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2006/07 NBA Thread


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The ESPN.com headline says it all..."Portland beat the odds Tuesday night, winning the NBA draft lottery and the right to draft Greg Oden".

Good luck, Seattle...it might be time to do away with Lewis.

Edited by Numbahs
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If they didn't have Brandon Roy and LaMarcus Aldridge, then I'd say draft Durant, but they do and its the West, so they basically have to draft Oden and in 2-3 years should be tearing their division apart.

Oden can keep a team competitive but will need a solid team around him to win a title and thats what he gets in Portland.

Durant on the other hand may very well be able to take a team to a title himself, and he lands in Seattle where after Ray Allen retires he might have to do just that.

Either way this lottery just saved basketball in the Pacific Northwest

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The Blazers are gonna get Oden then move Aldridge to PF and move Randolph, it's a given, almost. Then again, I could see them taking Durant as he actually does fit the team if they decide to keep Randolph. But like Numbahs said, they should and probably will trade him, it'll just be interesting to see where at.

And I don't know who I would pick if I had the first pick. Each player brings something different and special at the same time. And Durant going to Seattle will lead to (for Sonics fans, hopefully) a sign and trade with Lewis and then Durant would take over there. And in the process they'll probably try and land a good big man or point guard (they seem to be fairly unimpressed with Ridnour at this point).

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Portland just got a great opportunity to trade Zach Randolph and stop using Joel Pryzbilla at Center. They're taking Oden, it'd be ridiculous not to as they have everything Durant can offer them in Roy and Aldridge

I just realized we now get Oden Vs Durant a bunch of times every year for as long as they stay in Portland and Seattle and in the same division.

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Maybe not now, but in a few years? Who knows how good he'll be and how teams will be playing. Nash will have to retire soon, so will Shaq, Duncan's getting older and so are the Pistons. While it's not likely, I wouldn't completely rule it out.

Oh, and I love that the three teams that didn't really tank, at least not nearly as hard as the Grizzlies/Celtics, get the top 3 picks. I look forward to Bill Simmons' suicide note.

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Durant has the potential and skills to eventually be a dominant wingman in the NBA and could (based on his potential and skills) lead a team to the NBA finals, but it's becoming increasingly evident in the NBA that you can't win the big one if you're ALL by yourself, which I don't think that he was implying. More that he's the main guy, where Oden would have more success in a situation like Amare is in in Phoenix, he's talented, no doubt, but he probably wouldn't have the same success if he was the leader of the team.

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In this day and age, I don't think any player can single handedly lead a team to a championship. Ask Kobe.

That said, Durant will be better offensively, Oden has the potential to have more of an impact. I don't think either of them will be busts, they have the fundamentals down. Thing I like about Durant is he's got heart, you can build a team around him. And yes, with Roy and Aldridge, it's a great foundation in Portland.

I'm just happy that I'm 30 minutes from Seattle and 2 hours or so from Portland. I look forward to attending games for both.

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Definitely wish I was in the area to see either of them play. Thought I would because of Milwaukee, but oh well, they're still in a good postition to get a swingman at 6 and that's they're biggest need. If they're able to keep Mo Williams or if they're able to get Chauncey Billups (an ongoing rumor that they would have the best chance if he opts out) plus that swingman, they can be a deadly team.

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You've got to realize its potentially possible for them to get a point guard in this draft. If Atlanta passes on Connely, they have the pieces to trade for another pick and take him, and if they want to they could definately put together a package towards the middle of the draft and get Acie Law.

Law, Roy, Miles, Aldridge, Oden?

And they could definately replace Miles if they want to, not like the NBA is lacking in small forwards

EDIT: In fact I could see them sending Randolph and a pick to the sixers for the 12th pick and taking Law or Connely if he's still there then. Sixers need a power forward and at 12, they're swimming in athletic swingmen who'll still be around when they pick again at 21

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I don't think Portland should trade Randolph, at least yet. He can help Oden/Aldridge develop offensively due to the double teaming he will get. Just the mismatches that the group together would possess, it's almost unfair on paper. I think the best thing to do right now is make Aldridge a sixth man(Randolph is a MUCH better as of right now, regarding offense and rebounding game). Everyonce in a while, use a combo line up of Randolph/Oden/Aldridge with a lot of kicking out to Aldridge (who would have a MUCH smaller player guarding him) and allow him to shoot his nice midrange J. Either way, the Blazers would wear down the opposing teams big men in the post as the game goes on with the posting up of Oden/Randolph and would likely be able to keep their big men fresh.

Not saying it's the best long term option, but Aldridge's too soft to bang in the post, and Oden's offensive moves aren't near ready to be able to take on NBA double teams. Roy, while a great player, is going to be consistent and not neccesarily often a game changer. Keeping Randolph to allow Portland's future big three to gel with each other and Aldridge/Oden to develop without the full pressure of the offense on their shoulders seems like a no brainer to me.

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