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The Old XBOX Megathread


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If you joined TrueAchievements we could set up a session and maybe get more people to fill the group. Yeah there's the chance they might be mouth breathers but it might help. <_<

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I would've been up for it, but my Gold expired on Wednesday, and I've not got around to renewing it yet.

Also, I shouldn't play games when I'm tired, I tend to get angry very quickly, start yelling things like 'fuck you stupid piece of shit game', turn the console off, then throw the controller >_<. I think I may over-react a little.

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Well he said he does in a bad temper, so it's not as if it's a controlled, well thought out plan of action. I know you're a submissive and have little firsthand experience with aggression, but sometimes you get so pissed you need to hit something to let off the steam.

Also, I like the irony of his gamertag given his statement.

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I should point out that I do hold enough composure to throw it at the chair, so that it lands somewhere soft. But I do kinda regret doing it, it is just kind of an impulse reaction. I'm also sure the irony got pointed out on here a few pages back.

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