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Official Premiership 06/07 thread


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1749: Cristiano Ronaldo gets a great standing ovation from the home fans as he comes off to be replaced by Gabriel Heinze. Actually, that's a lie. The Portugal winger is booed off, as expected.

- BBC.co.uk

Don't you just love BBC commentary on their site.

I wish more people did that.

Wish I could see the match today though, being back in the States depresses me.

Edited by damshow
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Heh, Arsenal were the better team as the match wore on, maybe if United had made more of their first half superiority who knows. Man Utd did look like they were holding on for a draw though, so that's never fantastic.

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Uriah Rennie is a twat. A complete twat :P

A, for two horrendous decisions (the offside and the dissallowed West Ham goal), and B for sparking up ANOTHER row over the offside rule.

It's really not that difficult. It's a shitty and confusing rule, yes, but not so confusing that Alan Hansen has to claim that he doesn't understand it :P

A player is "offside" if he's goalward of the last defender at the instant the ball is kicked by one of his team-mates.

Exceptions: 1, If the ball is passed backwards, away from the opponents goal. 2, if the player was in his own half when the ball was kicked.

He ceases to be offside if, when another pass is made, he is onside.

An infringement occurs if a player who is offside interferes with play. Either by touching the ball himself, or by putting himself in a position where the defending team could realistically expect him to become active in the move.

If you're standing right in front of the fucking goalkeeper when a shot comes in, YOU'RE INTERFERING WITH FUCKING PLAY.

I don't know why I'm so annoyed about that, because I'm not even a West Ham fan ¬_¬ It was just fucking rediculous.

The hardest part of the offside rule (and to be honest, I don't envy the ref's and officials for having to do this at all, we need fucking TV refs like every other sport has) is knowing whether someone's actually offside or not. Because you have to know when the balls is kicked, and where the players are, at the same time.

To get a basic fucking decision wrong after getting that bit right, though, is retarded.

It's like getting 99% on an advanced algebra exam because you got "1+1=?" wrong. :@ ESPECIALLY when you overrule your linesman to do it. That's even worse. That's like getting "1+1=2, true or false?" wrong. FFS.

Yeah, mistakes happen. But that wasn't a mistake, it was a fucking travesty. The FA get annoyed when referees are critised by managers, and then something like this happens, and they wonder why...

The worst part is, the FA probably won't even lift a finger to do anything about the cunt. Like Warnock said, what's the point in arguing about it. Referees get more protection than Goalkeepers :P "Waagh, it's a hard job". Become a fucking estate agent then, if you can't hack it.

Not as much of a travesty as the Reading/Sheffield United Royal Rumble (there's a pun in there somewhere ¬_¬), but still...

Edited by Farmer Reil
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You know what I've realised?

We need a Referee mode in PES/FIFA :P

Just like the special ref mode in the SD! games. You control the ref, running around the pitch. If your linesmen flag, you get an icon pop up telling you, and they tell you why over the headset thing.

The various buttons would do different things. Like pressing X to whistle for a foul, O for offside, etc.

It'd be fun until the novelty wore off, at least :P

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From what I saw (and heard on the radio) Arsenal deserved the win. So fair enough.

Why does Lehmann persist with the rediculously bad theatrics? Right near the end when there's about 10 seconds left he clutches his ankle. It's pathetic. Yes I realise it happens in other teams, but as far as acting goes, he's terrible at it.

So are you saying it would be ok if he was a better actor?

No of course not. I mean I'm just amazed he isn't called on it by a referee because it's absurd. As well as that, there's a slight possibility that Henry was bowing in praise to the fans but it looked to me like he was telling Lehmann to stay down.

Radio 1 managed to blow everything out of proportion this morning calling it the game where Utd may have lost the Premiership title. They were 6 points clear before the game and 6 points clear after =\ It's like back in September when they said because Liverpool lost against Chelsea they were out of the title race. Now they're saying all four teams are still in it. Stupid media.

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From what I saw (and heard on the radio) Arsenal deserved the win. So fair enough.

Why does Lehmann persist with the rediculously bad theatrics? Right near the end when there's about 10 seconds left he clutches his ankle. It's pathetic. Yes I realise it happens in other teams, but as far as acting goes, he's terrible at it.

So are you saying it would be ok if he was a better actor?

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