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American Pie was hardly magnificent anyway :D

I quite liked 90s Madonna with Frozen and all the other weird tracks, and her work with Mirwais.

Ot's only now that for me she's dropped the ball - I guess she IS in her 40s afterall, but MOR dance tracks ain't cool.

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Mick Jagger, on Madonna:

"A thimbleful of talent in a sea of ambition."

I dunno, I tend to agree with that.

I can't help but think of the expression : pot, kettle, black.

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She ruined American Pie and will never be forgiven for it.


American Pie is shit anyway.

Agreed that her modern stuff isn't nearly as memorable, but it's still catchy and better than most pop/indie music.

That's not me calling Madonna indie, just that the pop/indie scenes are seemingly one and the same now.

Edited by Benji Claus
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She ruined Bond too. Theres been a couple of bad Bond themes but none as bad as Die Another Day. STOP GETTING BOND WRONG!!!!

Bond was ruined long before that was the theme. Of course, not anymore because of Casino Royale, but still.

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