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The Old XBOX Megathread


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It's getting some pretty mixed reviews to be fair. There's apparently going to be a day one patch to fix the lag, too. The Joystiq review has been called into question as the guy apparently didn't play it very much at all. I had a very quick go with it on my lunch break today, and it handled alright, haven't had chance to do any of the free running stuff though. The AI is fucking useless though, I can see single player being incredibly frustrating.

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It's really not that bad of a game. Single player probably does suck, because teammate AI is retarded, but that's not what I bought it for. As a multiplayer shooter, it's good. There are some bad lag periods, but when you have a game running smoothly, it's a lot of fun. The complaint that an entrenched team is impossible to move is ridiculous and has to have come from someone playing without human teammates, because it's really not that hard at all. It's pretty easy to get kills and with some decent strategy and support, you can take down an entrenched team without too much trouble.

Not for everyone, but it's a fun little game when running smoothly.

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Earliest I'll be available is around 7:30 your time, assuming you're 3 hours behind me. Got to do some website related things and then go to trivia. It'll give you time to level up. I've been focusing on engineer, so you might want to pick a class besides that.

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Brink is kind of a piss off today....the lag has been extra bad, like, you can't do fucking anything. And the one level....it says someone is hacking the system, yet there is no one there.

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I also don't like that I can't join a friends game because I am too high a rank.

I do. It gives you less to be distracted by so that I may have your full attention while I live text my LA Noire experience at you tomorrow.

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