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Up until the other day I still had my Saved By The Bell mafia PMs. Role/investigation results. That wasn't that long ago, though.

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OK, I need to know if I'm obsessive or not.

Everybody, what's the oldest role PM you still have in your inbox?

Mine is from WCW2000 Mafia in April 2008. I was Vince Russo. It was the first time I was lynched, coincidentally. Traumatized :crying:

Which is why you still hate me. :shifty:

Could you post the role, by the way? I always wanted to read it. I remember thinking it was such a shit-tastic role.

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October 2006, Lost Mafia. I think I had a couple of older ones until a couple of months ago when I got rid of quite a few. Like RW, I had a folder of every single role PM I'd had until my donatorship ran out and my capacity went down.

A couple of interesting oldies:

You are:

Steve Evans, whacked Out wrestling aligned moveset GOD and sidekick.

Bio: Steve Evans is one of the hottest young prospects in pro wrestling today. A member of the vaunted "Class of '01", Evans managed to get some popularity in New England as a disrespectful heel worker. Eventually, he signed on with local fed whacked Out wrestling, where he and longtime friend Tom Goddard formed the Bishie Boys. This team went on to quickly become one of the hottest teams in the country, eventually getting Evans noticed by AWAMLW and NWATNA. Short cups of coffee in each fed followed for one run, until a chance heel turn in wOw managed to revitalize his hot prospect potential. As a result, Evans was welcomed back to TNA, where he became a credible threat as a top prospect.

Power- On two nightkill and two lynch occasions, can steal the ability of either his killer (in night kill) in order to save himself OR can switch places with the first person who voted for him in lynches to save himself.

Goal: To be alive when all Mafia members are dead.

You are Janitor, Janitor aligned Serial Killer. You've always been mad. Not at anyone, or anything in particular, but you've just been mad. Maybe it was your grandad's fault, maybe your parents. We'll never know, but when you heard about the crisis all you could do was smile. This was your chance to get back at them once and for all. Oh sure, Randall's {PkmnTrainerJ} going on about recruiting for the Janitors, but who really cares about out-numbering the town? Just killing them would be efficient enough.

Every night you may PM me the name of one player you wish to kill.

You win when the Janitors out-number everyone else.

Edited by -A-
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I have a folder for Mafia role PM's - oldest I've got is my Jobber Mafia 3 role from 12th July 2008, when I was the Warrior.

Heeeyyyy. I'm not the only one that does that. I delete the PMs once the mafia in question is finished, though. For example, when I got eliminated in FF Mafia I deleted the PMs I had pertaining to that mafia. When I got eliminated in DC Gotham I deleted my PMs from Wintersun/TGC/Thug.

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You are Janitor, Janitor aligned Serial Killer. You've always been mad. Not at anyone, or anything in particular, but you've just been mad. Maybe it was your grandad's fault, maybe your parents. We'll never know, but when you heard about the crisis all you could do was smile. This was your chance to get back at them once and for all. Oh sure, Randall's {PkmnTrainerJ} going on about recruiting for the Janitors, but who really cares about out-numbering the town? Just killing them would be efficient enough.

Every night you may PM me the name of one player you wish to kill.

You win when the Janitors out-number everyone else.


EDIT: My Oldest Role PM


You are Erdheim-Chester disease, Medicinal Rarity Mafia-Aligned Haematological Hellion

It’s rare that anything gets the better of Dr. House, but you did it once, many years ago. You wreaked some havoc on an old lady but, like too many criminals, you tried to do it again and got caught. Unlike a lot of others, you do your damage across the board, taking on the kidneys, the skin, the lungs, the brain, just taking bites out of everything until your unfortunate victim keels over and pops their assorted clogs. Problem is, House and his team have your number.

Well now…it’s round three.

You’ve come back at the head of a group of diseases, every one of which has tangled with House in the past, and are ready to do some serious killing now the hospital’s been put into quarantine. Along with your comrades (Acute intermittent porphyria), oldskool (Amoebic meningoencephalitis secondary to infection by Naegleria fowleri), Josh-oo-wuh (Staphylococcus aureus) and (Strongyloidiasis), your mission is to take out everybody and everything standing in your way. Your role in this is as Don – so long as one of your subordinates are alive, you can’t be lynched and every night, you send one of your flunkies to kill someone. You can be night-killed, you can be investigated and you can be the target of any other abilities, but you can’t be lynched; incidentally, if you do get roleblocked, it’ll stop you sending somebody out on a kill.

The Medicinal Rarity Mafia wins when you completely outnumber the remaining players.

And I used to have a lot more until I stopped being a donator :(

Edited by ---Ace Andrews---
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Plubby's Mafia: Golden City Omega appears to be the oldest role I've kept with me.


You are the Mafia Henchman, Mafia aligned.

While you live, the Mafia Don cannot be killed. Furthermore, once during the game, at day time, you may PM me a player. That player will be killed.

Your teammates are the Mafia Don (The Evil Overlord), The Mafia Chatterbox (Dragon F'n Force) and The Mafia Conman (Ruki)

You win the game when the mafia outnumbers the remaining townsfolk.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM or MSN me.



Other assorted classics include... well, nothing much really, it appears. I didn't keep very many of my older roles, probably because at the time my inbox was a lot smaller :P

But I DID keep some roles, so here's a few of my favorites:


Master Hand, Individual aligned, Master Of Everything

You pretty much control this entire world. You were the last boss in the first game, and you're a boss in all the other games. They have no respect for you, they have no idea how much work you put into this! Like I said, you pretty much control this entire world!

Each night, you select rules for the following day. What does that mean? Well...

You get to select the stock/lynch vote. Set it to: 1 vote, 25%, 50%, 75%, or everyone to vote for the person.

You set the time limit: 1 day, 2 day, 3 day, unlimited.

You select the chance of items showing up: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%

You select which types of items show up: Healing/Protective, Damaging, Other, or All.

You win the game if you are alive at end game.


You are The Football Manager Diary, Townsfolk Aligned Tale of our favourite roundball clubs.

The FM diary will never die. There'll always be another club to take to glory, another player to buy, another diary to never finish.

Once each night, you may use your clubs' scouts to judge the ability (ie - role) of a player.

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to let me know.



Aaaand apparently I didn't save very many others. I do have Ruki's Bullet Bill role from MARIO Allcaps, but... I'll be honest, not one of my favorite roles. Wish I still had the Envy role from Anime Mafia, that was a sweet-ass role.

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... hahahahahaha.

Welcome, GoGo Yubari

You used to be normal, once. Well, relatively anyway.

The point is, you were respectable before, but no longer.

Maybe it was LOST Mafia. Or maybe having your brains screwed out by Mr. Evil Prick in Firesale, but there’s no denying what you’ve become.

You are GoGo Yubari, Team Sea Slug Aligned Impregnated Nymphomaniac. Overcome by more instinctual needs, all you care about now is getting pregnant, and the oh-so pleasurable ways to achieve that goal. No, you’re not quite sure how having more sex can actually get you more pregnant, when you’re already nine months in, but you’re certainly not complaining. Not at all.

Each night, you may PM me to invite target player to your home for a little…recreation. Not only will that player be too busy to use any of night abilities, but there’s a chance that he might decide to join your little ‘club’. Doing so will allow you to whisper sweet words of passion to him at any point of the game – or whatever else you feeling like talking about.

Team Sea Slug has never sounded so…phallic.

Primary Objective: All threats to the Diary Domain must be eliminated.

Secondary Objective: At least half of the surviving players must be in Team Sea Slug when the game ends.

And I won that damn game, too.

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