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The Old XBOX Megathread


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So rumor is that the next-gen Xbox will require a constant internet connection, games will ship on 50GB blu-rays that comes with an activation code effectively making resale impossible, and ship with Kinect.

So sayeth Edge Online, according to their "sources". The stuff about requiring a connection and activation codes seems really far-fetched, wouldn't be surprised if that turned out to be a bunch of bullshit. They've also got a story - again citing "our sources" - detailing the supposed PS4.

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Well. Depending on all of that, I may have to switch over to the PS4.

The constant connection would kill me wanting it for sure.

Activation code? Eh, I could go either way on that actually. I sell games and then want to get them back WAY too often.

The Kinect thing is alright I guess, just as long as it doesn't make the price outrageous.

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I think from the very start they said that they'd be bundling with a better version of the Kinect. If it's the standard.. I don't really care about it. It's not going to make developers want to make games for the thing unless its greatly improved anyways.

I presume the fact that every Xbox owner, whether they're casual family types or hardcore nerds, will have a Kinect is a decent incentive for developers.

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