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Not a big fan of Civil War then eh TGC?

If by not a big fan you mean I think everyone is acting out of character, Reed and Tony aren't killers even if Quesada, Millar, BMB, and JMS want everyone to now think they are, and I find it insipid and retarded and uncaring to longtime readers, then no.

However I will say that anyone new to comics or Marvel will find it to be greatly entertaining, but they haven't read 20+ years of stories featuring these characters not acting this way.

Goddamn typos.

Edited by Mission TGC
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When did anyone ever accuse him of that, though? His Spider-Man run was horrid and I felt suffered for the same reason CW suffers, that being that no matter how hard he tries, he can't write classic characters in character.

And that Nextwave ad above is genius.

All in all, as far as regular 616 Marvel goes I only read Runaways, She-Hulk, Cap, Astonishing X-Men, and Daredevil. The rest of Marvel proper just isn't for me anymore, even though I'd love to read my old faves such as The Avengers, FF, Uncanny X-Men, and especially Spider-Man.

Of course DC isn't much better post Infinite Crisis in my opinion.

"How many earths are there DC?"

"One. Wait, no two. One? Two? One or two for sure."

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With Civil War, I've only got really into comics the last three to four months, so I'm finding it entertaining enough from the 'huge event' aspect, but it could be written a lot better. Civil War: X-Men was good though (needless to say, so was Civil War: Cable and Deadpool).

The last couple of months, I've brought trillions of comics to see what I like and what series to collect, but with the Civil War: X-Men ending, the only two main series I'm really into now are Cable and Deadpool and A Man Called Kev, though plenty of others have been perfectly fine, and I'll still pick up more issues of other comics.

And I'm reading Ultimate X-Men through graphic novels ATM. I'm about to start the fourth 'Hellfire and Brimstone' story. Its been ace so far, though I can see it getting a bit worse.

As for Garth Ennis on Punisher, I found it very good at first, but it got stale quickly. The MAX title was just Ok, but not great.

And as for Neil Gaiman, I only read Marvel 1602 which was fucking excellent, and I'd recommend to anyone. Marvel have started a new 4/5 part story set in the 1602 Universe about the Fantastic Four (or the Fantastik or whatever). Its not written by Gaiman, and has nothing to do with him at all. It is also just about the single worst piece of shit I ever read.

Edited by timmayy rave
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Want to know how bad Civil War is, if you're not reading it? (Note: I'm not, but I'm kept up to date on it at two different message boards I go to)

Spider-Man revealing his identity to the public doesn't make sense, any way you cut it. Its completely out of character, and the reasons the editorial staff has given for doing it is bs.

Reed, Tony and I think Hank Pym cloned Thor, and are controlling him through some kind of implant in his head or something. The clone killed, or helped kill, Bill Foster, aka Black Goliath and Giant Man II. Creating the clone and controlling it the way they are pretty much puts them in the villain column, even without that death, in my book.

The Thing apparently turned chicken and fled to Canada. That's waaaay out of character, as Ben Grimm is a fighter, not a coward.

(Can anyone fill me in on what the Human Torch has been doing during all this?)

Since Black Goliath died giant-size, his corpse didn't shrink and they had to bury him in the equivalent of 30-something graves. And they didn't even bother constructing a giant coffin, just wrapped the corpse in canvas. Not only is that undignified, but its bull: Pym Particles should have been able to shrink him to normal, and Hank Pym is on the pro-reg side....

In a confrontation with Sue, Reed not only justified his uncle that he loved being screwed over by the HUAC during the McCarthy hearings, but he came close to hitting Sue. So not only is he now pretty much a villain, he's also a damn fool and a potential wifebeater.

Edited by GhostMachine
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GM: Torch was attacked in the first CW book by a crowd that turned on him (he was going into a nightclub on a date, skipped the line because of his celeb status, got into an argument with some people and got hit with a beer bottle from behind, then got his ass kicked by lots of people while he was down) and has just been released from the hospital in the latest CW book, I believe.

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I think Civil War is a really interesting story and totally entertaining. Then again Christopher who has been reading these things for as long as I've known him hasn't touched it. Guess that kind of proves your guy's point.

Oh and TGC if you like Gail Simone she does Gen 13 now and I thought thats was pretty great outside of the opening scene.

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Yeah I have heard good things about the relaunched Gen 13. I am quite interested in all the Wildstorm relaunches and re-imaginings such as WildCATS, The Authority, and Deathblow. However I have minimal interest in Wetworks.

Out of curiosity, what does Christopher read on a regular basis?

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I like Civil War but it's not the end-all-to-be-all of comic events. It's shit loads better then DC's events though. Even 52, which I hate, mostly because I hate DC though.

The fact that Nextwave was cancelled is really sad as I love that comic so much.

I think Millar is overrated IMHO. Bendis should have handled Civil War because I loved how he handled House of M, I can understand though they'd not want the same writer writing two universe changing events.

And Wolverine: Civil War needs to die. It's horrible and is destroying anything good about Civil War.

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I like Civil War but it's not the end-all-to-be-all of comic events. It's shit loads better then DC's events though. Even 52, which I hate, mostly because I hate DC though.

I don't hate DC, I just hate a universe shaking event like Infinite Crisis being so fucking muddled and then being changed via the Hardcover Trade by them adding new lines that seem to suggest if not flat out say that Earth 2 still exists.

As for CW, it reeks as badly as Secret Wars II, Millenium, and Genesis as far bad bad events go.

The fact that Nextwave was cancelled is really sad as I love that comic so much.

At least we still get some mini series to keep on with the goodness though.

I think Millar is overrated IMHO. Bendis should have handled Civil War because I loved how he handled House of M, I can understand though they'd not want the same writer writing two universe changing events.

I don't think BMB would have done this any better really. Jenkins on the other hand, instead of just writing CW Frontline, would be an excellent choice, as at least he knows how the characters should act.

And Wolverine: Civil War needs to die. It's horrible and is destroying anything good about Civil War.

I wouldn't read that if you paid me.

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Bendis' New Avengers was just fantastic as was the main House of M arc and I fulkly believe he could have made something out of Civil War. But like I said I like Civil War but I'm not drooling for each new book.

I do dislike Mark Millar very much. I hate The Ultimates and thought Ultimate FF has been just terrible, especially coampred to Ultimate Iron Man or Ultimate Spider-Man. I think Ultimate X-Men is the only thing he's done that I really liked, even that that seemed rush compared to Spider-Man.

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That's the problem with Millar, he doesn't take the time to do things right, but he still manages to drag his shit out over six or more issues. When it's all said and done, it's all flash with no substance. He's like the comic book equivalent of a really bad summer action movie.

I think he has written some good stuff in his early years, he's just not doing it at Marvel, although I did like his run on Ultimate X-Men for the most part. The Ultimates, while good, isn't nearly as great as people say it is, and his Ultimate FF is just very weak. But then overall most of the Ultimate FF is weak. Not even Warren Ellis could do it good.

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On Bendis, Marvel are doing a bunch of specials to celebrate Stan Lee's 65th year at Marvel. Its stuff like 'Stan Lee meets Spider-man/Doctor Strange' etc, and each has a story written by Lee, a re-print of a classic story from that character, and a couple of other stories written by top Marvel writers.

Anyway, the 'Stan Lee meets Doctor Steven Strange' book has a story by Bendis, and it is an absolutely hilarious mocking of the current Marvel universe, but done in a 'we love it really' sort of way. Its hilarious.

IIRC, Its the only Bendis thing I've read, though I've been meaning to try The New Avengers.

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Yeah I have heard good things about the relaunched Gen 13. I am quite interested in all the Wildstorm relaunches and re-imaginings such as WildCATS, The Authority, and Deathblow. However I have minimal interest in Wetworks.

Out of curiosity, what does Christopher read on a regular basis?

Christopher reads:

All the Xmen books (Ultimate, Astonishing, Whatever the other ones are called)

Captain America

Incredible Hulk

New Avengers

100 Bullets

Ghost Rider



Young Avengers

And probably more stuff but thats all that I remember seeing him buy and I'm too lazy to search or ask for that matter :P

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