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The Mafia Discussion Thread

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Oh, I still wub you, I just resent the idea of me having 'disappeared on' anyone.

Also, The Third Stage Turbine Blade is a fake idol. All others are a fallacy. Believe in the truth. Believe in The Second Stage Turbine Blade. The way forwards is round and round and round and round.

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The Greatest WCW Mafia in the History of Our Sport: greatest set-up for a mafia endgame ever, or greatest set-up for a mafia endgame ever?

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Not the best. MPH Claiming Don and making a public acceptance of victory speech prior to winning is clearly the greatest setup.

... I've somehow missed out on that one. Link me, I have to see this.

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I'm baffled as to how you missed, given you won the game from it :P

Alright, here's the deal.

I'm the new Mafia Don now that Hajjhowe's dead.

The other Mafiaites are oldskool and Norro, while Zan, TEOL and LCS are Corruption-aligned, essentially the same as Mafia.

In other words, the Mafia controls 50% of the game. We're not dumb enough to vote for ourselves, so there's no lynch happening.

oldskool has a kill that can be used during daytime. As soon as he gets online, he'll use it on one of you townies, we'll out number you, and the game will be over.

Better luck next time. :)


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I'm baffled as to how you missed, given you won the game from it :P

Alright, here's the deal.

I'm the new Mafia Don now that Hajjhowe's dead.

The other Mafiaites are oldskool and Norro, while Zan, TEOL and LCS are Corruption-aligned, essentially the same as Mafia.

In other words, the Mafia controls 50% of the game. We're not dumb enough to vote for ourselves, so there's no lynch happening.

oldskool has a kill that can be used during daytime. As soon as he gets online, he'll use it on one of you townies, we'll out number you, and the game will be over.

Better luck next time. :)


... I have a terrible memory when I've not slept yet. Now I remember.

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Sousa's thought after WCW Mafia and now being in Calvinball Mafia:

Games with "rules."

Has the gimmick gotten old?

I think so. I feel like I have some okay insights in Calvinball, but it's hard to just pop in and post considering that I first have to Google for a working picture, then worry about staying in character. It's hard to contribute, and thus, it's only fun when I have time for it to be fun.


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