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Veronica Mars Is Totally BIH!

Guest Ringmaster

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Great episode, one of the best of the season. Ringo better not have been wrong, as that twist could have been seen coming from a mile away. I wonder if they'll give this guy a new moustache and bring him back to play a third criminal. >_>

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3x13 - Postgame Mortem - 7/10

Logan continues to act like a big gay by sulking in his room and not returning the plates and salt shakers and whatnot. The person who killed the coach of the basketball team is probably going to turn out to be Mason. It seems too obvious, but I'll stick with that. I liked Keith's little dig at the sheriff with him having a "long history of being wrong." Mason setting up Josh was obvious from the start. I liked the stuff with Logan and the little girl and how she was pushing Logan to getting back together with Veronica and how she went as far as to request a song "from Logan to Veronica." The part int he elevator where she was excited to see Veronica was funny. And Keith seems to be getting closer to finding out who murdered the Dean. And lastly, an interesting ending with Veronica getting arrested for helping in the escape of Josh.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm all caught up and up to date, and man oh man did the Who Killed Dean O'Dell? mystery resolution blow or what? Tim Foyle? Yawn. So we have five eps to go, all non over arcing mystery type eps, and I'm not sure I even care. Veronica has just become an annoying little bitch this season, Logan has nothing left about him that once made him great, Lamb is dead, Keith is the sheriff, Wallace is the most boring non essential formerly essential character on the show, and I'm not sure I even care anymore. Here's hoping the final five of S3 are great, otherwise I might just be HOPING they cancel VM after this year.

Season 3 Overall Grade Thus Far C-

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I really don't think the idea of a low-rated show doing a really out there departure and moving the timeline up several years is likely to get much traction from execs at The CW. Not that Kristen Veitch is such a inscrutable journalist ("Serenity cast meeting with execs at FOX", "Arrested Development picked up for Showtime", etc.), but the show's dead. Not based on a rumour from E!, based on the fact that the ratings have been terrible and the show has been average.

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So I finally decided to sit through the final two episodes I had left to be completely caught up.

3x14 - Mars, Bars - 6/10

Rather boring episode, really. While it was nice to see Logan not being a whining faggot, it still wasn't the great Logan that we have known in previous seasons. The murder of the Coach was a shit storyline so I didn't care about it at all. Whatever. Lamb shooting himself in the mirror was so great. Killing of Lamb sucks, though. But we shall see how Keith does as Sheriff now.

3x15 - Papa's Cabin - 6/10

Again, not another good episode. The TA turning out to set up the professor because he turned his back on him is so cliche and while I was watching I was hoping they wouldn't go with that. But of course, they did. But at least it doesn't set Landry free as he confessed to killing Mindy anyways. But wow, two shitty episodes in a row. I shouldn't have wasted my time.

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