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Has Music Lost It's Magic?


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I find it funny that people are so quick to just be like "oh, Gallagher's a cunt" to actually ignore the fact that he does make some valid arguments.

Read Zero's and Skumfrog's points on it, as thats kinda where I sit. Music is still special to me, so I disagree with that, but there are aspects that have been truly homogenised by changes in the industry and the way things are done in general.

Oh, and "making of's" are shit as YI said, I tend to avoid them even on DVD's. Maybe it's part of me not wanting to break down the boundary between the music I hear/film's I watch and how things are done. Never liked them, never watch them.

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We need another summer like 2001. When pop-punk ruled the world...and Jamiroquai had Little L, Love Foolosophy and You Give Me Something. And there was that "Do You Really Like It? Is it, is it, wicked?" song. :shifty: Still, good summer.

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I remember the days of sitting by the radio, but hell.. even back then I had a tape in the cassette deck waiting for the song to come on so I could record it like that. Just because it's more convinent I don't see it as all that different. I guess the "listen to it 40 time and the magic is gone" thing doesn't really apply to me.. because I listen to SO MUCH music that it's impossible for me to just sit and listen to one song over and over again. *shrug*

I agree with you here, you make a nice valid point. I was one who would record these "hit songs" as a kid, and then have my own little mix tape. It was essentially the same as having my favorite MP3's burned on to a mixed CD.

One thing that bothers me is that a lot of people assume that everybody listens to the radio, or mainstream music in general. There is a contingent of us that haven't listened to the radio in years and rely on the means of the internet to introduce us to the obscure rock sounds we crave.

If music loses it's magic for me, it's because everybody will have given up on rock and roll. If music loses it's magic for me, then the underground bands will have packed it in, and we'll be stuck with shitty bands. Besides that, I can sit and find band after band from an older era to keep the magic alive in my soul.

Research is a great way to keep the spirit of music alive, and to keep you busy for the rest of your life. I can promise that. We don't have to settle for the ultra slick, and over produced music being fed to us through the radio. If that's your cup of tea than that's cool for you, but keep in mind that you're missing out if you stay with that by rule.

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