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2006/2007 Hockey Season Thread

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It's not much of a series when you're only really playing against the opposing goalie.

It's too bad for a lot of these guys... Kiprusoff...Luongo..now Miller... standing on their heads for their teams, and having nothing to show for it.

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You're just being a homer and everyone has already tuned you out.

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If it was Chris Pronger and Darcy Tucker you'd be all for hits from behind.

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What's the deal with Alfredsson and his seeming immunity towards penalties? There were 3 or 4 times last night where he should have been sent to the box and wasn't...and one of those times was a slash, that the referee saw and didn't call, which led to a retaliation cross check from Brian Campbell and a penalty to him.

Hits from behind shouldn't be happening. Suspend Pronger, fine... but they need to go back and say "WHY aren't we doing anything about the Alfredsson hit?"

They need to have robot referees so they all call the same things. Or cyborgs...cyborgs would be cooler.

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Ottawa gets away with another fucking hit from behind, which leads to a Senators powerplay and a goal.

I call shenanigans. I hope someone takes out Alfredsson and Schaefer... they should have both been penalized, Alfredsson should have been suspended a game, and nothing happened. They should be marked men.

EDIT: The referees decided that game unfortunately. The first two Ottawa goals should not have happened because of penalties that should have been called.

Ottawa played a great series, no doubt. It's just disappointing that it was won that way.

Go Ducks...

Edited by Gabriel Goolsby
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