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2006/2007 Hockey Season Thread

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A five game losing streak (six after tonight) has put the playoffs out of the Hawks' reach. Now it's a matter of getting as many ping pong balls as possible for the draft lottery. And trading away Aucoin.

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I didn't see this game because of a friend's birthday, but from what I can put together it was a 6 to 1 loss to the Canucks.

Toronto's next three games are all on the road, and they are against Tampa Bay, Florida and Pittsburgh. Hopefully the team can put together a little winning streak here.

Edited by desiredtoe
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Huet is sure gonna get his shit ruined in this city. There was just no excuse for how terrible he played. 6 goals on 25 shots in 23 minutes!!!

The papers were blasting him today. He was on the front page with the caption Embarassing under it.

It's reasons like that, that free agents would rather take less money from another team to avoid playing for Montreal.

Edited by Basha
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Huet is sure gonna get his shit ruined in this city. There was just no excuse for how terrible he played. 6 goals on 25 shots in 23 minutes!!!

The papers were blasting him today. He was on the front page with the caption Embarassing under it.

It's reasons like that, that free agents would rather take less money from another team to avoid playing for Montreal.

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There was no vote. It was decided by a committee. I don't think there's a rule that every team needs to be represented, but I suppose that's the ideal situation, so they did pick at least a player from each team.

And the Hawks get robbed tonight by terrible officiating. Hawks outplay the Wild, but get bad calls against them all game long, while the Wild get nothing for the exact same infractions. To top it off, Arkhipov scores in the shootout, but the goal gets taken back after a video review, because apparently the puck never crossed the goal line (Bullshit). Why do I see white between the puck and the goal line? Idiots. I'm seriously pissed off. Wild already won a shootout against the Hawks earlier this season with a play where the player ran Khabibulin before putting the puck in the net. What the hell is it with all officials loving Minnesota? Crap.

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Starting five are voted by the fans.

The rest of each team is picked by the coach of the all-star team.

I don't know where it said Jagr didn't want to play but maybe he has some nagging injuries.

I still can't believe Kovalchuk wasn't selected.

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You are allowed to hit and check. Normal hockey rules. Though I don't think anyone is going to start throwing big hits or anything. Especially if they know you're not in game shape.

One year Roenick played hard and threw a few hits. Got a lot of hate from the other players for that. It was kind of funny.

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Canada? By that logic, Miikka Kiprusoff is overrated, Dwayne Roloson ditto. And I know Basha's going to come in with a whole wedge of stats that prove you're talking shit about Huet, so that's that. I acknowledge Raycroft isn't as good as Belfour, and I wish we'd kept Rask, but he is nonetheless is a credible starting goaltender.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

Not just Canada, but the two most intense cities in the NHL.

Raycroft's a credible starting goalie, sure, but he's not the Vezina candidate the Toronto media were making him out to be when he first showed up.

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And the Hawks get robbed tonight by terrible officiating. Hawks outplay the Wild, but get bad calls against them all game long, while the Wild get nothing for the exact same infractions. To top it off, Arkhipov scores in the shootout, but the goal gets taken back after a video review, because apparently the puck never crossed the goal line (Bullshit). Why do I see white between the puck and the goal line? Idiots. I'm seriously pissed off. Wild already won a shootout against the Hawks earlier this season with a play where the player ran Khabibulin before putting the puck in the net. What the hell is it with all officials loving Minnesota? Crap.
Edited by lari
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