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Problem (I hate music)


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Spread your wings, son. Get out there and dig on some Charlie Mingus, George Clinton, Foo Fighters, VNV Nation, Talib Kweli. I like to jump on MP3 sites and just download random shit until I hear something that doesn't sound like crap.

QFE. And try some Miles Davis (especially stuff from "Kind of Blue") when you're looking to mellow out.

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But they are. There are tons of better metalcore bands - Caliban or DEP or Madball & Norma Jean, the list goes on. :)

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All the bands you listed are a bag of cocks, which is why you don't like them, clearly. There are plenty of bands I used to listen to that I'd never give the time of day to any more, and that's fine, progression is all a part of life, I much prefer the music I've found since. Just because you used to like something doesn't mean you should have any obligation to continue liking it. People change, tastes change, that's life.

Guitars are over-rated, anyway.

Keyboards are better :shifty:

Edited by GhostMachine
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But Stone Sour, Killswitch, both are horrible, horrible bands.

...Oh no you didn't.

I did. They're generic. I listened to them in a hundred different variations when I was in college and none of them really did anything for me.

I agree on the fact that I find Stone Sour generic, but they are OK for when I want to listen to that kinda music I guess.

And Jones-era KsE (as I've said before) just doesn't compare in my eyes to Leech-era (though some people hate them whatever, obviously), and as Cloudy said, there are much better bands pedalling that style of music at the moment. Still like them, just nowhere near as much as I did.

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