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NHL Eastside Hockey Manager 2007


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Remember how CKN had that Sens diary and he got scored on a lot but scored a ton to have a sweet record. Well I don't think my record is nearly as good, but I've got the same thing going right now. Spezza is riding a 32 game point scoring streak, 66 points on it, and 108 at the 55GP mark. Gerber has a poor GAA, and Emery is injured. I think the real key to my success is the preseason trade I made, Eaves for Michalek, straight up. Eaves has 39 points so far, whereas Michalek has 68. Michalek, Spezza, Heatley is my top line, and they are combined for 273 points.
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Guest Grapehead

Remember how CKN had that Sens diary and he got scored on a lot but scored a ton to have a sweet record. Well I don't think my record is nearly as good, but I've got the same thing going right now. Spezza is riding a 32 game point scoring streak, 66 points on it, and 108 at the 55GP mark. Gerber has a poor GAA, and Emery is injured. I think the real key to my success is the preseason trade I made, Eaves for Michalek, straight up. Eaves has 39 points so far, whereas Michalek has 68. Michalek, Spezza, Heatley is my top line, and they are combined for 273 points.


In my Leafs game, Spezza is going at a point per game pace, but Heatley seems to have caught fire recently.

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If someone could help me with some recommendations as to what to do with my team so I don't crash and burn like every other game I play.

I'm the Caps, My lines right now look like this

Ovechkin - Allison - Clark

Madden - Zubrus - Brylin

Zednik - Rucchin - Bure

Pettinger - Sutherby - Fata

Morrisonn - Leetch

Heward - Pothier

Muir - Clymer



Not dressed are Beech, Green and Eminger

I still have my prospects save for 5 that I dropped to make room on my reserve list for the new faces I brought in.

I'm 2-0-0 right now, Won the first game 5-2, but Kolzig gave up 4 goals on 9 shots in the second game as we won 5-4 in shootout.

So yeah, just some suggestions for tactics, or line combinations or whatever else.



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If someone could help me with some recommendations as to what to do with my team so I don't crash and burn like every other game I play.

I'm the Caps, My lines right now look like this

Ovechkin - Allison - Clark

Madden - Zubrus - Brylin

Zednik - Rucchin - Bure

Pettinger - Sutherby - Fata

Morrisonn - Leetch

Heward - Pothier

Muir - Clymer



Not dressed are Beech, Green and Eminger

I still have my prospects save for 5 that I dropped to make room on my reserve list for the new faces I brought in.

I'm 2-0-0 right now, Won the first game 5-2, but Kolzig gave up 4 goals on 9 shots in the second game as we won 5-4 in shootout.

So yeah, just some suggestions for tactics, or line combinations or whatever else.



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Guest Grapehead

trade for Milan Michalek, the kid is sick in that game and relatively easy to acquire early in the season. I've focused heavily on scoring, instead of keeping the puck out, and I've had a lot of games where we came from down 4-0 3-0 etc. and we're doing really well. Vermette has also been doing well on special teams for me. And of course, if it's possible, Sundin is easily the best player to have on your team, he's almost always +9 average rating, it's unbelievable.

Also, I had people in different practice categories for awhile, and we started losing leads and losing games, but once I put everyone back in fitness(with Cond. Skat. and Def. at Intensive and the rest Medium) they all started playing a lot better again and we've been climbing the rankings. I don't know if that's actually had an effect, but it was when we turned it around so I have related it.

Unit tactics ARE the key, make sure you organize your best lines watching the star rating system, and set their strategies according to that. I've had random scrubs come up and play incredible on powerplay, but nowhere else, so make sure you toy with it a bunch, ask your coach if you are having trouble and work from what he offers you.

Now, here's a question for everyone else. What's a sure fire way to help improve morale? I've had top guys getting low morale, despite getting lots of time on ice and the team winning, it makes no sense most of the time.

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One month in and I'm 7-2-2. We started off red hot going 4-0 but we then dropped 4 straight before winning the next 2 of 3. The only big weakness I Can see so far on my team(Caps) is that Leetch is often used as a pylon and if my top line of Ovechkin - Allison - Clark don't produce, we don't have many other options. Those three have combined for 48 points in 11 games. My next best point producers are Zubrus, Leetch and Bure, at 13, 13 and 10 points.

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Guest Grapehead

Started yet another game, and I've created another offensive titan. Ovechkin - Sakic - Walker, 2nd - 1st - 3rd in points in the league. However Michalek is playing less than stellar as he's setup with Kaigorodov(close race with Malkin for rookie scoring title) and Kapanen. Defensively we're not much to look at, although Timonen and Redden do help out, and our goaltenders are streaky as hell, with Vokoun and Hasek. If all goes right, we should have first overall draft pick(or a very high one, as I traded Semin and my 1st rounder for one of the bottom fives 1st rounder).

Oh, and when we lead after the first we're 34-1-0, and after the second we're 37-1-1. We're something like 13 points ahead of second place, with 2 games in hand.

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Guest Grapehead

Atleast the third round. Take Niedermayer, Brodeur, or Ovechkin with your first pick. Won't really matter, Niedermayer is always my favoured choice since he's a great offensive defenseman.

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I took the Canucks and the only change I have made so far is trading Ryan Kesler straight up for Brad Stuart. Fucking gold move, because Stuart has 10 assists in 12 games and the Canucks are at 7-3-2. Naslund did nothing in the first 4 games, and now has 11 goals in 12 games. He had a 5 goal game! Oh, and Trevor Linden got the C back and is playing like a god.

The team, just like in real life, started to sputter. I had only one offensive line, really, and once they hit a cold patch then the whole team was down. We went to 8-6-2 before I decided to make a change. Put the Sedins with Linden on line two and had Morrison center for Bulis and Naslund. The powerplay saw Naslund play on both units, with the Sedins and Morrison/Bulis changing out. It worked, just got 4 powerplay goals and crushed them 5 to 1.

Edited by desiredtoe
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