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Football Manager 2007


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Everyone (including your own board) knowing any jobs your applying for is gay. SI better fix that.

I just went from savior to scurge in two job applications, and they're asking me to resign so they don't have to fire me. Fuck them. I'm getting them promoted IF THEY LIKE IT OR NOT. Ungrateful cunts.

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The clubs and that have to know anyway, cos there's compensation and stuff to sort out.... so there's nothing to fix.

In my third season, things continue to go badly. Won the first game 1-0 (my ideal score with this setup) at home to Villa, so was really happy. But I've gone straight into six defeats on the bounce, five in the league, and out of the league cup. I can't quite see what's going wrong.

therockbox- Does Tim Howard keep making mistakes? I was all ready to turn things around at home to Portsmouth, and he messed it up.... the ball was coming easily back to him, he stepped out of his area and headed it straight to them! What.... the..... fuck. Arteta then went and got sent off, and I lost 3-0.

This is the most I've stuggled on an FM game for about 5 years, so I guess it has gotten harder? Or I'm just not doing the right things, could be either I guess.

Edited by Thomas
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therockbox- Does Tim Howard keep making mistakes? I was all ready to turn things around at home to Portsmouth, and he messed it up.... the ball was coming easily back to him, he stepped out of his area and headed it straight to them! What.... the..... fuck. Arteta then went and got sent off, and I lost 3-0.

This is the most I've stuggled on an FM game for about 5 years, so I guess it has gotten harder? Or I'm just not doing the right things, could be either I guess.

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therockbox- Does Tim Howard keep making mistakes? I was all ready to turn things around at home to Portsmouth, and he messed it up.... the ball was coming easily back to him, he stepped out of his area and headed it straight to them! What.... the..... fuck. Arteta then went and got sent off, and I lost 3-0.

This is the most I've stuggled on an FM game for about 5 years, so I guess it has gotten harder? Or I'm just not doing the right things, could be either I guess.

He was alright, but I didn't sign him permanently after the original loan deal, he made a couple of mistakes but no more than most goalkeepers seem to in this game - fucking up backpasses seems to be a common occurance on my game.

I'm finding it much harder as well, it seems that grinding out 1-0 wins is much harder than it used to be. I'll go through a patch of games with all my players getting 7 or 8 ratings, but I'll still lose or scrape a draw. I seem to remember a similair problem when 06 first came out, so hopefully they'll fix that in the first patch.

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Guest Tequilla Rockin' Bird

If I start a game as unemployed with all the english leagues open, will I actually get a job somewhere? I've heard a few times from people that you don't actually get any jobs anywhere.

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The clubs and that have to know anyway, cos there's compensation and stuff to sort out.... so there's nothing to fix.

Yea but they'd only have to do that if your application was succesful and they had to negotiate your release from your current club. If you are just applying and they turn you down who has to know? It's not like you're gonna be running to the press about it.

Speaking of compensation though, when I left M'boro for Leeds in 06 I cost £1m ^_^

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Are we not able to add stadiums and clubs in the editor anymore? I can only add People :|

Ok, after checking my fears on the forums... it turns out the editor is fucking shit.

You can't:

Add anything other than people.

Delete ANYTHING, so bad luck if you screw up.

Change teams's strip colours.

Basically do anything at all that might be useful.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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I know this is the 07 topic, but I felt like this needed to be posted anyway:


And FYI, my strikers were Defoe and Ibrahimovic with Berbatov off the bench, with Riise having the most shots of 5, so it's not as if my strikeforce is shit. Their goalie was Steve Harper! Mine was Cudicini <_<

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So whilst playing through my game in early April 2007 I got a news item saying Leigh RMI had been relegated from the Conference South. I went along to their information screen to find out what the media had predicted for them (23rd) but found another interesting titbit.

Seems on the 1st of July the club is moving into the attractively named New Stadium which has a capacity of only 750. Makes me wonder if this is something they're actually doing or whether it happened in game to reduce costs. Also makes me wonder if this New Stadium is situated on New Road.

There'll be no New Stadium Tubbs. :pervert:

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Are we not able to add stadiums and clubs in the editor anymore? I can only add People :|

Ok, after checking my fears on the forums... it turns out the editor is fucking shit.

You can't:

Add anything other than people.

Delete ANYTHING, so bad luck if you screw up.

Change teams's strip colours.

Basically do anything at all that might be useful.

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I just wish they'd hurry up with the first patch. I managed to get through the first season without any major problems (If you examine my earlier post then you'll see that I actually did quite well) but the Rooney bug is pissing me off. I can get by without him for England (Indeed Crouch and Defoe are in awesome form for the Three Lions, and Owen's just made his return!). Having such a well known player unable to play for his country is a pain, and really impacts on the way I want to play the game.

OK I have got my LLM game goin on. As well as tearing up Serie B as Juve, and am looking to start a Madrid game and assemble a team that'll, you know, actually WIN things (inspired by the recent 442 article). But I've always played CM/FM as England/Spurs manager(s), regardless of 'cheating' it's how I enjoy the game and want to be able to play it without all the bugs, or at least being able to pick all my eligable players for England.

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