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The Old XBOX Megathread


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Get it on PS3, Rukington, that's what I'm getting it on, I think. Unless plenty of others get it on 360.

I'll get it if you're getting it for PS3, Benji.

Considering I've just remembered how much our head sets suck, I think we're probably better to get it on 360. I'll get my copy pre-ordered tomorrow :D

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Benji can take solice in the fact that Maxx wont be around to shout 'BENJI! BENJI! BENJI! BENJI! BENJI!' because he forgot to pick up an item, mainly due to the fact that Maxx will be about 10 miles ahead of Benji doing his best Rambo impression.

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I kill, I kill!

Not sure, that will happen in Brink. It's Team Fortress-esque, and I spent a lot of time as a spy and an engineer in that, so I might do that here as well. Especially since there's no Pyro.

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....I think I might skip renting and just buy it.

It's been awhile since I've bought a game on release day...especially without knowing it will be great. I have a pretty good track record...the last time I got burned was Alpha Protocol

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Well that was entirely your fault, I think you were the only person who thought Alpha Protocol would be good.

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Kaney doesn't buy games.

Brink put out some numbers to show off it's variety and customization:

Here is the full rundown of crazy numbers, as provided by Brink:

Voice Packs: 8

Number of ways to die: 45

Individual weapon sounds: 4,500

Lines of Dialogue: 26,000

Minutes of Music: 60

Weapon attachment combinations (not counting for Resistance variations or pre-order content): 4,963

Unique Security Characters (not counting minor tint variations or body types): 4,530,240

Unique Security Characters (not counting minor tint variations but including body types):13,590,720

Unique Security Characters (including minor tint variations, but not body types)15,775,119,360,000,000

Unique Security Characters (including minor tint variations and body types) 47,325,358,080,000,000

Unique Resistance Characters (not counting minor tint variations or body types): 4,530,240

Unique Resistance Characters (not counting minor tint variations but including body types):13,590,720

Unique Resistance Characters (including minor tint variations, but not body types): 18,307,441,152,000,000

Unique Resistance Characters (including minor tint variations and body types): 54,922,323,456,000,000

Total Unique Characters (including minor tint variations and body types): 102,247,681,536,000,000

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Yawn. Another shoot em up. Explain to me how this is any different from TF2.

Oh, you can lay down mines and they blow up if you step off them. Can someone convince me?

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Benji can take solice in the fact that Maxx wont be around to shout 'BENJI! BENJI! BENJI! BENJI! BENJI!' because he forgot to pick up an item, mainly due to the fact that Maxx will be about 10 miles ahead of Benji doing his best Rambo impression.

I didn't forget. I just didn't care. Killing zombies > Healing.

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Gametypes are different. Instead of each level being a single objective game, or it just being a straight up death match, you'll be playing multiple objective games at once. You can be doing control points, seek and destroy and king off the hill simultaneously in one match, as different parts of the overall mission.

I also imagine it'll be supported on consoles quite a bit better than TF2 was.

Not expecting a lot of people to get this, especially with LA Noire coming out soon after.

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Erm, the 50 one on the Dark Corners and one of the snow ones. Of course, I would be more than happy to help out others on easier ones too. Also, I don't need the flamethrower acheivement either. >_>

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