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The Old XBOX Megathread


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I assume you mean installing the games?

It takes a little time, like 5-10 mins, but I would heartily recommend it. Depending on which 360 you have, it could end up running infinitely quieter during gameplay and with the overwhelming majority of games, you'll experience quicker loading times. Maybe only a second or two but hey, it's something. Really though, if you're on one of the old models that sounds like a jet taking off whilst playing, it's worth it for the first reason alone.

I honestly don't even know how to do it but i have a 120gb hardrive so space isn't an issue since i tend to finish games and delete them as soon as im done, can someone please tell me how to do it, its probably easy as hell i just found out about being able to do it tho

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Does anybody still play ME3 Multi? I've been in the mood to get back in to it.

It was on sale for some stupidly low price at Best Buy a while back. Asked here...crickets.

I have it but have never, ever played it.

I'm beginning to fear this will be the fate of my Halo 4 copy. Still in the plastic, fer cripes sakes.

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I assume you mean installing the games?

It takes a little time, like 5-10 mins, but I would heartily recommend it. Depending on which 360 you have, it could end up running infinitely quieter during gameplay and with the overwhelming majority of games, you'll experience quicker loading times. Maybe only a second or two but hey, it's something. Really though, if you're on one of the old models that sounds like a jet taking off whilst playing, it's worth it for the first reason alone.

I honestly don't even know how to do it but i have a 120gb hardrive so space isn't an issue since i tend to finish games and delete them as soon as im done, can someone please tell me how to do it, its probably easy as hell i just found out about being able to do it tho

When the game disc is in the tray, highlight it on the dashboard and hit X and it should bring up a different menu for that game. There'll be boxes on the left side: Play, Install, Rate and Pin to home. Just hit install and it will either start immidiately or ask you to select where you want to install it to if you have more than one place to save things. It'll take a few minutes depending on the size of the game.

In other news, anyone have Guardian Heroes? I know everyone is very wary of side scrolling beat-em-ups and that we 'only play it once and then never again :/' but there's a Sega sale on and it's only 160 points. As far as I can tell though, it's only 2 player co-op. There's a bunch of other stuff on sale too. particularly if you're of the Sonic persuasion and for some reason haven't got these yet on 360 either by download or that collection disc.

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Perfect Dark is going to be 400 points next week, we should all buy it and do some gloriously nostalgic multiplayer! I wanna shoot people through walls.

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I'm looking at playing a few more games online other than FIFA now I've renewed my Live. Any ideas on what people still play? Somewhere I've got; Mass Effect 3, L4D 1 & 2 and a couple of others. Ive also got a few points lying around.

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I'm around now, just installing the game in case this actually does happen. Normally Benji just no shows though. :shifty:

And I do love the multi for ME3 but I lost enthusiasm when they stopped doing the weekend events. I can't fault them too much since they did offer some great support for the title with those events, new weapons, new maps, new characters etc (and for free to boot) but still. If we actually got a group together to play then I'd be up for it.

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