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The Old XBOX Megathread


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XBox Live Arcade Games

Toy Soldiers - 800 MS Points

Perfect Dark - 400 MS Points

Magic: The Gathering - 400 MS Points

South Park - 400 MS Points

Splosion Man - 400 MS Points

Braid - 400 MS Points

Snoopy Flying Ace - 400 MS Points

Duke Nukem 3D - 400 MS Points

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project - 400 MS Points


Halo: Reach Noble Map Pack - 400 MS Points

Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack - 400 MS Points

Gears Of War 2: All Fronts - 400 MS Points

Forza 3 Sidewinder Proving Grounds - 200 MS Points

Forza 3 Community Choice - 200 MS Points

Forza 3 Hot Holidays Pack - 200 MS Points

Crackdown 2 Toy Box - 280 MS Points

Crackdown 2 Deluge - 280 MS Points

Alan Wake: The Writer - 280 MS Points

Trials HD: Big Thrills - 200 MS Points

Avatar Accessories

Halo: Reach Emile Spartan Armour - 200 MS Points

Halo 3 ODST Marine Armour - 200 MS Points

Gears of War 2 Locust Drone Armour - 160 MS Points

Gears of War 3 Ticker Pet - 120 MS Points

Fable III Warrior Helmet - 120 MS Points

Plus another one day sale on Friday. The teaser for that one has Shawdow Complex, Monday Night Combat, Castle Crashers, Trials HD and Limbo pictured. Hopefully the Friday sales has something as cheap as X-Men and Deadliest Warrior were the other week, Limbo is the only one out of those that I don't have.

Oh yeah, Capcom shit is DotW too:

Marvel vs Capcom 2: 600 Microsoft Points

MEGA MAN 10: 400 Microsoft Points

Final Fight: Double Impact: 400 Microsoft Points

Bionic Commando: 400 Microsoft Points

Bionic Commando Rearmed 2: 600 Microsoft Points

Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix: 600 Microsoft Points

Worms 2: Armageddon: 400 Microsoft Points (You know, in case you missed it the 12 other times)

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Noble, I think, is the first, Defiant the second. Plus Defiant has the 'get 400 points back (eventually)' deal on so the pair are 400 a piece, kind of.

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You buy it for 800, you get a code for 400 points in like 8-10 weeks after the promotion ends, which is the 15th of May. So, yeah, gonna be a while.

http://rewards.xbox.com/gamer-iq/ Is where it's listed.

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It's a tower defense game. You have up to 4 characters on screen at a time, usually the four main boys but you can choose from a wider cast of their classmates. In addition to putting up towers and snow walls, each character can throw snow balls as a weapon. By doing so, you build up a special power that you can use which varies for each character. Stan for example heals the towns health points, Kenny makes enemies drop money, Cartman carpet bombs the screen etc etc etc. There's different enemies from the shows history like homeless people, old people etc.

Pretty cool game and i'd say worth it for 400 if you have people to play with, 1 or 2 from here have it. We were playing it at some point last year but a level near the end was giving us trouble so it's been left unfinished. <_<

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I'll wait 10 days and play the beta.

Gears is back? :w00t:

*Goes to buy*

Actually, Apsham, don't you work at Walmart or something? You could do the Microsoft retail expert thing and get a code plus all the fringe benefits that go along with it like cheap Microsoft points and stuff.

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I wanna play something tonight. It's been ages since we've had a big game of something going, as long as it doesn't involve Ruki, obviously.

How do you get into the Gears beta?

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Pre-order from Game or Gamestation, get lucky and win a code via some form of social media, get one from the aformentioned Microsoft retail expert thing (whatever it's called) if you happen to work in retail where you sell Microsoft products (dunno if you can con that).

I have a pre-order which will apparently yield a code next Thursday. Pretty sure I can just cancel the pre-order too.

Also, yes, laaaads.

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