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ECW: "A New Breed Unleashed"


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liking everything ive seen so far...dont know about the Big Show vs Sandman match being wasted so easy withough any hype...but whatever, ..

Looking forward to more

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ECW on Sci-Fi Preview

When Paul Heyman wants something, he usually gets it. Particularly when he’s in the demented, psychotic mood he is in these days. After all, he’s stabbing all his “friends” in the back, aligning himself with guys he couldn’t stand at one point and employing Stevie Richards as, well… a bounty hunter. Well this week, its nut cutting time. Paul Heyman sent Stevie Richards out on a mission. That mission? To get rid of Tommy Dreamer. Up till no, Tommy has been pretty much the only guy to stand up to Paul Heyman. Rob Van Dam got suspended and has thus far kept his mouth shut, despite the fact that he got screwed out of the title again just last week. Sabu seems to be more homicidal, suicidal and genocidal than ever after numerous run-ins with the Big Show and Paul Heyman. Too much of a lunatic to even think about confronting Heyman it seems. Paul Heyman is messing with everybody and, if he gets his way, Tommy Dreamer will soon be out of the picture permanently. Stevie’s deadline is up this coming Tuesday and he’s booked to face Tommy Dreamer, one-on-one in an Extreme Rules match. Heyman, obviously frustrated that Stevie hasn’t got the job done as of yet, wants Dreamer gone and he doesn’t care if Stevie takes himself out in the process. Stevie hasn’t been too keen to lock up with Dreamer as of yet, running away at every opportunity so it should be interesting to see how he copes under Extreme Rules.

Stevie Richards isn't the only one to face the music this week. Paul Heyman has apparently told Rene Dupree to explain himself. Heyman, ever the control freak, told wwe.com that he wont allow people to simply "do as they please", making reference to Dupree's run-ins on CM Punk in recent weeks. He's given Dupree instructions to either face Punk and sort out whatever problem he has with him or to at least explain his actions or face a stiff fine.

This week should be full of incidents, surprises and extreme action. Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Test and the F.B.I are all scheduled to appear and the World wants to know how RVD will react after being screwed once again last week at the hands of Paul Heyman and his personal security, The Riot Squad. All this and more, live on the Sci-Fi Channel!


F.B.I versus. Danny Doring & Roadkill

Extreme Rules || Stevie Richards versus. Tommy Dreamer

Edited by KaiserJoe
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ECW on Sci-Fi TV Report

26th September '06

Our hosts are Joey Styles and Tazz.


- We’ve got CW Anderson in the ring to start off the show tonight, he doesn’t even get an entrance but at least he’s on TV. Shannon Moore comes out to some heavy metal music, looking about as unhappy to be there as possible. He slowly slides into the ring and CW immediately goes to work on him. Moore fights back with a couple of strange head butts to the stomach and then a dropkick. CW rolls to the floor and they tease a dive spot but CW slides back in and Shannon puts on the breaks. CW in control, he goes for the spin buster but Moore lands on his feet and hits back with a couple of forearms. Off the ropes but CW then hits the spinebuster for two. At least use it when it means something, not this early in the match. Geez. Moore rolls to the floor and CW follows him out but its obviously a ploy by Moore as he sends him into the guard rail. Moore vaults off the steps and nails CW with a dropkick, sending CW into the front row. After some boring brawling out on the floor, we’re back inside. Moore being aggressive in the corner. See, he’s pissed at everybody for some reason. We don’t know why yet other than the fact that he thinks “the system is oppressive”. CW staggers into the centre, Moore springboards off the ropes and comes back with a tornado DDT of sorts. Pinfall, 3 count. Well they seem determined to have Moore use the tornado DDT as a finisher, presumably to justify his “cruiserweight” classification. Its slightly “high flying” but by no means will it light the world on fire. It can be used from a variety of positions, as he’s proven thus far and it beats the Ace Crusher which most of the ‘E’ seem to have used at one point or another. Match was nothing more than a squash. *


- After a short break, Kurt Angle makes his way out. He announces that he’s back and back for good. He wants an ECW Title shot and he wants one now. He says costing Big Show the fall to RVD two weeks ago was just the beginning and he’ll do whatever it takes to get a title shot. That’s the signal for Paul Heyman to come out. Heyman welcomes Kurt back although he shouldn’t expect the same hospitality from Big Show since he cost him his unbeaten streak against RVD. He explains to us that Angle wasn’t due back for a few more weeks and that he should be resting. Kurt says to cut the crap, he’s ready to fight. Paul says he’d be more than happy to give such a great athlete an ECW Title shot but he just doesn’t think Kurt is fully fit and a Show/Angle match without everybody 100% wouldn’t be good business. He goes on to say that Big Show isn’t here tonight (yeah right) and he finally has a night off. Kurt says it’s not a problem, he’ll be more than happy to fight for the belt next week. Heyman tries to stall once again, making up some excuse about how he needs time to think about it. Kurt wants a straight answer. Does he get the shot or not? Heyman says he can’t think right now and that he’ll have to get back to him on it. Heyman apologizes and says that he has to go. Angle looks about ready to flip as Heyman leaves the ring. Well that was lame.

DANNY DORING & ROADKILL versus. F.B.I (w/ Trinity & Big Guido)

- Ah, a breath of fresh air it seems. Nice to see Trinity back, she’s so hot in his “vixen” outfit. Big Guido is… big. Doring doesn’t look half as annoying now that he’s put on weight, it’s a shame really. To my total shock, they actually put on an ECW-esque tag match with spots galore (although not as good) with no real storyline. F.B.I with some interesting double submission holds on Doring. Roadkill, with his big fat ass, comes in and wipes out both guys. Roadkill now legal, up on second rope but he misses the big splash, tag to Guido. He’s on fire, dropkicks to the legs and then a double dropkick from the F.B.I. In comes Doring-no tag- and he gets met with a drop-toe-hold into Roadkill’s crotch. Shit like this separated ECW from everybody else back in the day. And even now because WWE have gone into a formulaic trance where 90% of the matches seem to be the exact same formula. Sicilian Drop on Doring and Little Guido dives on-top to make the cover and the 3 count. Overall, still no better than a lot of the tag matches we’ve seen since ECW came back but it was a different formula, it broke the mould so it was a little more entertaining. **


- We cut backstage to Rene Dupree who is oiling himself up, staring at himself in the mirror. I’m starting to get really irritated by this guy. How does he walk down the street with hair like that in this day and age? He moans about Paul Heyman threatening to come down on him with a fine if he doesn’t leave CM Punk alone. He accuses Heyman of favouritism towards the new, “hip” guy on the block: CM Punk. He moans about Punk getting all the attention when everybody should be looking at Rene Dupree. He doesn’t understand why everybody loves Punk. He’s just another greasy loser from the streets of Chicago who never amounted to anything in his life. Some kid who has no respect for his own appearance, not like the most extreme man in all of ECW – the man with the best body in all of wrestling. Rene is sick of seeing Punk everywhere. He’s on the opening video, the live event posters, he’s got a new t-shirt coming out, matches most weeks. And Rene Dupree gets 30 seconds to say his peace and then its time to cut back to CM Punk? Dupree thinks that if anybody should be demanding answers, its Dupree, not Paul Heyman, not CM Punk. “And another thing – why doesn’t Punk come to him face to face? Why run to Paul Heyman?” Dupree says he’s disgusted with the way he’s been treated so far and he might just seek his fortunes elsewhere. WOOO! Thank FUCK for that. Although his promo was actually quite good.

- Sabu is pacing back and forth as RVD walks into the scene and cuts Sabu off, getting in his face. RVD wants to know where Sabu was last week. Where was Sabu when there were runs-in galore leading to RVD getting robbed in his title rematch? Sabu doesn’t answer, he just stares at RVD. Van Dam brings up their past, saying they’ve never really been close friends but when it came down to it, when either man was in a sticky situation, the other always knew when it was time to step in and help the other out. Last week was that time and Sabu was nowhere. He accuses Sabu of being beat. He asks where his backbone is (probably broken and scattered all over America by now) and why he doesn’t fight back after all the crap he’s had to put up with from Paul Heyman. Allowing Heyman to get the better of him and he’s just doing nothing, taking it. Watching guys he travelled the World with getting screwed over. RVD leaves, frustrated, it doesn’t look like any of it even got through to Sabu. He’s probably doped up again.

TEST versus. SABU

- Sabu comes out with a chair, as usual, but today he seems more reluctant to relinquish it. Test looks even bigger, if that’s even possible. Test dominates Sabu early on with elbows in the corner. Sabu keeps pushing his way out and Test keeps throwing him back into the corner. Test walks off then charges toward Sabu and eats a boot. Springboard leg kick from Sabu but Test doesn’t go down. Sabu tries it off the ropes on the other side but Test catches him this time and turns it into a back breaker. Innovation by Test, I shit you not. Cover gets 2. Test goes to work on Sabu’s back for a minute or two, getting a couple of near falls. Sabu fires up with a few right hands but then gets cut off with a thumb to the eye. Off the ropes comes Test but gets taken down with a drop kick to the knee. Sabu then straight-up kicks Test in that big old nose of his before pushing the referee aside and going to the outside. Looks like he’s has enough. Sabu’s looking for his stash under the ring but has to make do with a chair instead. He slides in and the referee grabs it off him and Sabu stalks him into the corner. Test charges in, squashing Sabu and the ref in the corner. I, and even the crowd, groan at the ref bump. Oh so tedious. Sabu staggers out of the corner but he goes low on Test and hits a DDT. Up top goes Sabu, Atomic Arabian Facebuster by Sabu! No ref to cover. Tazz points out that it wouldn’t be legal anyway because he used a chair. Well, duh. Sabu doesn’t seem to give a shit anyway; he rolls to the floor and pulls out a table. Crowd pops. He sets it up on the outside and rolls back in. Test staggers up; Sabu drapes him up against the ropes on the side of the table. He runs off and looks to vault off the chair, trying to cross body Test over the top (through the table presumably?) but Test steps forward and catches him. Test goes for a fallaway slam over the top but it’s kinda botched as Sabu gets caught on the ropes but it’s covered up well. Sabu then springboards back in and nails Test with a leg lariat. So was Sabu meant to go through the table then or not? Ref is slowly coming back to life and Sabu has the chair. He points up, paying tribute to his uncle, The Sheik, before going up top once again. The second Arabian Facebuster misses. Test back up, ref back up, Sabu back up. Sabu swings the chair, misses, Test kicks the chair back in his face and the referee calls for the bell. Well we didn’t see THAT one coming. Apparently he can’t control it so he’s just throwing the match out. How about throwing the match out to begin with and we just have a good ol’ fight every time? Test seems content with the no contest, having floored Sabu with the Chair/Big Boot but he has a stiff word with the ref before leaving. Sabu, however, isn’t so content and he has the ref by the shirt and he pulls a spike out of his boot, threatening the referee with it. EXTREME! Sabu takes out the referee’s who come out to help their work colleague. Sabu decks the culprit with a right hand and he falls to the outside. Sabu, ever the lunatic, follows him out and places him on the table. More officials come out and Sabu takes them out before climbing up onto the ring apron, onto the second turnbuckle and leg dropping the ref through the table! REF BUMP OF EXTREME! YES! Sabu hobbles off; obviously a top and utter lunatic but we got our table bump after all. Another waste of time in terms of a match but I guess it told its own little story. *


- Shannon Moore is backstage. He tells us that he’s a reject of society. Something we didn’t already know, at last.



- Stevie comes out and is actually looking ready for a fight. He has his fists taped up and doesn’t seem afraid of getting his ass kicked, unlike his behaviour in recent weeks. As soon as the bell rings though, he seems to be having second thoughts and he bails out to rethink. Dreamer follows him out, Richards doesn’t see him coming and the match is on! Crowd brawl early on and they eventually emerge back by the entrance. Tazz suspects a trap but Styles points out that Stevie isn’t that smart. He’s right. Extreme rules and that of course means that Stevie gets nailed with a WWE trademark – the trash can. Total squash for the first couple of minutes, back in the ring and Dreamer pulls out a Singapore cane. He rolls in and Stevie begs off. Dreamer things about pity for a second and then decides revenge is sweeter. Cane straight to the head. A few more cane shots and Stevie is out cold. Dreamer covers but then pulls Stevie up off the mat when it looks like he won’t kick out. Dreamer Driver but Stevie drops to his knees and goes low. DDT from Stevie and the cover but Dreamer kicks out. Stevie yells out “this is for you Paul” and then canes the hell out of Dreamer. The cover but Dreamer kicks out again. Richards again canes the hell out of him and then decides he needs some steel so he fetches a chair. Stevie clocks Dreamer with it before making the cover, again Dreamer kicks out. Dreamer’s busted. Stevie looks to be getting annoyed and he goes to the floor again, looking for more weapons under the ring. Dreamer comes back with a baseball slide, nailing Richards’s right in the face. Russian leg sweep into the barricade, I believe Raven has that one trademarked but I’ll let it slide. Stevie gets whipped towards the steps, reversed and Dreamer crashes into the steel. Back inside, Stevie misses a chair shot and Dreamer DDTs him onto the chair. Cover and Stevie actually kicks out but now he’s busted open as well. Dreamer just starts hammering him with right hands but Stevie staggers back to his feet. Low blow by Dreamer and then another DDT but Stevie gets his foot on the rope. Dreamer now looks to be the one getting frustrated. Stevie with a comeback and he hammers Dreamer with rights and lefts and then sends him to the buckle. Charge by Stevie and he nails a closeline in the corner, followed up by a bulldog. Cover and Dreamer kicks out with his blood on the canvas from the bulldog. Cool! Both men look spent. Stevie goes for a suplex onto the chair but he doesn’t seem to have enough left in him. Dreamer nails Stevie with several rights and then lifts Stevie up. Dreamer Driver! The cover, STEVIE KICKS OUT! What the-?! Dreamer can’t believe it and Stevie starts firing up. Dreamer goes for another Dreamer Driver but Stevie lands on his feet, Stevie Kick! The cover, DREAMER KICKS OUT! Both men stagger up and Dreamer lets out a huge scream, kicks Stevie in the gut, Dreamer Driver on the chair! The cover, ITS OVER! Wow. Probably the best non-gimmick-match brawl we’ve seen on this show since Flair/Show and probably the best match both men have had in a looong time. Afterwards, both men are out and here comes Heyman and his personal Riot Squad. He looks pissed because Stevie didn’t fuck Dreamer up enough. Least he gave it a bloody good guy. Heyman orders the Riot Squad to beat the hell out of Dreamer and then out comes Big Show. So much for him having the night off. Show and the Riot Squad beat the hell out of Dreamer. Both Dreamer and Richards then get the cobra clutch backbreaker from Show. Chair shots to both guys. Total asskicking dealt out to both men and Heyman is screaming orders like a complete and total tit. Good match though. ***


- Paul Heyman grabs the microphone. Could we not just end the show with that match and have this next week? Paul E. screams like a girl about how Stevie is a spineless coward who couldn’t get the job done. He wants Stevie out of his life for good; he can’t stand the sight of him so he orders Big Show to kick his ass. Show gives him a couple of Chokeslams while the Riot Squad continue to beat the snot out of Dreamer. Show ends with Dreamer and Richards both looking like they could do with a night or two in hospital.


Shannon Moore def. Christopher W. Anderson

F.B.I. def. Danny Doring & Roadkill

Sabu drew Test in a No Contest

Tommy Dreamer def. Stevie Richards

VERDICT: Shannon Moore is starting to bore me, even if they’re letting him do 1,001 variations of a Tornado DDT. Just explain the guy’s character already! Glad they’re adding some beef behind the CM Punk/Rene Dupree rivalry, be interesting to hear Punk’s response. Heyman seems to be involved in everything these days. Sabu is, well… Sabu. I wonder if they’ll have him feud with RVD, they’re both not doing a whole lot these days. Test is… still around. Dreamer and Richards has ended. Or has it? Who knows with Heyman booking. Big Show is still being pushed to the moon. Kurt Angle is finally back in the mix. Decent main event, sour ending to the show but otherwise it was a fairly interesting show.

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Guest Preston

i was just about to reply when i saw this "Shannon Moore is starting to bore me, even if they’re letting him do 1,001 variations of a Tornado DDT. Just explain the guy’s character already!" and thats exactly what i was going to start with. shannon definitely needs to do.. well.. something, lol. he is a decent worker in my books who could do something more interesting. a good show though, i see the match results are getting a bit longer which is cool.

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Completly agree with the Shannon Moore verdict, the Tornado DDT is just so blah and stale. When you share your finisher with Smackdown's Number One Announcers, Funaki, then you know your boring. Good to see CW doing something though, hopefully we see more of him.

Paul Heyman/Kurt Angle segment was a nice progression of storyline. Hopefully you go the loose-cannon storyline with Angle, having him maim and destroy until he gets what he wants, even though he's not supposed to be there.

F.B.I. vs. Doring and Roadkill was one of the better tag matches I've ever read. Great double-team psychology I think.

Rene Dupree's interview was pretty good. It told the story it needed to, got over his personality and continued his feud with Punk. Dying to hear Punk's response and I've always been a mark for the man.

In the RVD/Sabu angle... thank you for keeping Sabu mute. That is all.

Test vs. Sabu was a boring sort of stale match, but it was at least chaotic and the ending solidified Sabu as anything but broken and weak. He's still the crazy son-of-a-bitch we all know and love.

Moore's interview... another two words a week. Fantastic.

Stevie Richards vs. Tommy Dreamer was the match of the night undoubtedly. Fantastic story-telling with both men kicking out of each other's finishers, killing each other, killing themselves and then a Dreamer Driver on the chair for the win. Heyman coming out and berating Stevie for not having put in enough effort was good too, as he just came off as a real prick.

Great show, really looking forward to the next

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WEEKLY NEWS BITES The Sandman checked himself into rehab earlier this week following a string of “personal problems” which have gotten the better of him of late. Those closest to him fear it’s something a lot worse because it’s out of the blue but nobody has mentioned drugs or alcohol at this point in time. We’ll keep you updated.In other “rehab” news, Kevin “The Vampire” Thorn is expected back sometime soon following a speedy rehab visit. Thorn was busted for carrying anabolic steroids earlier this month but WWE management are hopeful of his return following reports that he’s now clean and ready to go. Big news - Sci-Fi have come to an agreement to hold a two hour ECW special, to air live for Halloween, October 31st. Everybody involved with the company are said to be thrilled with the deal as it shows Sci-Fi has great faith in the show to air it on what is considered the Sci-Fi Channel’s biggest night of the year. Its expected WWE will send out a press release regarding the deal and the venue for the event. Early rumours suggest ECW will be returning to the Hammerstein Ballroom for the show and the first promotional poster can be seen below.
IPB Image

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ECW on Sci-Fi Preview

Rene Dupree will be making his in-ring debut this week for ECW. He’s thus far proclaimed himself to be the most extreme man in all of ECW. You need to have some front to make that claim and Dupree doesn’t look like he’ll be closing that mouth of his anytime soon. He’s expressed his disgust at CM Punk’s rise through ECW and is quite clearly jealous of the attention he’s been getting. But what does CM Punk make of it all? Rene Dupree went so far as to accuse Punk of running to Paul Heyman to complain about all the hassle he’s been getting off Dupree lately. CM Punk and Rene Dupree are both scheduled to be at the show this coming Tuesday so is should be an interesting situation.

Paul Heyman proved last week that he always gets what he wants. He wanted Tommy Dreamer taken out and he got there in the end. Unfortunately for Stevie Richards, he didn’t get the job done and as a result got brutally beat down by Big Show and The Riot Squad. This week he’s again pulling all the strings, putting RVD in a 2 on 1 handicap match against The Riot Squad. RVD just last week was questioning former comrade Sabu about not being there for him when he was being shafted out of the ECW Title. Sabu seems to have his own problems right now having failed in his recent quest to become ECW Champion and as a result is more aggressive than ever. If ever there was a time when a man needed a friend, it’d be RVD this coming Tuesday. The odds are stacked against him but if anybody can put a stop to Paul Heyman’s games it’ll be the Whole F’n Show.


Rene Dupree’s in-ring ECW debut!

Rob Van Dam versus. The Riot Squad in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match

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ECW on Sci-Fi TV Report

3rd October '06

Our hosts are Joey Styles and Tazz.

- Show kicks off with Paul Heyman coming out with his own personal security, The Riot Squad. He goes over tonight’s main event – RVD taking on The Riot Squad in a handicap match. He claims that RVD hasn’t been “pulling his weight” lately and that he’s not happy with his performance in the workplace. He lost his title rematch and it’s about time Van Dam started to prove that he deserves his spot on the roster. Otherwise not unlike Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards, something will have to be done to “fix” the situation. Instead of RVD interrupting, we get Rene Dupree who is dressed for combat. Dupree is only thinking about himself and wants to know why Paul Heyman threatened him with a suspension over the CM Punk “problem”. Paul Heyman assures Dupree that he is a fan of his and doesn’t want any animosity between himself and Rene Dupree. But he’s also a fan of CM Punk and he hates to see matches ruined by outside interference – particularly a CM Punk match. Which is why he demanded Dupree explain his actions. Dupree says he now understands and thanks him for being straight with him. BOOOORING. Al Snow’s music hits. Oh good. This should spice things up. Apparently this is Rene Dupree’s debut ECW opponent so Paul Heyman and his goons head for the exit. Thank god that segments over with.


- Dupree chickens out to start off, not wanting any part of Al Snow or his mannequin head. Lots of stalling from Dupree. Referee threatens to throw the match out unless he gets in the ring and fights and out comes CM Punk. Punk gets on the microphone and says that if Dupree won’t fight Al Snow then perhaps he’ll fight him. Dupree grabs a microphone again. Are we wrestling tonight or what? Dupree reckons Punk doesn’t deserve all the attention he’d get by being in the ring with Rene Dupree. Dupree calls Punk a thug, saying he’s scarred his body for life with tattoos whereas he is a fine specimen of a man. “A Roman statue”. Punk tells him to quit being a jackass and get in the ring. Al Snow just stands around looking useless. Dupree continues to babble on about how Punk and Dupree are polar opposites and then quickly slides into the ring, the match apparently still taking place, and rolls Al Snow up for a shock 3 count. Dupree rolls back out and hurdles the barricade, claiming he’s not only in better physical condition than Punk but much smarter as well. He says the same quite evidently applies to Al Snow as well. *? Nope. Fuck off.


- Backstage, RVD is asking for Sabu. He approaches the F.B.I, asking them if they’ve seen him but they just look at him strangely. Walking on, RVD starts to ask Roadkill and Doring and thinks better of it. He then comes across Kurt Angle who is looking more intense than ever. Kurt sympathizes with RVD about his match tonight but RVD himself doesn’t seem too bothered. “Its just Paul being Paul”. Angle says Heyman is an asshole who needs putting in his place and wishes RVD luck before walking off.


- You just know this one isn’t going to be pretty. Big Show dominates but misses a Vader Bomb. Balls goes into a comeback with a series of rights and lefts but gets nailed coming in with a big boot. Show then hits the cobra clutch backbreaker followed by a chokeslam to pick up the victory. Total squash, as though Big Show needed putting over. Crowd goes ape as Kurt Angle slides into the ring from nowhere and delivers an Angle f’n Slam to the Big Show. Kurt locks in the Ankle Lock and security rushes out to drag Angle away. ¼*


- After a commercial break, Big Show is hobbling around backstage, IRATE, knocking shit all over the place and Paul Heyman rushes onto the scene to try and calm him down. Big Show is adamant he’s going to kick Kurt Angle’s ass but Heyman is doing his best to diffuse the situation. He offers to take Big Show out for a beer and a bite to eat but Big Show doesn’t look to be in a very friendly mood. He kicks a few things over again as he walks back in the other direction. Paul Heyman follows but then turns back to The Riot Squad and says he fully trusts them to see the night out successfully. I guess that means he’s taking Big Show to Taco Bell and won’t be around to see RVD get his ass kicked. That’s a shame.

- We see a video hyping the 2 hour special on October 31st, live from the Hammerstein Ballroom. YES! An ECW crowd at long last. Hopefully.


- Match begins in normal tag format but RVD has no partner obviously. RVD does well when it’s one-on-one but The Riot Squad constantly stretch the rules and use the numbers to their advantage. RVD is a one man spot army tonight, bumping and working like crazy to keep this match remotely entertaining. Step-over heel kick knocks one Riot Squad member into the other. Dive to the floor taking out both men. Back in, RVD goes for the cover but it gets broken up. RVD gets his ass beat down some more. Comes back with Rolling Thunder. Kicks the feet from under Riot Guard 2 on the apron and then nails #1 with the Five Star! #2 pulls the ref out of the ring to break up the count. RVD has finally had enough and grabs a chair. As the ref and #2 argue on the outside, Van Dam leg sweeps #2 on his ass from behind and then corkscrew leg drop’s the chair onto his face. The referee is about to call for the bell and RVD nails him with a right and he’s out for the hard sell. RVD back in, Van Daminator to #1! No ref to count. RVD looks like he regrets decking the ref and #2 recovers to beat the hell out of RVD with a baton. Another ref comes out and throws the match out. Riot Squad don’t seem to care, their mission was to decimate RVD and they look like they’re going to complete it. Finally, lights go out and SABUUUUU’s music hits. Imagine this in front of an ECW crowd. As it is, the drama is all lost on the WWE fans. The lights come back on, Sabu is in the ring and he takes out The Riot Squad with a pair of flying chairs. *1/2


- Dozens of backstage personnel, officials and security come out to try and gain some sort of order but Sabu keeps them all away with a chair. Kurt Angle then comes out and Sabu looks about ready to pick a fight with him until he pulls the shirt off the punched official on the floor and rolls in the ring with a microphone. The Riot Squad are out of it and Angle gets on the microphone, telling Heyman he wants an ECW Title shot. But tonight it’s about putting something else right. He says nobody wants to see a match end in a no contest, least of all ECW fans. So its time to do things right, its time for some Extreme Rules and its time to kick some freakin’ ass! HELL YEAH!


- The bell sounds and the team of RVD & Sabu start doing a number on The Riot Squad. Kurt Angle is the referee presumably but we all believe there’s no way he’ll let Heyman’s goons get a win here. Not that it ever looks like they might but y’know. Just thought I’d put that out there. RVD starts to set up a table on the floor as Sabu goes airborne with a triple jump moonsault onto both members of The Riot Squad. He’s not interested in a cover; he just wants to hurt people. RVD has a table set up on the outside. Sabu throws one of the guards to the outside and RVD sets him up on the table. Guard #2 low blows Sabu however and rolls him up for a cover but only gets two. RVD sets Guard #1 up on the table and nails him with a chair to make sure he stays there. Back inside, he nails Guard #2 with a Van Daminator and tells Sabu to go up top. RVD goes up top on the other side. Sabu flies to the floor, putting Guard #1 through the table with a leg drop and RVD flies off the top, hitting the Five Star Frog Splash on Guard #2 to pick up the 3 count. Fun stuff. Angle holds RVDs arm in the air and RVD thanks both Sabu and Angle as the three celebrate. **



Rene Dupree def. Al Snow

Big Show def. Balls Mahoney

RVD & Sabu def. The Riot Squad

VERDICT: Strange show tonight, I was about ready to put my foot through the TV but managed to hold myself back and it paid off because by halfway through the main event I was actually enjoying myself. I’m glad they finally found something for RVD and Sabu to do. Doubly glad they’re back together or so it seems. Not sure what role Kurt Angle plays in all of it, he’s just out to piss off Heyman I think. The Punk/Dupree program rolls on. Angle/Show is picking up steam. Not bad. If it weren’t for RVD putting in 110% tonight though this show would probably seem a lot worse.

Edited by KaiserJoe
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I liked the idea of finally seeing Rene Dupree get in the ring and have his first match. It was then escalated at the appearance of Punk because I thought he might throw Dupree into the ring to get the match started. Instead it turned into a war of words, and I can't say I'm keen on Dupree speaking. The match itself upset me but I don't know what I honestly expected from Dupree. Maybe I was just hoping for a solid victory to show he has ring skills to back up his talking.


Balls Mahoney versus Big Show seemed like a bad idea from the get go in my view of the event. I obviously didn't think Balls was going to get the win. But I wasn't sure why Show was in the second match on the card either. I thought it was an okay go for pushing Big Show as the big useless ECW Champion that gets pampered though.


I was excited for this and I have no idea why. As soon as I heard that RVD was going to face the Riot Squad I was into it. I wanted RVD to lay some stiff kicks into them and get some revenge on the goons of Heyman. Turns out the match got thrown out and the Riot Squad looked like it was going to win. Which leads me to Angle and Sabu interfering...loved it.


Angle running the show and the match was awesome since Big Show and Heyman had left the building for the night. The match seemed like it was something that the fans would really want to see in my view. I was impressed with it as well in booking terms. Though I did think it was semi-random.

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ECW on Sci-Fi Preview

Paul Heyman flew the nest for a couple of minutes last week and Kurt Angle took full advantage. With Heyman out of the way, trying to calm the Big Show down following a run-in, Angle injected himself into Paul E’s handicap main event, making himself a special guest referee in an extreme rules tag match. First Sabu came to the aid of Rob Van Dam; evening out the numbers and Kurt Angle put the icing on the cake by pretty much giving RVD and Sabu the license to add a further beating to The Riot Squad. Paul Heyman must’ve been irate when he found out but he’s only got himself to blame for stacking the deck against RVD. Prior to the match, RVD had been in search of former run-in buddy Sabu, perhaps looking for some assistance in the handicap match. He certainly got it and the appearance of Kurt Angle was an extra special bonus. The common bond between the 3 must surely be their disgust at Paul Heyman’s actions towards them and everybody else in recent weeks. But as we’ve seen with Tommy Dreamer and Stevie Richards, don’t cross the boss. It’ll be interesting to see how Paul Heyman hits back and what his reaction will be to his plans being ruined last week.

This week we’ll see a first for ECW on Sci-Fi as 15 extremists will enter the ring at the same time for the first ever Extreme #1 Contenders Battle Royal. The winner will be crowned the #1 contender and will have the right to face the Big Show in an ECW Heavyweight Title match. The stakes could hardly be higher. The participants, however, will be hand picked by Paul Heyman so Kurt Angle and Sabu’s actions last week might just come back to haunt them.

Also this week, the Full Blooded Italians will square off in tag team action against the impressive duo of Test & Mike Knox. Test and Knox have somewhat fallen off the wagon in recent weeks and they’ll be looking to get back on with a win over Tony Mamaluke and Little Guido. However, the FBI are still looking to get a foothold here in the returning ECW and they’ll make a lot of noise if they can pull off a victory.


Test & Mike Knox versus. F.B.I

#1 Contenders Battle Royal

Edited by KaiserJoe
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ECW on Sci-Fi TV Report

10th October '06

Our hosts are Joey Styles and Tazz.

F.B.I versus. TEST & MIKE KNOX

- They lock up and Test completely overpowers Little Guido and throws him halfway across the ring. Balls Mahoney’s music then hits which prompts me to start a “HA HA, YOU FUCKED UP” chant because Tony Mamaluke sells it as a surprise so damn well. I’m disappointed to actually see Balls Mahoney but wait. He’s brought company! Axl Rotten comes out with him but Balls has a microphone. That’s not good. He tells us that nobody wants to see this match. He informs us that his long lost tag partner has been found so they can once again go balls-to-the-wall together. Fascinating stuff. Axl gets on the microphone and announces the match to now be an old school ECW three way dance.



Balls and Axl slide in but they get decimated by Test and Know who seem annoyed they’ve injected themselves into the match. Mamaluke bumps like a stunt double as he gets launched over the top and to the floor. Knox misses a splash in the corner, Axl and Balls hit a battering ram on Test and he staggers back to the corner. Guido wants to be whipped into him by Balls and Axl who look about ready to oblige but they reverse him into a vicious closeline by Knox in the other corner. Axl and Balls seem happy with the result until Test comes back with a big boot to Balls and then a sidewalk slam to Axl. Mamaluke up top but he gets crotched by Knox. Kelly Kelly looks on. Thank god that’s all she does now. Trinity, on the other hand, likes to get involved. She jumps onto the apron and hits Knox with a high kick to the temple and he staggers back into a schoolboy by Axl for two. Mamaluke jumps off the top but gets caught by Test who Press Slam’s him to the floor, on top of Trinity and Little Guido. Axl, Balls, Test and Knox slug it out. Noggin’ knocker to the heels and the drunks stand tall. F.B.I are back into it and they go for a pair of body slams on the fat guys but there’s nothing doing. Test and Knox then charge, both looking for Big Boots but it’s the F.B.I who take the blows. Axl and Balls double DROPKICK Test and Knox to the outside and cover the F.B.I to eliminate the Pizzamaking, Ferrari-loving motherfuckers. I jest. Axl and Balls celerabte, apparently forgetting their beloved 3 Way Dance stipulations that there’s two falls and this allows Test & Mike Knox to come back with a pair of Big Boots for the second fall and they’re victorious. Well… it’s nice to see the tag rules thrown out the window because, let’s face it, ECW never really bothered with ‘em so why should WWE’s version of ECW? **


- After the break, Mike Knox is backstage with Kelly Kelly. I guess I spoke too soon. Knox is watching over their match from earlier tonight and he pauses it at Trinity’s interference. Kelly Kelly looks clueless as Knox tries to educate her on the art of being a valet. She needs to interfere – like Trinity. That’s her job, that’s why she’s there. But Kelly just wants to be a regular girlfriend, like anybody else. Knox isn’t happy, suggesting tonight’s win would’ve come a lot easier if she wasn’t sure a bimbo 24/7. He storms off, leaving Kelly looking a little upset. Nevermind.

- Out comes Paul Heyman. Goody. He’s not very happy about last week as everybody already guessed. He says that last week is 100% cast iron proof that the new ECW needs someone like him in charge. Because it all goes to shit when he’s not in control. He vows not to give into Angle by granting him a title opportunity which is why he will be absent from tonight’s #1 Contenders Battle Royal. He does however stress that Big Show is more than willing to beat Angle to a bloody pulp but Heyman won’t actually allow that because, despite what most people think, he’s actually a nice guy and doesn't want to see a less-than-100% Angle get beat by a monster. He congratulates RVD and Sabu on their little “reunion” because the World is now more open about gay relationships than it was when they first got together. Ouch. Heyman says that they too will be absent from the #1 Contenders Battle Royal because they're had enough title shots to last them the rest of the year. Out comes Big Show. He’s still not happy, he wants Kurt Angle because nobody jumps Big Show and gets away with it. Show offers Angle a title shot for the 2 hour special on Halloween but Heyman promptly jumps in and states that it won’t happen. Heyman goes off on one that ECW is already going back to its old ways with guys, naming names: RVD, Sabu, Axl and Balls and now Angle – all deciding to change the rules as and when they sit fit. But he won’t allow that to happen where the ECW Heavyweight Title is concerned. Heyman states that one think he will do is book a rematch from last week for the Halloween Special. RVD & Sabu versus The Riot Squad. Kurt Angle’s music then hits and Kurt comes out looking extremely pissed. He walks halfway down the ramp and a “scared-shitless” Paul Heyman demands he not come any further or he’ll be suspended for life and traded to RAW for a member of The Spirit Squad. Cheap shot! Angle listens to the threat and stays his distance but he has a microphone and promises to continue making Heyman and Show’s lives hell until he has no choice but to book the match. Heyman promises that he’ll “open negotiations” with Angle from here-on out and since Angle proclaims to be fit for action, he’ll fight tonight – NOW – in a two-on-one handicap match. Heyman and Show leave, Show needs to be convinced to do so by Heyman, and out come a couple of jobbers.


- Joey Styles introduces the two jobbers as “Heyman’s gofers” but I, being all smart and clever, know them to be Sonny Siaki and Xavier of TNA and ROH fame respectively. They get totally jobbed out right here though as Angle really goes to town on ‘em. They each taste a couple of German Suplexes and a royal beating from Angle before he decides he’s had enough. Xavier starts screaming like a girl as Angle locks in the Ankle Lock for the submission victory. With Angle having annihilated Heyman’s task force, Paul E. gives Show the all-clear to kick his ass. Show doesn’t need anymore confirmation. He enters the ring and blindsides Angle with a clubbing shot to the back. Show starts choking Angle with his boot before tossing him across the ring with hardly any effort. Chokeslam to Angle and then out come RVD & Sabu, wielding steel chairs. Show backs off with a smile on his face, happy that he’s done enough to Kurt Angle… for now. ¼*


- Backstage, Kelly Kelly wipes away a few tears, obviously upset at Mike Knox’s comments earlier tonight. Axl Rotten and Balls Mahoney then appear on the scene and Kelly looks afraid and who wouldn’t be? The jolly old fat guys protest their innocence and offer to take Kelly “out on the town” for the night to cheer her up. She’s hesitant at first but she can’t resist Balls’ toothless-smile and walks off with them. Uh oh.

- We get a series of quick interviews from some of the Battle Royal participants. In the top right hand corner, as the interviews take up most of the screen, we can see the competitors making their way to the ring. First up is Matt Striker of RAW fame. Well not really but you get what I mean. I’m hoping he’s there just to make up the numbers but he claims to be in ECW for good to try educate and uneducated and teach the unteachable. O…k.

- Christopher W. Anderson is next up to give an interview and he claims to be the quiet wrecking machine that has yet to be let loose properly on the ECW locker room. Dude, you’ve had a few matches and got jobbed out. Still, at least we now know he has a voice.

- Al Snow promo. He doesn’t say a whole lot that makes any sort of sense. Standard Al Snow promo really.

- CM Punk cuts an interview stating it’s his first “battle royal” and he plans to have a 100% record by the end of the night.

- Danny Doring and Roadkill are about to say something until Rene Dupree busts in on their interview time to say a few words. Dupree apparently has been overlooked and isn’t in the Battle Royal. Well aint that just a DAMN shame. He cries conspiracy but says he’s not THAT bothered because being in the ring with so many ugly creatures would probably have some sort of rub-off effect on him anyway. Yeah, he might actually get over.

- Shannon Moore has the last interview and says it’s about time the underdog got a break.

Extreme #1 Contenders Battle Royal

Al Snow, Big Guido, Chuck Palumbo, CM Punk, Christopher W. Anderson, Danny Doring, Justin Credible, Matt Striker, Shannon Moore, Roadkill

- We switch back to full screen in time to see the last few entrances. Shannon Moore, Chuck Palumbo (for FUCKS sake!), CM Punk and Al Snow. Match begins and everybody starts beating on each other. Rene Dupree then strolls out to ringside, carrying a little mirror with him, doing his hair on the way down. Weapons all around the ring. Al Snow reaches out and grabs a trash can but Credible drop-toe-holds him down into it. Dupree starts looking through some of the weapons with a rather comical look of disgust on his face. He gingerly picks up a trash can lid and holds it away from himself so as not to get any dust or shit on himself. Not much of note happening in the ring. First guy gets dumped and to nobody’s surprise its Danny Doring. Launched out by Big Guido. Al Snow charges Striker but Striker ducks a Head-shot and Snow practically eliminates himself. Way to go dumbass. Palumbo and Roadkill team up to dump Big Guido to the floor but then Punk hits a dropkick on Roadkill, sending him to the outside. Dupree jumps up onto the apron and cracks Punk on the back of the head with a trash can lid before strutting around ringside, all happy with himself. Justin Credible starts swinging a Singapore cane, smashing everybody in sight. Palumbo goes for the oversell and throws himself over the top rope following a shot to the kidneys. Credible then stupidly stands on the second rope and holds the cane in the air for Striker to dump him to the floor. Striker of course thinks he’s a genius for doing it but this allows Shannon Moore time to crack him over the head with a chair and then throw him over the top. Anderson and Moore go at it. Punk is about to charge at Moore but Dupree trips him up from the outside. Ok now I’m getting annoyed. Punk goes after Dupree, chasing him around ringside but then has the smarts to roll back in and continue the match. Anderson nails Moore with the spine buster but then eats a couple of stiff kicks from Punk and then a running closeline to send him over the top and to the floor. Moore and Punk trade shots and Moore whips him into the ropes, reversed but Dupree doesn’t realize and he thinks he’s low-bridging Punk but instead he ends up eliminating Shannon Moore. Dupree is pissed, Punk doesn’t seem too happy to have won like that and I feel annoyed. Punk invites Dupree in to fight but he backs away and the two exchange words from a distance. *¼



Test & Mike Knox def. Axl Rotten & Balls Mahoney & F.B.I

Kurt Angle def. Sonny Siaki & Xavier

CM Punk won Extreme Battle Royal to become #1 Contender

VERDICT: Everything seems to be plodding along ok at the moment, obviously starting to build for the big 2 hour special at the end of the month. Surprised to see Axl Rotten’s arrival after no-shows and attitude problems a few months ago. Chuck Palumbo and Matt Striker are two unwelcome additions to ECW but I have a feeling Palumbo will just be used as-and-when. Striker at least has a gimmick so I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more of him. Sadly.

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I can't say enough about the diary. It is awesome and very realistic. You are able to keep everything interesting in the "new" ECW while slowly reverting back to some of the "old" ways (like the first match from the last show).

I'm guessing you're saving Big Show and Kurt Angle for the DTD pay-per-view. I don't like that Punk is the number one contender as Big Show will just squash him. Or, is it to be the main event of the two hour special? That would be awesome.

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ECW on Sci-Fi Preview

With the Paul Heyman/Crazy Leader Tour 2006 in full swing, the usual suspects got rudely kicked to the curb last week on Sci-Fi. RVD, Sabu & Kurt Angle were all omitted from the list of challengers in the #1 Contenders Extreme Battle Royal and Kurt Angle was thrust back into active competition (despite Heyman still sticking to the old story of “Angle not being fit for a title shot”) in a Heyman favourite, a handicap match, against two youngsters. Kurt took care of the problem in quick fashion only for the dominant ECW World Champion, the Big Show, assault the “Extreme Olympian”. If it weren’t for the intervention of RVD & Sabu, Big Show and Paul Heyman may well have put Kurt Angle back on the shelf.

Despite being left off the show last week, Paul Heyman didn’t forget about RVD & Sabu and booked a rematch of the fight we see two weeks ago against The Riot Squad for the 2 hour Halloween Special. The Riot Squad will take on RVD & Sabu but the future for Kurt Angle is still uncertain. Paul Heyman seems determined NOT to grant him a title shot against the Big Show, obviously trying to protect his “long term investment” and his title reign. As though the 500lb monster needs any sort of protection.

One man who seems to be avoiding the wrath of Paul Heyman is CM Punk. The Straight Edge youngster has been slowly catching the eye of all ECW fans, both old and new, and his great start to his ECW went from “great” to “brilliant” by becoming the #1 Contender. One man who Punk seems to have caught the eye of more than most is Rene Dupree. Dupree, quite possibly the most self absorbed man on the planet, believes Punk shouldn’t be getting all the attention because for one – he’s disgraced himself and his body is a mess with tattoos. But its not body lotion or hair spray that gets the job done in ECW, its victories. Funnily enough, the more Dupree tries to avert the attention off Punk onto himself, the more attention Punk gets. Take this past week as a perfect example. It came down to CM Punk and Shannon Moore and Dupree accidentally low-bridged Moore for Punk to gain the victory. Well if he regretted his mistake at the time, he’ll be regretting it even more now as Shannon Moore has specifically requested a match with Rene Dupree – this week on Sci-Fi!

Also this week, Paul Heyman will invite a very special guest to ECW for one night only for an ECW World Title match. Who could it be? With Heyman’s hesitancy to book Kurt Angle in a title match you’ve just got to wonder – is Heyman willing to put Big Show in a match with somebody who has a realistic chance of winning? He granted RVD his rematch but with a predictable backup plan of having The Riot Squad interfere. Will we get a legitimate title match this week or will the Paul Heyman Reign of Terror continue yet another week?


Rene Dupree versus. Shannon Moore

Big Show versus. Mystery Opponent

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Ok, just a little rant here people. I started the Stevie Richards chicken-shit, kissass thing, pretty much at the start of my diary. Simple enough, only bringing back the old character he used to play. I had him side with Paul Heyman because it was the obvious fit. I’ve been hinting at this division between the two sides for weeks. With the plan being to have the old ECW originals (and the odd guy here and there from the new era that actually fits. IE: Punk and Angle) as one side of the fight and the new, WWE-like guys on the other side. Led by Paul Heyman. Stevie Richards turning heel and joining with Heyman, having Big Show pretty much as Heyman’s client and bringing the Riot Squad more into the action immediately meant I had half an army anyway. RVD & Sabu eventually got their act together and came back as a team to sort out the Riot Squad as a way of A) Sticking up for each other and B) To fuck Heyman over. Tommy Dreamer has issues with Heyman because of what happened in real life leading up to the start of my diary and Heyman wanting him gone (and getting Stevie to try and rid ECW of Dreamer). As a result, Dreamer and Stevie both get fucked up by Heyman and the Riot Squad. Stevie/Dreamer feud, Riot Squad/RVD_Sabu feud, Angle/Show feud. Pattern emerging here? All of this is way before September 11th when the real life ECW first showed signs of any sort of division between the two sets of wrestlers.

I posted this on August 24th. http://rspwfaq.livejournal.com/417369.html. I suggest you read my comment in full; it basically goes over what I just said but it might help you understand my point a little better. I posted that comment in response to a post about the show that particular week. At a time when Matt Striker had only just debuted; Hardcore Holly had just appeared and Kurt Angle was still under contract (although injured). At a time when it was a ludicrously wishful thinking idea that they would bunch all the non-ECW guys together so we didn’t have a Hardcore Holly vs. Test feud on an ECW show.

Now I’m not saying this as some ludicrous conspiracy theory idea that WWE are ripping ideas from my diary. Now THAT would be insane. I’m simply saying that I haven’t taken the idea from the September 11th show in MSG and twisted it my own little way. I had the idea all set up and THEN WWE hinted at it on the MSG show and they seem to be building on it. I’ve been hinting at it for awhile and, as the link above proves, mentioned it even before I started this diary.

Basically, this is my attempt to prove I came up with this idea before it ever looked like it’d happen in real life. Attempting to prove that I didn’t just rip off their idea (because it was nowhere near happening when I spoke of such an idea!) but I suppose this is one of the perks of writing a diary that’s A) Attempting to be slightly realistic and B) In present day.

And just as a comparison to how things have NOT gone the way they have in my diary. Look at Rene Dupree. For his debut at MSG, he started doing elbows off the bottom rope to take the piss that he’s the most extreme guy in ECW. I went the other, more obvious way of just having him stall all the time as a way of annoying people. I WAS BEING ORIGINAL WITH MY STORYLINES, I STARTED IT FIRST 

Why post this? Well a few things were annoying me with doing this diary. I had a show all written out awhile back to hint a RVD/Sabu reunion with the intention of having them join forces again at a later show. Shock horror, they’re in a tag match at the very next ECW show on Sci Fi. I know they have a small roster so it’s not exactly a long shot of my diary and real life mirroring each other. But it’s just a little annoying and off-putting. Although to reverse things in my favour, we’ve got The Sandman facing Big Show for the title this week when I did that on one of my first shows. So it works both ways I guess. I just wanted to try and clear my name in case anybody out there thought I was taking the easy route and copying TV.

Although that’s not possible for the next show. I’ve been working awful hours at my first job and that’s my excuse for opting out and going with the Booker T-esque “Mystery Opponent/Special Guest” idea as a quick fix for a show. Apologise but after this upcoming show (which I promise will actually be better than the Booker T appearance) things will begin rolling nicely again. Just bare my comments in mind as storylines progress.

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