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EWB's Top 50 Movies List

The Hardcore Canuck

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That he is overrated?


We agree twice in one lifetime?!


Sure I enjoy his films, and Pulp Fiction is enjoyable, clever and in places genre-defining (Bruce Willis in particular is amazing in it) but Tarantino enjoys a similar level of fanboy-orgasming as Kevin Smith. Although I do prefer Tarantino to Smith and have enjoyed all his films (though found Reservoir Dogs to not be all that enjoyable)...

And to the person who said Fight Club's ending was weak....YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE NOVEL! Try reading the book sometime...

Fight Club's a very good film, even if it does seem to be making some kind of overly clever point. It's not really, it's saying men are being forced into becoming less masculine by an increasingly feminine-centric society. Some men are upset by it.

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That he is overrated?

And to the person who said Fight Club's ending was weak....YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE NOVEL! Try reading the book sometime...

Fight Club's a very good film, even if it does seem to be making some kind of overly clever point. It's not really, it's saying men are being forced into becoming less masculine by an increasingly feminine-centric society. Some men are upset by it.

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Fight Club the movie is one of the most faithful film adaptations making it one of the few movies to be on a par with the book.

I'm sure thousands of book to movie adaptations are changed but it's nice to have a few that remain pretty faithful.

The book Fight Club has a brief epilogue that is pretty cool but wouldn't have worked after the movie finale - the epilogue is just a little message from the narrator.

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Yeah, I think if Kubrick's Shining was released under a different name, I'd like it more (even though the other, more faithful, film adaptation is dire). I love it as it is, but something always bugs me about unfaithful book adapatations. I try to think of it and the book as two completely seperate entities, rather than being intrinsically linked. It's better for my sanity that way.

As for Pulp Fiction...it's a great film, no doubt. Especially in context. Everything about it was fantastic, and so much of it was revolutionary, even down to the trivial nature of so much of the dialogue, which is something still rarely seen in cinema. Plenty of arthouse films had done non-linear narrative better than Tarantino at that point, but I can't think of any that pulled it off quite as stylishly as Pulp Fiction, or on such a major scale. Not to mention, even the casting of Travolta was a work of genius. Bear in mind the guy had done nothing but shite B-Movies since Grease/Saturday Night Fever, he was pretty much washed up, and Tarantino completely reinvented the guy. If there's one thing QT's got a knack for, it's great casting. If there's another, it's great soundtracks.

I don't think it deserves to be number one, though. Nor do I think Fight Club or Reservoir Dogs deserve to have made the top three. Fight Club is a fantastic film, but not one of the best ever, if you ask me. Reservoir Dogs, I just never got in to.

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That he is overrated?

Why is it that when something becomes popular, or someone, they all of a sudden become over-rated. Sometimes I think people try way to hard to be different.

Or it can just be that I find his movies incredibly boring? Yeah, that's kind of it.

You have to be interested in the idea of the movie to enjoy it I suppose.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Scamman

Seriously, there are 9 movies better than The Godfather? I mean it's not my favorite movie of all time but it's higher than 10, and I'd figure it has the sort of popularity to make it a contender for #1. I'm sort of dreading seeing which 9 are above it. >_>
Edited by Scamman
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