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The 2006/2007 TV Season Thus Far


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I am (as can be told by my sig) obsessed with Prison Break. Never got to catch any of it the first time around, cause Monday nights were the nights I closed at work. However, I bought season 1 (which is great), and then caught up to where we were at season 2. Don't get me wrong, season 2 is no where NEAR as compelling as season 1 was, but it is still a great show that I can't miss.

The only show on Sundays on Fox worth watching, which I found out the past two weeks, is definately War at Home. Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, I just didn't laugh at any of them once any of the past two weeks. Meanwhile, the G-I-D-E-O-N piano bit had me rolling on the floor, and this week's visit to a comic book convention was pretty damn funny, too.

Other than that, the only other show I am really watching is the newest season of Amazing Race. It's good, but it has lost a little bit of the appeal this season. I mean, they went out and got the whites, blacks, arabs, hispanics, hicks, handicapped, beauty queens, drug addicts, islams, I mean, seriously, they are trying WAYYY to hard to get completely different people. Still good, but I miss the days of season 4-6...Ahh well...

I dunno, guess I need recommendations of good shows. I have resorted to going and pulling out my DVD sets of Grounded for Life so I could have a good laugh every once in a while...

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How I Met Your Mother is the funniest show on TV, and just a fun fun show that never fails to amuse me and is one of the highlights of my TV viewing week. High Recommendation.

The Class is absurd but it makes me laugh to no end. It really is a stupid stupid stupid show, but sometimes stupid shows can be fun. Strongly Recommended.

Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip is the best ensemble piece of television in years. Matthew Perry and Bradly Whitford own as an on screen duo, the writing is so smart, it has some straight up funny bits that actually make you laugh, and the acting is amongst the best on TV. Highest Recommendation

House is smart, well acted, funny, witty, and charming. It is full of real people doing things that make you wince and wonder why the fuck they would do something so stupid, just like real life. Strongly Recommended.

Kidnapped so far is above average and has a very talented cast that just meshes well. The writing is smart and crisp. Strong Recommendation.

There ya go there's a few from me.

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Guest The Ringy Complex

I'll probably watch Heroes again based on last night's viewing. It's not amazing or anything, but it's got my interest for another week. I enjoyed all the characters especially the pairing of Ventimiglia and Pasdar, which work really well together. And the ending was pretty fucking cool.

The show has got some really weird cinematography though. In any case, it's got me for another week.

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The only show on Sundays on Fox worth watching, which I found out the past two weeks, is definately War at Home. Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, I just didn't laugh at any of them once any of the past two weeks. Meanwhile, the G-I-D-E-O-N piano bit had me rolling on the floor, and this week's visit to a comic book convention was pretty damn funny, too.

War at Home is an awesome show.

American Dad is the 2nd best show on Sundays, it's decent still. I know a lot of you don't like AD, but I think it's good. Last week wasn't bad.

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NBC's big risks are already starting to pay off. They beat CBS last night. Just so the significance of that sinks in, let me repeat it, NBC BEAT CBS' MONDAY SCHEDULE. When does that ever happen? This is the night that used to house Raymond, for Chrissakes.

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The only new show I've caught is Studio 60 and that is probably the only new one I will bother watching. It's already one of my favorite shows just two episodes in, one of the best comedies on tv right now and definately the best new one. The Office last week didn't fail to dissapoint either, it was the best one I've seen yet, so was My Name Is Earl. NBC is going to hopefully have a huge season this go 'round.

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Wow, if I'd have watched all of "Help Me Help You" last night I might have needed therapy by the end. ABC's schedule is pretty much shit. You've got "Six Degrees", a show that's literally about people walking around New York and bumping into each other, "Men with Trees", which is "A Minute With Stan Hooper" without the laughs, "Ugly Betty", which looks like a Hilary Duff movie come to the small screen, "Brothers & Sisters", which is so far up its own ass that it can't see straight, and "The Nine". That one's actually pretty good. Still though, what an awful new class.

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Guest The Ringy Complex

Isn't Ugly Betty meant to be amazing? I'm a guy so I'm not psyched :shifty:, but I've seen at least three of the big publications call it the best new show this season, so who knows? It does look like shit, but I'll check it out. It's got good buzz.

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Isn't Ugly Betty meant to be amazing? I'm a guy so I'm not psyched :shifty: , but I've seen at least three of the big publications call it the best new show this season, so who knows? It does look like shit, but I'll check it out. It's got good buzz.
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Guest The Ringy Complex

Isn't Ugly Betty meant to be amazing? I'm a guy so I'm not psyched :shifty: , but I've seen at least three of the big publications call it the best new show this season, so who knows? It does look like shit, but I'll check it out. It's got good buzz.

It's getting Desperate Housewives comparisons, if that's not reason to be cautious I don't know what is. <_<

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Guest The Ringy Complex

I've dropped Jericho from my weekly viewing schedule. I may watch it but I certainly won't look out for it. I'm not interested in a bunch of faggety ass tools trying to find a way to survive in the post-Atomic age. I'm only really intrigued in why this stuff blew up, and I don't really have the patience to deal with it.

Gilmore Girls has also dissapointed me. The loss of Amy Sherman Paladino (the creator and writer) has made the show slightly more second rate, with the dialogue not nearly as good and the characters behaving weirdly and obnoxiously. But I'll keep watching, if only because it's probably the last season and Luke and Lorelei belong together, damnit.

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Smallville's on tonight, and it looks like its going to be awesome! (Which isn't surprise since all the season openers have been great!).

And one question I'd like to ask is how's Supernatural? I bought Season 1 as a blind buy because well I love the horror premise. I haven't watched it yet...but sooner or later I will.

Edited by Laice06
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Wow. The Black Donnelly's was amazing. That was easily the best pilot I've ever seen and the hype Beatnik and Ringo gave it didn't hurt it one bit. The ending was great. Seriously I cannot wait for this to come on the air in January and hope it actually catches on.

Am I the only one who thinks Olivia Wilde was hot in the show? The girl who was with Tommy and then later with Sean was also hot as well.

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Guest The Ringy Complex

Olivia Wilde is hot in everything :shifty:, but yes she looked above her usual hotness. Probably because she wasn't a generic blonde.

And anyone who wants the Black Donnellys in easy download form should holler at me >_>

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