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2006/2007 Hockey Season Thread

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I'm all set for watching the gold medal game tomorrow.

The Leafs blew out the Bruins 10-2 after ending the first period down 2-1. Steen got his first NHL hat-trick, Stajan and Battaglia got two each, and a ton of other guys looked great. Raycroft made some big saves in the first to keep it to just two goals against.

Basha, making the playoffs is hard, but we should all know that all you have to do is make it. Even an 8th place team has a shot.

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Man Montreal got trashed by the caps, 5-1. We just came up empty. When I heard that Toronto won 10-2 I thought severeal things, the first, Clawson is going to make me eat my words, the second, that the parade route will be planned and third that Sundin will have gotten me all sorts of points in my hockey pool. But he was almost a non-factor in the game(point wise).

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Man Montreal got trashed by the caps, 5-1. We just came up empty. When I heard that Toronto won 10-2 I thought severeal things, the first, Clawson is going to make me eat my words, the second, that the parade route will be planned and third that Sundin will have gotten me all sorts of points in my hockey pool. But he was almost a non-factor in the game(point wise).
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Yeah! Fuck the USSR! USA! USA! USA!

Also, hahaha the Habs suck. Pull Huet! Pull Huet!

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Be I'm not going to lie. I honestly don't know what you were trying to say in that post. I was thinking of making a comment like I don't know what you're trying to say from all the way down there in the Northeast, but I'm serious. I really haven't a fucking clue what the hell you just said.

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Get rid of the 6 points and you have "Suck better", which you can lead on to mean Montreal sucks more than Vancouver. I've joined the attle against Montreal on the second front because I now count the Nucks among my second teams (they join Chicago, Pittsburgh, Washington, Minnesota and Columbus. Being a perennial underdog myself, I root for the crappier teams). Don't worry about it, my way of speaking confuses a lot of people.

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