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Something small I did.


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This here is just a small something I did when I was bored tonight, and it's not a final copy. I want to put words in from a promo about Wahoo (if it exists, still looking) instead of the slogan from the back. I really like it myself, the colour orange just seems to make me want to look at it... I don't think it's great or anything, just wanted to share. I'mma sig it soon.

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I was actually thinking of doing a whole series like that, a wrestler against a background, a colour from that background, and words to the right albeit without apsham at the bottom perhaps. Send it away, I'm looking around for some good old school pictures to do this with... and as way a way to get A FUCKING SIMPLE BLACK LINE in Gimp 2.0.

EDIT: Just threw these together. To improvise on GIMP having no apparent line drawing feature, I went into paint and made a long, thin black canvas and filled it with black, adding it as a layer.




Edited by apsham
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