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2006/2007 Hockey Season Thread

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Neidermayer and Lidstrom if I'm not mistaken.

Ottawa is really playing like the Sens on the last decade now. It's great for them, but they're biting at the Habs heels. Montreal has 2 at hand, but Ottawa is the type of team who can win 6 or 7 in a row.

Can someone explain to me what happened in the aftermath of when Heatly killed Snyder? What were the circumstances and what happened afterwards.

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Guest Grapehead

Neidermayer and Lidstrom if I'm not mistaken.

Ottawa is really playing like the Sens on the last decade now. It's great for them, but they're biting at the Habs heels. Montreal has 2 at hand, but Ottawa is the type of team who can win 6 or 7 in a row.

Can someone explain to me what happened in the aftermath of when Heatly killed Snyder? What were the circumstances and what happened afterwards.

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If Heatley wasn't a hockey player, do you think he still would have gotten probation? I thought driving drunk and killing someone in doing so would land someone in jail. Obviously Heatley made a terrible judgement which resulted in someone's death, but I thought someone would get jailtime for that.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

It's nice to think that he would have avoided jail anyhow, with Heatley's remorse and Snyder's parents' forgiveness, but if he weren't a hockey player, I don't think it would have turned out this way.

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Ian White is out for Toronto with a seperated shoulder. This is getting seriously bad, but Ponikarovsky is coming back as soon as Saturday (most likely next week), Tucker should be back soon and Wellwood is still listed as day to day.

Toronto picked up Travis Green off of waivers. I think he can help the team, especially going into a tough stretch of games that are almost must wins for the Leafs.

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Also, Heatley is in a position to pay for his crime financially, by paying for education and making speeches.

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Philadelphia tonight. Hopefully we dispose of them easily and keep on the winning track.

And SDM, I've found the perfect season bragging rights decider. Montreal plays Vancouver soon. Winner gets to brag and boo the others until their lungs are sore... or Playoffs.

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Guest Grapehead

Ugh, Ottawa almost blows a 5-0 lead in the third period!! almost.. they hang on. The refs really should've reviewed the first goal, you could clearly see him throw his shoulder forward, whether or not that knocked it in I couldn't tell, but Ottawa had a legitimate complaint. Then the refs fuck up a delay of game call on Ottawa. I guess it's hard to come by a game with perfect officiating these days.

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Perfect? Shit competant would be nice.

Montreal beats Philly 4-2. Ryder scored a beautiful goal. I don't think anybody saw him shoot the puck. Kovalev nets one aswell. Higgins and Johnson look like they've been playing together for a few seasons from the chemistry they showed tonight.

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This is the first game this season for the Leafs that I did not watch. Maybe I should go out and get totatally hammered more often! A 4-2 victory over the conference leading Sabres is huge. The Leafs stay above .500 and they gain some momentum going into Saturday's game versus the Canucks. Raycroft was solid tonight, but I doubt he can match Luongo on Saturday.

Sundin was good. O'Neill was excellent. Steen was good.

Travis Green, the newest Leaf, did his job. He won 8 of 12 faceoffs, and is expected to do that as a penalty killer. It is so huge as a team to be able to win those draws on the PK and just dump it right away. Green can help us there, and he did.

Edited by desiredtoe
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Yeah, O'Neill was on the ball last night. He got two big goals and had another 2 or 3 great chances as well.

Carlo looked top notch too, but Raycroft kept the team in the game when the Sabres were all over us. I can't remember which goal it was, but Raycroft came huge at the side of the net on Maxim and if McCabe would have kept his eyes open he may have had a chance to keep that one out. Instead, he resorts to the trusty crosscheck.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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Coliacovo is showing why he was a first round draft pick. To me, he plays like a more physical Tomas Kaberle.

I am glad that, even after the loss to Carolina, Maurice stayed with Andrew Raycroft. Aubin and Raycroft have both been shakey, but I cringe whenever Aubin is in net, he is like Tim Thomas in the way he is acrobatic. He is great on some nights, but when he is slightly off it is a train wreck.

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