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The Old XBOX Megathread


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  • 1 month later...

Remember how a few of us were like well Evolve seems cool, but I'm not sure anyone is gonna get it so I don't want to get it if I have no one to play with?

It's one of March's Games with Gold!  Surely at least 5 of us will download it so we can play?

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Xbox is adding a subscription service this spring that's going to start out with access to over 100 games - with new ones coming/going as time passes. 9.99 if you have gold and 12.99 if you don't. Games aren't going to be *shudder* streaming like PS Now.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Two things come to mind - being able to help someone out in a game without taking the controller from them, but I remember it was first announced it was mentioned that disabled gamers could take advantage of more options for control schemes that might work for them.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So I was trawling around to get a second hand Xbox One (or/and a PS4), and I found two potential offers close to me (which is really rare for me). Just had a few questions for the people that have an Xbox, and can help me answer a few questions.

One offer is a 500GB version with 6 physical games (GTA5, Blops 3, Forza Horizon 2/3, FIFA 17, TES:O), two controllers (one slightly damaged), and a plethora of downloaded games on the disc. For 250 euros total. Of the physical games, the only one that doesn't interest me is TES:O and Black Ops 3, the rest I'd (or my brother would) play.

The presence of so many games (and two controllers) really interests me, but how goes the on-storage games? They're connected to the main account, and you can play them with other accounts, I know that much, but what if you remove one of them, does that mean I lose said on-storage games? Also, how much can I do with 500GB of storage on the Xbox One, how much is used up by default?

Second offer is a more safe one at 180 euros, where I get a 1TB Xbox One, with one controller with physical copies of Overwatch (Origins edition?), and GTA5, and what I think is an on-storage version of The Division(?) (The system is from that bundle), also a big plus is another year of warranty + intact receipts.


I want to add that I'm not planning on going VR OR 4K any time soon, and i'll be putting the system next to my main PC system so I can run the Xbox off my main monitor. So I really don't have a need for either the 'S' or the 'Scorpio'. And it's mostly getting the system and the exclusives, since my PC shall always be my main squeeze.

What would you guys suggest, anyone with 500GB system experience? Would you take the extra storage, or the extra games?

Edited by Jasonmufc
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I wouldn't fuck at all with people who are offering games that are on the system as a major selling point - they're tied to their own accounts, so even if they don't do it right away literally at any point they can pull those games back by deactivating the console from their account or any other matter of shady shenanigans. If they're a big part of why you want it, I wouldn't really put all that much into it. The games are there, yeah - but they're tied to his Microsoft account and cannot be transferred. And either way, you'll be wanting to put your own account on there to play online or buy your own games and a console can only have one main account at a time (non-main accounts have some restrictions, such as not being able to play games offline if they're downloaded, etc.) - I find people just do this stuff to make things look like a better value.


So the hard drive size isn't a big deal - at least in my eyes. Hooking up an external is really easy and really convenient to do if you need the space, and once you realize 'sure, I can have __ games installed, but how many am I actually going to play at once?' you don't really need to care all that much about what the actual size of the drive is and even then, hooking up an external once again - is an option.

The 1TB system is newer and comes with that warranty which is pretty sweet and it bodes well for it that this person kept their receipts and probably treated it well versus the other one that comes with a slightly damaged controller.

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I assume that you can play downloaded games on my own account right, with the same ability as the owner account with the caveat that once the game is removed it's gone, right? I'll still get the full suite of online and offline gameplay? Also, if the account is removed from the system does this make those downloaded games inaccessible to other accounts or will the same terms continue to apply?

For me the downloaded games on offer aren't the main interest, the presence of two controllers + 6 popular physical games is tempting enough on its own. But naturally, if I can get those downloaded games on top of that, it only sweetens the deal further for me. And with a external storage (2-3tb) it'll remove most of the storage issues the 500GB would cause.

I don't expect this person to shaft me, but since that gamertag is attached to his email and so forth, I really am looking around to know perfectly clear what all the caveats are on the downloaded games.

Also, the damage on one of the controllers is that the RB tends to stick when 'pulled', which seems to be a common issue with xbox one controllers, and one that I could jury rig a decent fix for on my own if it's too prevalent.

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