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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I played it 10 hours straight on Friday, the episodes are only 25 minutes in between. I've just got the second part of the fifth act to finish and I've only missed like 3 collectibles. Other devs should take note, if you're going to insist on putting collectibles in your game, a. make them mean something (love how they fleshed out the world with email conversations and the like) and b. make it clear which ones have been picked up and where you're missing the others from. 

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10 hours ago, Baddar said:

Wait, so after each section of gameplay, there's a 25min live action episode to watch? Sounds like a decent concept if what you're playing can significantly change things.

Yeah, what happens in the episode is dictated by a choice you make at the end of each act (called a junction). There's also quantum ripples that you can find during the game that add or change little scenes in the episodes, but I haven't found them that interesting. The first one is you fix an equation on a whiteboard, which triggers two scientists in a cafeteria saying "did you hear about the breakthrough?" 


I haven't played Alan Wake. I will now I have a download code for it. 

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I liked Alan Wake, but, along with Brutal Legend, it was actually my most disappointing game of the last console generation. Don't get me wrong; I enjoyed the setting and the combat was reasonably good, but I just felt that it never lived up to the admittedly amazing promise it showed early on. I really enjoyed Max Payne, but I have to say that I was flummoxed by the plot towards the end of Alan Wake. I could probably understand it better if I read up on it and really analysed it, but the fact that I never had the motivation to do so says something about how much I engaged with the story.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So is it just a thing that it's seemingly impossible to get hold of Rock Band 4 without ordering online? No stores seem to stock it for some reason.

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1 hour ago, Executive Kaney said:

So is it just a thing that it's seemingly impossible to get hold of Rock Band 4 without ordering online? No stores seem to stock it for some reason.

I would not be surprised if it is becoming more scarce due to low sales. I love the game, but they are very much guilty of the 'core game now, cool stuff later' mentality.

That said, at least the legacy instrument adapter should be marked down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Based on the customers I've seen since Rock Band launched in October, I'd say it has more to do with the high cost of the full band setup. Very few people wanted to buy just the guitar and the game, because it's more fun with a singer, a second guitar and a drum set... but even fewer people could afford to drop $350 canadian, less than a year after most of them dropped $500 to upgrade their gaming console.

Rock Band also made the mistake of partnering with Mad Catz at launch, meaning that additional guitars were super hard to find and as expensive as picking up the guitar and the game together... and standalone drums/mics haven't been made available at all yet.

I'm willing to bet that Rock Band is going to be just fine, it's just going to take some time. People need to be able to afford the product, and the product needs to be available. That the instruments weren't made available separately at launch is what I attribute the delay in Rock Band's popularity on the new systems. I mean, every time I host a Rock Band night, it goes over like gangbusters, and there's always more people who want to come play than I have seats... and the people that I know, whether they are friends or customers, who did buy the game, tend to absolutely love it.

I think it's a mixture of pricing and availability that's killing the market for it right now... but if it drops price, or they make the instruments more widely available on their own, they will be absolutely fine.

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32 minutes ago, thatshortguy said:

Mercy is mah jam, but she's also one of the easiest to play. :shifty:

(I'm on the PC, by the by.  We may cross paths one day, but alas.)

Mercy is the best! 


Add me on PC: Ruki#1958

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  • 1 month later...

Who wants to ride horses?!

It's on sale at the moment BTW, £6.24 for Gold members. Disappointingly, L4D2 is on sale at a relatively whopping £7.50. I'm sure it's been like £3.74 before. I think they're just gouging the ones that are backwards compatible.

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I'd love to get them but never seem to have much time to play with you lot lately.

Get rainbow six Vegas last month?

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