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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Uuuuuuuugh I haven't read Order of the Stick in aaaaages. I should catch up again.

I try to keep up with too many webcomics, I should really make a list of important ones to stay up to date with. I mean for God's sake, I still have some on my bookmarks that stopped updating a long time ago just because I'm stubborn and don't want to let go of them >_>

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I have no problem with whoever it was running an Angel Mafia (TkZ?) as long as it's based on the events during the series, and not the aftermath. I have whatever comes after the actual series coined, and characters from both Buffy and Angel are taking part. Go for it if it's based on one of the seasons though.

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Henceforth, I will be much less inclined to include people in any of my games who have proven to be inactive in the past. Activity will henceforth trump "good or bad play" as my primary criterion for inclusion.

This goes to everyone: don't sign up for Mafia games if you don't fucking want to play Mafia.

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This goes to everyone: don't sign up for Mafia games if you don't fucking want to play Mafia.

We can definitely agree on that. That's why I think EWB should adopt a "lynch all lurkers" playstyle. I would much rather lose to active players than win with a bunch of people who didn't participate.

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Henceforth, I will be much less inclined to include people in any of my games who have proven to be inactive in the past. Activity will henceforth trump "good or bad play" as my primary criterion for inclusion.

This goes to everyone: don't sign up for Mafia games if you don't fucking want to play Mafia.

Here, here. I can understand if it's a one or two time thing, fair enough, that happens to all of us, but right now there are way too many players inactive in too many games.

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Henceforth, I will be much less inclined to include people in any of my games who have proven to be inactive in the past. Activity will henceforth trump "good or bad play" as my primary criterion for inclusion.

This goes to everyone: don't sign up for Mafia games if you don't fucking want to play Mafia.

Here, here. I can understand if it's a one or two time thing, fair enough, that happens to all of us, but right now there are way too many players inactive in too many games.

You're still banned from his next game :shifty:

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Modkills should not end the day.


I'm for modkills ending the day. Makes people focus more on their day role requirements and following them instead of hoping for leniency. Plus it's a double-whammy to whatever group they're in, losing a cycle to help their cause as well as a member of their group.

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Honestly, that's my first post requirement role and I hope it's my last. It didn't make the game much funner, it didn't add any element to whatever I was doing, all it did was basically roleclaim me. Adding a song lyric by Iron Maiden at the end of my post seemed kind of pointless because it wouldn't of changed anything.

I didn't enjoy that role at all. <_<

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How would you feel if it had other repercussions (i.e. you couldn't use your night action, or you lost your intrinsic protection, or your vote didn't count that day) if you didn't follow the roleposting requirement, rather than just being "you're dead!"?

Edited by oldskool
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I think roleposting is stupid, the only upside is that once in a million games someone will come up with a huge fake roleposting requirement. They're annoying because half the time people forget or can't stick to them properly and like MEG said they add nothing.

I also don't think it should end the day phase, but I have no real reasoning other than it just doesn't seem right.

Edit: @oldskool. That wouldn't be as bad, because then it's not ruining your entire game because of some silly posting restriction but I'd still be against it because they add nothing other than being annoying to read and annoying to try and remember to post like that.

Edited by Footjob Fever
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I like the idea of losing your ability (if you have one) or something after the warning. But if the person continues to do that, they should be modkilled.

As for ending the day? I say no. Let the town decide if they want it to end.

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I've always been of the opinion that an ability that requires you to post a certain way should have benefits made for the person posting that certain way. Be can attest to this, as Kiyoshi he had to post like an emo, but after doing it for a length of time, he earned immunity from being targeted at night as well as a pseudo-investigation ability, and he was allowed to use either of the two only once per night period. This was his reward for sticking to his role requirements.

In Mythology Mafia, had GoGo stuck to his requirements and lasted through all the Muses lined up in his role, he could literally use any ability in the entire game once per night. This would also reveal to him if anyone was bluffing about certain abilities. The catch for that role was, however, that he'd have to survive with his roleposting requirements for almost the entire game, which meant he'd likely only have his abilities two nights or so before the game ended, but it still had the potential to cause a good deal of damage.

I don't like giving roleposting requirement roles to anyone unless they'll get a reward for sticking to their requirements. As for the repercussion of not doing it, I usually modkill without disrupting the day period, because as I said, my rolepost requirement roles tend to have powerful rewards once they've finished their requirements. That being said though, I'd not be adverse to just giving the person the ability at the beginning with the requirement, and rather than modkill them, just block their ability that night if they fail in their requirements. That's not a bad idea at all.

But, as for modkills ending day periods, I've always been against it myself. Then again, I'm also against daykills ending day periods (a hitman with a one-off daykill ability should not be able to stop the lynch in the process), so yeah.

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Modkills ending the day always hurts the town, regardless of of who's being killed. You're taking away a lynch which is the town's primary tool. If you modkill a townie, maybe you can make a justification for that one person's mistake being worthy of screwing over the town. If you're modkilling a mafia guy or an indy though, there's no reason to screw over the town. They messed up and broke the rules of the game, they get removed from the game and then the town loses a lynch as well? The policy should be consistent - if you break the rules of the game, you're removed and things progress as they were.

Edited by -A-
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Be can attest to this, as Kiyoshi he had to post like an emo, but after doing it for a length of time, he earned immunity from being targeted at night as well as a pseudo-investigation ability, and he was allowed to use either of the two only once per night period. This was his reward for sticking to his role requirements.

With that said, the emo posting was kinda fun to begin wtih.

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Question: Would anyone like to see a Mafia Invitational, and who would you like to see in it? Probably a 12 player Trad Mafia game with an open setup.

Off the top of my head, I'd pick, in no particular order:

1. Sousa

2. -A-

3. MPH

4. oldskool

5. RW

6. Essa

7. Pesci

8. naiwf

9. pizzamonkey <_<

10. Josh


12. Me <_<

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