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NHL Eastside Hockey Manager 2007


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I get the feeling that SDM wants to ask me out to the dance but is too shy.

I gave him my second code! Second CODE!

If calling someone ugly is code for wanting to sex them, I must be an absolute fucking stud.

There should be some sort of forced gratitude SDM, and well you just for being ugly should have to show me. Him for getting to play for free from me, and you, well, we have to look at your damn face. I mean jesus, when you touch a girl do they yell, Get your filthy paws off me you damn dirty ape!... Nah I love you, I just really wanted to use that line today.

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Don't be Montreal, the powers that be in the game seem to have decided that one of the top teams in the league should finish near the bottom in the first year. They suck. For a good team be Buffalo or Florida or Nashville, Ottawa maybe. For a team with lots of money to spend pick Washington.

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Well, thanks for that help :P

Worst part is, Jim Slater got injured, but only for 2 weeks. Slater will forever be immortalised in my memory where I went to my first ice hockey match and he scored the winner with 8 seconds left.

I blame the Islanders, how harrowing is it for a walk on goaltender standing there while Yashin, Satan, York, Hill and Witt pummel shots at him and DiPietro amazingly has 3 conceded goals removed.

As such, walk ons suck.

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I get the feeling that SDM wants to ask me out to the dance but is too shy.

I gave him my second code! Second CODE!

Basha let me get to second code and didn't even make me buy him dinner.

So, anyone out there looking to score... go for Habs fans. They're lonely and sad.

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I started a game as Florida, and decided that this would be the last rebuilding year. I didn't want to dump any players, but I moved some prospects and late round picks just to get some better prospects.

I had a tough time deciding what to do with Anthony Stewart. He has the mental part down, and is a good player, but I was not sure if limited time in the NHL would be more beneficial then being a top liner in the AHL.

I traded away Chris Gratton for the rights to Kris Letang, who is now tearing it up with Val d'Or in the QMJHL, got the rights to Darren Helm and Cory Emmerton for Ric Jackman, Janis Sprukts and a 3rd round pick. I also picked up Jakub Vojta and Juraj Mikus.

14 games in, and I lead the East with 10 wins and 20 points. Belfour has been great, Auld has been good, and I am getting offence from all of my lines.

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