Plubby nailed thug but apart from that it was a stroll. Though I did well to convince Jam not lynch me on the final day because he seemed pretty set on it

Twelve Angry Men - we just went round in circles for a while and I assumed that Sousa was town because he started the lynch on C-MIL but then inspiration hit me as I came in with the game winning hammer vote

The Wire Mafia - I'm really not sure I did much here. I was bulletproof and nobody had any reason to suspect I was scum; I think that's why I won :shifty:

WMIIA - just managed to blend into the background and laughed at how bad the town were.

Mage Wars Mafia - only really tried to lynch scum that I can remember - I suspected Sousa for a while but put it aside at the end

Calvinball (it was listed as a trad game) - lol

If you include Zodiac Mafia then hahahahahaha. I only win trad games when I'm scum or bulletproof because usually I get night-killed - though Mage Wars was an exception it seems. Was the Queen or King in the Assassins in the Palace game and got killed in that because whoever the scum guy was is probably queer. Was robbed of victory in Trad Maf II when Mysterio came out and had no right to be as awesome as he was. Don't even remember Trad Maf IV.

EDIT: Somebody should do a 12 man open set-up game and be totally selective. I don't remember many trad games actually encouraging a better standard of play like they're supposed to it seems.

:o You forgot TradMaf2... We'd have won that it it hadn't been for that pesky (<_<) Mysterio2000X slipping under the radar. :(

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