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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Split Second is also awesome for having Ben Templesmith art in his avatar.

Shit, a Fell and/or 30 Days of Night and/or Wormwood mafia would be rad.

My God, Fell would be awesome. I'm reading it right now, slowly of course, as I want to take anything. I might actually have to run a Fell mafia at some point. That would be quality.

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I still fantasise about you too Josh, don't get jealous :wub:

EDIT: I was being stupid, obviously you can't stay in the same group from round to round. All the information is public from the previous rounds so once someone got lynched in the second round you'd know exactly what alignment their partner(s) from the first round were. Ignore me.

EDIT2: Were you meaning that the actual town/scum groups will be decided by seedings? I don't think that would necessarily be a good idea because it would make it easier to figure out who's in which group. It's like in other games where people tend to assume there'll be one of the best players in a group, one of the weaker players and then someone from in between. Occasionally you've got to have a newbie scum group or a totally l33t scum group to keep people on their toes. I reckon only the composition of each game should be seeded, then the teams would be random. That's probably what you're suggesting anyway :D

No that wasn't what I was suggesting. The "better players" will all play in one game, and the "lesser players" will play in another and ditto to those in between (this doesn't have to be the case, but some of the setups would also suit this format). Who is Mafia/Town within those games will be totally random.

And by the final round, which I don't want to talk about too much because it's a secret (:shifty:), the "better"/"lesser" player split won't be important because of the nature of the game - or I'm hoping so.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Thinking back to the 'random rules' debate, there's a huge difference between 'the first vote on anybody must be in iambic pentameter' and 'each post must start with the next letter of the alphabet'. If the rules don't really take away from the ability of the players to play the game, they're fine.

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The write-up has become a lost artform on these boards, especially for lynches.

Honestly, we have some really, really good writers running mafia games here from time to time. I know I put a lot of effort into mine when I do them, but off the top of my head I can give you a few people I consider to be great write-up writers: Sousa, C-MIL, thuggy, Split, Zan, Plubby... there's a good few that, when they put an effort into it, can write some really friggin' good updates.

But, that being said: write-ups go person to person. Some game runners LIKE using write-ups to drop hints and red herrings, and to create a story for the game. Others avoid them because they drop hints and red herrings, and let the players instead fend for themselves during the course of the game. Like I said, it all varies by how the game-runner wants their game to go.

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