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NHL Eastside Hockey Manager 2007


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Guest Grapehead

I had a blast at the helm of the Wild, but I did make a lot a changes and so the core was moved around a bit. Also, I drafted with the Wild and kept their prospects, which was also fun.

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I d/l the demo last night and have been sucked in by EHM. I sit down to play for half an hour or so and before you know it 2 hours have gone by. I started with the Buffalo Sabres since they have a lot of depth to cover for any dumb mistakes I make while I learn the game. It's February 1st right now and I sit 3rd in the east, 1st in my division. I've made a few moves such as trading Spacheck and Connolley while adding Vishnovskiy from LA.

There is just so much to do and so much to learn with this game. I can't wait till the off season, after I win the cup of course. :shifty:

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Guest Grapehead

I have a hard time getting Sundin to stop scoring for me. I want McCabe, O'Neill, Steen, anyone to step up. But alas, Sundin has scored like 20 goals in 17 games or something like that.

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I have a hard time getting Sundin to stop scoring for me. I want McCabe, O'Neill, Steen, anyone to step up. But alas, Sundin has scored like 20 goals in 17 games or something like that.

Sundin is 4th in scoring on one of my teams, but still has an unbelievable average rating of 9.70, Sundin is godlike in this game for some reason.

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Well, in my case it is more of how I use him. Any time I fall behind by more then a goal I start putting him on the fourth line as well as the first, and the top line always gets big minutes from me. And Sundin is just a great player overall, and having Kyle Wellwood on the ice with him at every opportunity just complements him so much. I would like the get another winger for him, but picking up Chris Drury (who is also pretty good right now) on re-entry waivers (meaning half price) leaves me with only a tiny amount of room to work.

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My Leafs need some help. Sure, I am blowing past most opponents without any trouble by riding the Sundin Train....

BUT, my powerplay is stuck at around 17%. I did slightly improve it by, and don't ask me how this helps, moving Alexei Ponikarovsky to the top unit ahead of Darcy Tucker. I may have fixed it myself by telling the players to be more selective with their shot selection and being a little less careless with their passing. Anyone have any other ideas? With McCabe and Kaberle riding the points, I shouldn't have too much trouble getting to 20% right?

Edited by desiredtoe
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In the upcoming new patch/database update players attributes will be fixed and I am not sure but rosters might be up to date as of the start of the regular season (they did that for one match in the EHM 05 so they might for this one)... if not then the unfaking will probably do that.

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