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Guest Ringmaster

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Does anyone else hate the Taco Bell commercials featuring the phrase 'good to go'?

'It's good to go!'

'Good to go?'

'Good to go!'

'Good to go!'

I especially hate the way they say it. The whole thing reminds me of being in school and having a teacher with a really bad catchphrase, but he thinks it's the best thing ever, and he keeps using it over and over again, day after day, and you just want to shank him.

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The Sony Bravia advert is king.

Which one is that?

just turn over to a music channel in the break or something as yes commercials are annoying.

and does anyone else find that the commercials are always LOUDER than the programs?

Yeah, in fact Channel 5 got in trouble over that recently.

Oh and I was down with the whole Barry Scott thing a few years ago, but he's got to grow. It's still the same shit.

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Car and booze adverts are normally some of the best.

Also are adverts with lush music LIKE the Bravia one and the car one where the woman passenger closes her eyes and the car drives down a street where the radio is massive, the bbq is huge, the bell on the kid's bike is huge etc...

What I don't like about adverts are:

a) The same old uninspiring ones that don't make an effort.

b) The fact that they're LOUDER than the actual TV programmes.

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The problem is, thanks mostly to the internet, the world has become a lot less gullible. People can get online and in five seconds, find out if a product is really worth it. Not to mention, people have just become so jaded to advertising; the majority of this board (15-35 year old males) are the absolute hardest demographic to appeal to, we're also the most sought out. Which is why you're seeing a barrage of absolutely retarded advertising, "Sublymonal" from Sprite is the most notorious, they think everyone's sense of humor is random and bizarre, which is partially true, but we're also not retarded. Blame Napoleon Dynamite for a lot of this, because that movie was such a hit, people think obscure, random and pointless sells.

The last big advertising fad was XTREME~ZORZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks to the rising popularity of the X-Games, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, etc. Advertising goes through phases, always does. Of course, you always have your absolute shit commercials - I'm sorry, but there's no reason for Coke, Pepsi, McDonalds and various candy bars to advertise. I know the Twix bar isn't going anywhere, so spare me the "Creamy creamy choco" bullshit. But there are some good ad campaigns out there, just about anything Chipotle does is brilliant, as well as Geico, but those are few and far between.

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I'm sorry, but there's no reason for Coke, Pepsi, McDonalds and various candy bars to advertise. I know the Twix bar isn't going anywhere, so spare me the "Creamy creamy choco" bullshit. But there are some good ad campaigns out there, just about anything Chipotle does is brilliant, as well as Geico, but those are few and far between.

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There is this awful Starbucks coffee commercial with a sort of military cadence. I'm not even sure what these lame business/indie kid/hipster fucks are singing about. I just know the end of it finishes with them all chanting "Who Da Man?" "You Da Man?". Yeah well "You da fucking chump" with your advertising of this awful brand of coffee that has spawned so many cretinous dolts.

I never mind the NFL commercials during the NFL season, some are actually funny. Typically the "It must be football season" commercials have some humorous moments.

The Samuel Adams beer commercials are good as well. They are very straight forward void of any the typical nonsense you'd get from most other beer commercials. It's basically showing people that appreciate good beer (about the best domestic beer in America) and showing breweries around the country. I like it, no bullshit, just them telling us that they brew good beer without the added situational comedy skit.

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Guest Preston

and does anyone else find that the commercials are always LOUDER than the programs?

Yeah, that's the intention. Some study revealed that ads are 10% louder than the shows in order to get the message across to buy whatever it is they're promoting.

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All insurance adverts are awful. All the stuff where some retarded woman slips in the halls and gains £4,000 compensation. Stuff like Elephant.com and all Sheilas Wheels adverts where they try big up women as drivers when the reason they don't have crashes is because they drive at 20mph and wait until the roads are totally deserted before pulling out. >_>

Also all local adverts which are clearly really cheap because they're just one background picture with the narrator screaming at us.

The reason adverts are louder is because they know we're walking to the kitchen to put on the kettle.

Edited by IAceI
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I'm sorry, but there's no reason for Coke, Pepsi, McDonalds and various candy bars to advertise. I know the Twix bar isn't going anywhere, so spare me the "Creamy creamy choco" bullshit. But there are some good ad campaigns out there, just about anything Chipotle does is brilliant, as well as Geico, but those are few and far between.

There's a reason for them doing that though. Market share really. However, it does beg the question: If you have a product that everyone uses, would you advertise?

Oh I know why they do it, but it's also silly. Coke and Pepsi spend billions of dollars on advertising every year and not a single one of those ads will actually cause someone to change their mind and "make the switch." People are going to buy Coke, people are going to buy Pepsi, or both if you're weird like me. If I had a product that had become so ingrained in the culture (like Kleenex), I'd save the money on advertising. Kleenex advertises itself just by being called Kleenex. I'm not really saying these companies shouldn't advertise at all, but the amount of money they spend on it is pretty ridiculous.

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